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Airship Ballet

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Everything posted by Airship Ballet

  1. I'm always amazed by these astronomers' ability to talk really neutrally about extinction-level events that could end all life we've ever known.
  2. I didn't know either so the thread is more useful than you think. It's like an easter-egg, but shoe-horned and bent out of relevance and continuity. It's like a parent making dated references to try and appear cool in front of their kid's friends. They tried, I guess.
  3. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/16022-is-anyone-as-bad-as-me-at-learning-new-software-interfaces/page__view__findpost__p__338990
  4. The good outweighs the bad 100 to 1. It just happens that the producers of the bad are so, so much noisier about what they're putting out that it can sometimes seem like they're the majority.
  5. That's just asking for a Freudian slip.
  6. Probably why they made it the DLC. Eugh.
  7. It might just be my bad eyesight but I simply can't edit without two screens. It's the same for Hammer and 3D modelling software; anything that requires the use of viewports always ends up way too cluttered for me to see properly. If you're getting sick of the editor after 3 hours you may want to take a break and consider whether or not you actually want to go through with it. If you can't see why it would be fun, you're never going to make it through the creation process.
  8. You're not wrong but you could be a little bit less middle-schooler about it. There's a definite trend of people despising a ton of design elements but still finding themselves enjoying it. It seems to me like the influence of the little investor on their shoulder was weaker for some stages of development and stronger for others. Still, it's like I said: if it's fun and keeps you playing, it's done its job despite all the crap implementation. Tomb Raider was the same: abysmal on paper but fairly entertaining to play provided you received the occasional booster shot of Fluoxetine.
  9. Nope, it's just overly simplified fun. Despite a lot of complaints, a fair few people are tens of hours into it. Something must be keeping them playing despite all their completely valid criticism.
  10. It's easy to see two people debating something and reading one side then assuming the other is saying the opposite. JTR's issue is with people not entirely agreeing that it's a 100% awful game, while my issue is him acting on it. I've never asserted that his opinion on Thief makes him a bad person, but he has with me, several times, and with completely ridiculous implications. I'm nowhere near naive enough to expect people on the internet to agree with me, and I never try to make them; I just give them my opinion and assess the credibility of both mine and theirs. What JTR's doing is implying that not agreeing it's a 100% awful game makes me a bad person because I'm either the bane of good gaming or picking on minorities with disabilities or some other bullshit. That is not hyperbole, just read a few things he's said to me. Again, my issue is not with his opinion, but how personal he and a couple others make it with people who don't agree with them. They have toxic attitudes and a serious persecutory delusion. Some of them barely seem to even play TDM, if at all, but rather frequent this forum to stir shit. So far we've gone from checking privileges to spitting on Looking Glass Studio's grave and, somehow, the oppression of the people and the growth of a totalitarian state. People are making it very personal when really all I've done is say that it's not all bad, just mostly terrible, and agreed with their points to the same effect. It's been rendered more of a pissing contest than a discussion, and it's really shown the true colors of a few members of the community, the way they've bitched at each other for months and posting subjective, radical, antagonistic bait to try and start arguments (see below) instead of talking about the game properly and critically. In other words, what you said.
