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Everything posted by Sonosuke

  1. ... i have build like 50 monsterclips.... i did not think that he will try to run into the fridge
  2. I was searching for entity, sorry that was just a failure in writing. To make it easier here a pic, the entity 333 is highlighted, the two entitys with no texture were entity 333 before. edit: ok thats just a waste of time, after replacing that one it shows me, Warning: map is empty, no entitys found. I already started from another savepoint. Thank you for you help but i dont think this is repairable.
  3. so i have found brush no. 333 and replaced it, after dmap it shows me again that 333 has no name key. Back at DR i search for it again but this time it was anouther brush and again and again. I think the only way to get that map back to normal is by replacing all the brushes. well i am not trying that but maybe its usefull for a bugreport. yeah i know, i meant that "worldspawn" i choose in entity list and then check the inspector thanks for your help again
  4. If you mean "World" in the Entity List, no seems to be ok I get more triangle and node warnings, i have no idea where entity 333 is, and at the end watchdog... something
  5. (I have a little problem, after playing around with a worldspawn object i forgot to name it back, saved and dmapped... i could not load the map so back to DR i saw that every brush was yellow... i named the brush i forgot back to worldspawn, i got an error but everything seems to be normal but i still cant dmap and load the map in DM. Is there a way to fix this? Please help me Edit: if not its not so bad because i am saving very often but its still a lot of work) edit2: NM, started from a previous savepoint
  6. thank you that makes me feel better. Everything works just fine, i cant beleve how great this mod is. Installed > works^^ I maybe on time for the christmas contest... Edit: heh nice
  7. Thanks for the fast answer AluminiumHaste! ok.... "WARNING: node without a volume" ?? "WARNING: backwards triangle in input!" Something is inside of a patch? "WARNING: ConvertLWOToModelSurfaces: model models/darkmod/weapons/hammer02.lwo has too many verts for a poly! Make sure you triplet it down" should i remove the hammer from the map? and some could not load image warnings ah yeah after squishing and stretching it works just fine, thanks
  8. Hi again, i have 2 questions. First, i am getting a few red warnings everytime i am testing my map but i cant read them because they are going by to fast. Is there a log file where i can check them? Ah and the map is starting normally. Second, i have tried this tut "http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Patches" i am at "Select Patch > Bevel" and then i get something completly different to what you can see on the pics. I am going to upload a pic, one mom.
  9. Yeah i started, well i dont know if i can finish the map or think of a story that makes sence in a short time but i will try . Working title is "Generals little room". I have some problems with choosing the right textures for floors . well we will see... Edit: Oh and... translation will be a bit of work for me, my english is a bit rusty as you can see
  10. Hahaha, this community is awesome
  11. Dont know much about command lines yet but yeah a restart button would be nice!
  12. System OS: Windows XP Professional, SP3 CPU: Intel Pentium D - 2,66 Ghz RAM: 2GB, DDR 2 Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS - 256 MB (AGP) Monitor: 16:10, 1680x1050 Ingame Resolution: 1680x1050 V-Sync: Yes AA: Off TA: x2 Bloom: Off Ambient rendering: Standard Interaction Shader: High Quality FPS drop when im going outside and sometimes inside too but its well playable. Never tried Bloom but i dont like it anyway. Edit: Never had a crash, no problems with DR yet.
  13. Ok, i checked. There are ambient sounds but they seem to be very silent, maybe just my taste. Volume is on max. Well thats ok, i really enjoyed your map anyway
  14. Not thats a nice map, i loved that i have found a shadow casting "ambiant light" in the warehouse on the upper floor, every thing else was mentioned by the other thiefs Edit: A few ambient sounds would have been nice I have missed a lot of loot, like 400 or something, i am going to replay it tomorrow. Thank you for this really cool map!
  15. Wow, you did it! Congratulations !! 5 years of work... awesome I will start mapping after i have finished the 3 levels Downloadig and Installing worked just fine, the training mission is really cool. I dont really like the fighting but thats not what i want in stealth games anyway. I am trying The Chalice of Kings now and i cant wait so see you later ^^ Edit: Thank you very much for your hard work! Edit2: Chalice of Kings... awesome work Fidcal!
  16. Hi /bow Fidcal, thanks for having some time for me Yeah after re-reading i know why you dont understand that. The problem was that there is only one wall leading from the big room to the yard, so if i paint one room and after that the next room, this wall is textured again. So i cant paint both rooms without one wall having the wrong texture. After some trying i found out that i can (Ctrl/Shift) texture each side different so no problem anymore. Thats ok. I will have some good experience til' Dark Mod is completed, so i can start my own map right away (well i hope so). Still cant find it but its not important. Thanks for you answers, i hope i can finish at least the rest of the Tut alone
  17. Hi, thanks for your help back then. After my... false start... with T3ed i thoght i leave mapping to the community but after some time i realised that i really want to build some maps. So i tried Dark Radiant as you told me... and again i ask myself, why dont i listen to the people how know what they are talking about? Right now i am working with Thiefs Den assets and Fidicals Tutorial, at the same time, i am working with Saint Lucia assets for my own little map so i can use what i have learned. So here bes my question: I am on page 3 of the tut. now, right there: "The yard feels much more open now but maybe retexture the house walls to be different to the yard walls? Or the other way round? Your preference" but the walls that lead from the big room to the yard are still the same. So is it ok if i chage to a smaller grid and cut the walls with clipper tool into 2 so i can texture each side different? Another thing, it seems chaging the briefing text in Saint Lucia works a bit different then in Thiefs Den, what textfile do i have to change? With Thiefs Den assets, DR said that it could not find the prefab folder but it works with SL so thats not a big problem. A funny thing is, i made a "Pool" but the water texture Fidical recommendet does not exist so i took anoter but the water surface shows me now the DM background from the start
  18. I have Avira free and Spybot search and destroy, they are working good but i never comared them to Kaspersky or something
  19. Wow, congratulations to you and a big welcome to little Garrett! that Pic is really cute!
  20. Ah yeah, there is another thing i wanted to say. To all Programmers, mappers sound producers and everyone else who keep this project alive: You guys are awesome, everyone can see your feelings, ideas and love that is floating into that project! And see how it looks like, its amazing! Dont give up now! The light at the end of the dark tunnel comes closer every day. The time will come where you will sit down on your sofa with a beer and say: Look, that is what WE made, what we have CREATED! That may sound kitschy but i dont care, thats what i think.
  21. I have to agree, even though i wrote some shit in some threads of things i could have answered myself, noone got angry. There is a thread with a link for voting the top 100 mods, after voting for DM i was thinking of advertising this site on my youtube page. So i posted my idea and got answerded that he would not care... but than i began to think what braindead guys running around on youtube and that my idea could destroy the feeling on this site and that those guys who want to find this site will do so sooner or later like i did.
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