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The Black Arrow

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  1. So, how do any of you feel about "Map Ideas"? I have no time, motivation or big enough desire, sorry 'bout that, to make maps myself, but I do have a lot of ideas, maybe a good mapper would pick up and make it, or even make it up his own? Always loved giving some "artistic freedom".

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    2. Obsttorte


      Btw: How 'bout spending a weekend or an afternoon getting into the basics of Dark Radiant. Not with the purpose in mind of creating a mission, but just for getting into the basics. The best outcome is that you taste blood and continue realizing your ideas, the worst is that you wasted some time.

    3. The Black Arrow

      The Black Arrow

      I am unsure about that...

    4. The Black Arrow

      The Black Arrow

      Ladies & Gentlemen, I have made the library!

      I hope some of you will be interested, right now it's a "Mission Series" with just two missions, hopefully enough for one or two, or many, to give it a thought and maybe make it an actual mission or so.

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