  11. DERR TERKERN ERR FREEDERRM I think it's safe enough to assume this is true for anything you hear about IGN promoting early or see youtube personalities making beta videos about all at the same time. I'm actually blissfully far away from this whole scene, just kinda snorting quietly when I load up Steam and see that the Store page has been decked out for the newest AAA "experience" as they like to call them. It's not a game, it's an experience, you guys. I don't even mind it when it's a good one, but it never is with AAA bullshit. Levine, for example, seems to think he's a narrative genius, thinking it'll blow people's minds when he flips the switch for the big multiverse reveal only to fall into the same pitfalls a teenager would upon having a class on metaphysics. The ending to Bioshock Infinite was balls, utter balls, and the entire damn game was built around it. Generic everything was slotted in to fill the gaps between his little nuances that he no doubt tittered about because people were going to go crazy when they discovered what it all meant. Now, to cap it all off, he's leaving his company to focus on more narrative-based games. Joy to the world. If ya want story, go for indie developers, if ya want puzzles, indie, if you want difficulty, indie, if you want nostalgia, indie. By indie I don't mean Pretentious McHipster the Indie Dev, but rather people who have the knowledge and the ideas but none of the contemporary bullshit forced on them to get funding. Kickstarter's a wonderful idea, perhaps the one thing that's going to save the industry in the short term so we can keep getting games until the trend passes and we start getting amazing games in the public spotlight like the PS2/N64 era. Plenty of good games before then, but that was the last time companies were doing as they pleased and consequently had the best technology for it, right before it started getting wasted. You can even see in early PS3/360 era where the good old PS2 spirit was lost and it slooooowly started to become about commercial crowd pleasing. Now it's gone from that to commercial crowd leveraging. Ugh. https://puu.sh/7iW9z.gif
  12. Well I've never had any trouble completing or coming very close to expert loot goals on the first pass while generally going undetected, even in Lords & Legacy, so unobservant isn't the right word. There are FMs I remember for particular visual elements, so it's not like I'm not taking it all in. Maybe I have a better sense of direction; I never really get lost unless we're talking Downwind Thieves Guild levels of labyrinthian.
  13. I wouldn't say it's a generalisation that people play a game naturally the first time they play unless they've already been made to play in a certain way. I'm not trying to condescend, but if you take hours longer playing naturally than somebody else playing naturally you're just not as efficient as them. I could understand if you were playing, say, Journey or Shadow of the Colossus, something that encourages real exploration. With regards to TDM, there's only so much scenery to take in without staring laboriously at the textures of every skirting board so the only place I can see the time going to is in the actual gameplay.
  14. Speed-running is an enforced playstyle, you never do it first time. It's just the same as using no equipment or not levelling your characters in an RPG, stuff like that. You play it through first time to explore and play it how it's intended, after that it's your playground. If you take a very long time your first time and have difficulty doing so, that's just how you play naturally. Speed-running or no-levelling isn't a way of life, it's just something you do to keep a good game fresh after you've done everything it has to offer with a vanilla playstyle. In terms of being made easy, AAA games are simple in order to avoid alienating people through difficulty. Go back to the Gatehouse thread and count the number of people who just noclipped over the platforming section because they couldn't do it. If they didn't have that option, they wouldn't have finished it, and that's what AAA devs try to avoid.
  15. I played Dark Souls so obssessively that it has no appeal left for me now, even though it's still high on my top 10. I put about 500 hours into it over console and PC, without really even realising. I can't wait for March when the second is released. https://youtu.be/P9zeYOyH154?t=25m58s
  16. Yeah... well... hys! I'm still really curious as to what all these hidden objectives and "critters" are about. I'm going to have to play back through it again, maybe with some competence this time.
  17. Well you see, there was that vote to determine whose was the best loading screen, the winner of which would be used for the FM. Kyyrma rigged the vote, obviously, by buying votes from people on the forums, and my masterpiece was barely noticed amidst the onslaught of illegitimate votes. I wouldn't trust him if I were you.
  18. An influx of easy, simplified games =/= totalitarian thought policing, 'nuff said. I'm amazed that the guy in that video went as far as to make his own game, or somebody did anyway. Reminds me of this: Some people take crazy amounts of time to play through FMs, and have difficulties the moment you introduce either platforming or intricate sneaking. It's easy enough to say you don't need the help but it seems a fair few who complain about it do need a hand sometimes. AAA games wouldn't have been dumbed down so much if it hadn't been proven that it's necessary to avoid alienating people with difficulty a la Gatehouse platforming section.
  19. You're the master thief Bridgeport needs, but not the one it deserves right now.
  20. (I had no trouble jumping between most rooftops that I could realistically manage irl, maybe you just jumped at the wrong time.)
  21. Obviously there's something wrong with people's tastes. Hm? Teasing? I don't know what you mean.
  22. If you ever come to actually record, do not use FRAPS. It creates crazy huge output files and is just generally a restrictive PoS. Use Bandicam, way better.
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