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Everything posted by chakkman

  1. I'm playing through Thief Gold atm (totally awesome). Took a long time for me to figure out that the burricks react very sensitive on blackjack knocks from behind...
  2. How about a new gadget, something like Splinter Cell's optic cable: http://splintercell.wikia.com/wiki/Optic_Cable from the inventor guild. Not sure if that's possible anyway though.
  3. They hype it for the sake of their own business atm.
  4. It probably depends on the model really. Never had a problem regarding drivers with my X-Fi Extreme Music...
  5. Hm, i wasn't aware of that. Just started Thief Gold, and indeed it supports EAX with OpenAL even on my card (with the TFix patch). Nice!
  6. I have an Asus Xonar DS, and while being quite happy with it, it has drivers issues too, which never got fixed. I have a front panel, to plug in my headphones, and in 9 out of 10 cases, it doesn't change the sound output to the headphones, but instead leaves it on the rear output, so i have to switch that manually every time. The 2nd big let down is the lack of EAX. It has some "fake EAX" stuff afaik, but in most games, i can't enable EAX. Which Creative sound card did you have? I had a Creative X-Fi Extreme Music before this card, but unfortunately it broke. I was really happy with it... great sound, EAX in every game, and very low latency when i did audio stuff. Edit: Oh, and onboard sound cards on modern, nowadays mainboards are really much, much better than they used to be. I don't think you can expect crackles, fewer sounds, and stuff like that with the newer onboard cards.
  7. Very nice ideas, would love to have those in TDM. Not from Dishonored, but it would be nice to have the "back against the wall" leaning thing from TDS in TDM. I always felt kind of weird when kneeling, and a guard passes close before me, when i could back off further by just standing up and having my back against the wall. Would be more realistic too.
  8. For example the default used wireless driver for my netbook's wireless device couldn't connect me to my router. I had to install another driver to make it work. Do i even have to explain that linux' grahpics card drivers are often bad, because they don't support all hardware capabilities? For example that they're optimised for the hardware, support all stuff the hardware is capable of, are mostly performance optimized and and and... loads of stuff which most linux open source drivers aren't, because someone is working in his spare time on them, and has to do a lot of reverse engineering to make them work. @ zergrush: Please reply to my post as a whole, because it is a whole. Ripping it apart and bashing on single points doesn't do it justice, thanks.
  9. Totally agree. I've not gotten into bigger issues myself either, but i bought my hardware with Linux compatibility in mind anyway. Better to run out of the box imo.
  10. The driver situation is mostly pretty much down to whether the companies provide drivers for Linux or not though. The open source drivers usually don't support all features of the hardware, or are just bad. What most people don't get though, is that the companies are not "evil not to support Linux" though, but it's completely a financial consideration. Why support, and put manpower into supporting a system running on 1-2 % of home computers world wide. And to take it further, a company has to pay its employees. It cannot waste money and manpower into things without a decent market share. Concerning the issues and bugs: In my experience, Linux always has a couple more of those than Windows or MacOS. That has to do with the manpower, and often also with the "gift horse" thing. You just don't mind the issues so much, if you have paid nothing for it. At the moment, on Ubuntu 13.04, i have some issues with full screen applications, it shows parts of the Ubuntu panel, when using full screen sometimes, and the shadow of the panel. Further, the standby mode doesn't always work. Many times, i have to close my netbooks lid 2 times to invoke the standby. On Mint i had problems with deactivating the wireless. Needed to reboot then, to activate it again... further, some of the Cinnamon panel applets have some issues, the thrid party extensions won't work in 90 % of the cases, VLC has some issues after pausing the playback (same on Ubuntu) and a couple of other things... i don't have that amount of issues on Windows. Edit: Oh and Java programs have general GUI issues in Gnome 3/Cinnamon and Unity.
  11. I tried other distros. OpenSuse, which sucked big time, i always had problems with the packet managing, and installing drivers back then, 2006-2007 was a big PITA. Mint with Cinnamon, which had and still has loads of issues. Xubuntu, which also has enough issues (small dev team, what do you expect). All in all Ubuntu is the most stable and issue free for me. Debian i won't use, because i'm not the guy to build up a whole system. I'm rather a user than a fiddler. Pretty slow development in that too anyway, no wonder as it's community based. But as i said... please no discussions on whose distro is the best, there are enough of those, and it's stupid anyway. Just wanted to relativize the point "Ubuntu Linux sucks" a bit.
  12. Actually Ubuntu is the only decent distribution, as there's a company behind it with enough manpower to sort out issues. But well, not worth another discussion on whose distro is better. Mint is a Ubuntu anyway, so.
  13. It's Linux. Which means you will never get everybody at a table. That's the general problem with Linux/Open Source. Everybody shares the code, but noone works together. Too many egos. Look at Linus Torvalds. Mr. Super Ego. I like to use Linux on my notebooks (never ever for gaming), but the politics, and background stuff is horrible to me. Btw, Ubuntu gets an undeserved bashing atm. Everything they do is wrong, starting from the stuff with the Amazon-lense. I don't think it's justified. And the article you linked to left me with the feeling "So what.". Pretty sure it won't be a problem for Ubuntu.
  14. Pretty sure that's more of a case of a really bad battery you got there. The heat from the display shouldn't in any way affect the battery, as it's not getting nearly hot enough with portable devices with such a small screen to do harm to the battery. I wouldn't worry about that. If you want to store a device for some time, say a couple of months, it's always recommended to do it with a battery level of 50-60 %. If you keep using the device after 1 or 2 weeks or so, it won't matter much what the battery level is. That's for Li-Ion batteries, and also for Li-Polymer i think.
  15. A very enjoyable mission. I liked that you took advantage of the object manipulation stuff with the puzzle, i hoped more map maker would do so. This is the first mission where i was able to get all the loot, and i even got Oh, and i like that you don't force the player to ghost on expert difficulty. Nothing worse than not being able to play as you like.
  16. Yep! And yes, i agree that nowadays games probably have another target audience, and one has to live with it. Getting old i guess...
  17. So everything TDM needs to run will be in the darkmod folder then?
  18. Alright, thanks. Not sure what the benefit of that would be though.
  19. Is the darkmod folder obsolete then?
  20. Another question: When i have TDM 1.08 installed, will i be able to update it to 2.0 seamlessly, or do i have to reinstall it, as it doesn't depend on Doom 3 anymore?
  21. Hey. Would be nice to hear what you think of it, i really enjoyed the series, until they messed it up with Double Agent and Conviction. Unfortunately i won't be able to play it until i get myself a new PC, so it would be nice to hear some feedback, especially with your Thief background.
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