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Everything posted by stgatilov

  1. Could you post some steps to reproduce? The name of the fan mission you play? What is this weapon?
  2. I'm afraid you have to run TDM under gdb. Did you use gdb before? I guess we should incorporate automatic crash dumps in future... Run in console: gdb thedarkmod.x64 When it loads, enter command run and hit Enter. When it crashes, write backtrace and hit Enter. Copy the stuff it prints here. Also, try to run generate-core-file command. If it saves some file, share it please. I'm not very experienced with crashdumps on Linux side, and we have no wiki tutorial on it unfortunately.
  3. This link goes to Azure. Unless it was unavailable for a little time, it is very strange that you cannot access it. Here is link to google drive.
  4. You can unload TypeInfo project, it is only needed for the weird "Memory Log" configuration. As for linking error, I guess Duzenko should fix it. Meanwhile, you can comment everything related to r_legacyTangents, and it would work.
  5. Do I understand it right that it crashes at the moment when it prints "/proc/cpuinfo CPU frequency: 2000.07 MHz" and "signal caught: Segmentation fault" ? Could you please save your thedarkmod.x64 executable somewhere, and replace it with this one (this is for latest 2.07) It is larger, because it has all the debug info inside. Then start it with gdb like: gdb thedarkmod.x64. When it crashes, try to get a stacktrace (bt or backtrace). Post it here.
  6. Recently we fixed issue 4514 about random sluggishness with default settings. There is some hope that the problem will not appear any more in 2.08.
  7. Meanwhile, it is the System Administrator Appreciation Day today! Thank you for all the hard work, taaaki! I really appreciate what you are doing!
  8. Definitely not. SVN is and will be the main version control in the nearest future.
  9. Only as long as you don't want to change shaders ? BTW, I have intention to create official GitHub one-directional mirror for source code. Hope to post details soon.
  10. I wonder how hard it is to restore SVN-s to working state?
  11. Could we move this forum thread to Tech Support subforums to make it public?
  12. I also have Creative card "SB Audigy 4". It is the oldest piece of metal in my machine, coming from the old times when I played Thief 3 Note that OpenAL-Soft performs all the complicated processing itself, only passing raw data to sound API. The sound driver should have very basic workflow in this case, although it can of course mess things up. Could you please switch back to buggy build and try changing options in alsoft.ini? First of all, try to disable HRTF, and probably EFX/EAX also (in-game). Then, try switching to different backends: find drivers, uncomment it, and try values: mmdevapi, dsound, winmm. You can also find frequency/precision settings there and set the ones you have, so that it does not have to autodetect. If you manage to find some conditions for the problem, it would be great. The changelog for 1.19.0 on official site is not too long, but I have no idea which change might influence this. Perhaps I'll try to ping maintainer directly: he can decide for himself whether this case deserves his attention or not. P.S. Here is the batch file which enables OpenAL logging: set ALSOFT_LOGLEVEL=3 set ALSOFT_LOGFILE=openal_log.txt TheDarkModx64.exe This way you can review logs to be sure that your config changes have effect.
  13. Sad news. I will make this downgrade permanent when SVN is up. One question remaining: can we somehow report this error to OpenAL-soft? Civil duty, you know. I see two problems about bugreport: 1) you are the only one who has the problem, 2) the only "way to reproduce" now is to build and run TDM, which is not fun for a foreigner.
  14. Thank you very much for what you are doing, taaaki ! I guess hot time has come ? I'm afraid I'll have to waste some more of your time in future... but I'll better wait with it until everything is fully restored ?
  15. Did you change alsoft.ini ? You can try to change config settings --- maybe it would help. Also, try to downgrade OpenAL locally. Here is the link for artefacts of version 1.18.2 (instead of 1.19.0). Replace contents of \ThirdParty\artefacts\openal with contents of the archive and rebuild TDM.
  16. About build errors: I think you miss the proper Windows SDK. Did you build TDM at that time? I guess it needed Windows 7 SDK to be installed, with XP compatibility included. UPDATE: I guess I have 48KHz, 24 bit. At least this is what Realtek HD settings show me as "standard format". I don't hear any problems.
  17. Seems unlikely. However, I wish to establish weekly/nightly releases with new updater, which should suffice maybe.
  18. Once again: could you please share a crashdump?
  19. Also, it would be helpful if you can share a crashdump for a crash while loading e.g. New Job. The info about recording crashdump is provided here.
  20. I would suggest a config reset. Rename darkmod.cfg to something like darkmod_old.cfg and restart TDM.
  21. Perhaps you ran the wrong executable, which created config file. Than you ran the proper 2.05 one, but it had to work with already existing config from another version. Delete all executables which don't show 2.05 to you, and delete config file then. And I think you can check console contents via logFile.
  22. According to the log, you should have proper 2.05 version. I could suspect that probably you run 64-bit version, forgetting that 2.05 did not have one. But your log suggests that you did a clean download, so you should not even have the 64-bit executable. I tried to update from same address starting with 2.07 installation. I see version 2.05 both in menu and game console after update. Maybe you should disable you antivirus and run the updater again with same settings.
  23. Yes, it is most likely 2.06. Do you have a tdm_update.log? Where exactly do you see 2.06? Could you attach condump? Could you post tdm_mirrors.txt?
  24. Oh, please, don't be so strict! Any bug report or feedback is welcome! I only wanted to spread the word about that wiki article: posting the link in appropriate conditions is the only way to make it known over time. In fact, the article was not even present at the time this bug was initially reported
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