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Agent Jones

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Everything posted by Agent Jones

  1. Thank you. There's one small problem: the player camera always follows the cursor in the gui.The wiki page says: Is there a way to manually lock the camera in TDM? I've tried using func_cameraview and adding the overlay to the camera, but it looks like it doesn't support GUI overlays. Edit: I've found a way by using scriptEvent void setTurnHinderance(string source, float mCap, float fCap); . I hope this will be useful to others in the future to create dialogue choices. I'll post screenshots soon.
  2. How do I load a custom GUI while in the game world? The testgui command doesn't allow me to test an overlay over the world. It just draws on top of a black screen. I'm trying to make a GUI for dialogue and choices.
  3. There's plenty of things handled by the local game which should be handled serverside...besides that, I can't get the player to spawn after loading the map, there might be some missing code in a function. Maybe I should just start from scratch adding stuff on top of the D3 multiplayer code. I don't know.
  4. I've tinkered with the code trying to fix the multiplayer mode but it's a huge task, there's tons of bugs and memory leaks . I'd rather work on fixing the spawn and objective system, getting one server to work, and only later add a server browser, an irc channel and everything else.
  5. I wasn't serious. If I put it in a mission, the mission won't be entirely serious No, getting up or moving makes me lose it.
  6. Don't worry, I wasn't holding the crate: I dropped it on my head. I guess it's working as intended.
  7. Why not? I can already put a crate on my head and the AI won't notice me because I'm in the dark. (don't mind the blocky room) Thanks for the suggestion. I'm going to add the Thieving Lampshade™ as a gameplay mechanic to my FM!
  8. ... it looks like I'm not the only one who makes that kind of ceilings. The in-universe explanation will be that Bridgeport's ACME makes them serially, just like all those wood cabinets with a secret compartment.
  9. Oh man what is this I'm not good with computers pls halp (This is what happens when you just modify it a little and start a server.)
  10. As far as I know, there isn't an arg for the AI. The mappers can set 'ai_should_not_close' on a door, but in that case the all AI (not just zombies) will avoid closing that door. P.S. Would you be able to blackjack a dog?
  11. Wikipedia, TDM is the last entry on the "Stealth Game" page
  12. TheDarkMod.exe was crashing on startup after the update. I extracted gamex86.dll from tdm_game01.pk4 and it worked.
  13. That would be great. Multiplayer adds endless possibilities,as long as there's someone to create custom content. I still play JK:Jedi Academy multiplayer (q3 engine). from time to time. I've tried to create a tdm server just for fun, to see what huge list of errors it would throw at me. The code seems to be still there, and the map apparently loaded, but I couldn't spawn as 'player_tdm_thief_mp' and got sent back to the main menu. I know very little c++ and I probably wouldn't be able to assist you in the developement, but it would be great if someone started making changes to the code for MP.
  14. That's what I used to create the alarm. The tricky part was getting the Ai to activate it.
  15. I've managed to make an alarm using a script,thanks to Sotha's workaround,although his way to guide the AI(triggering a conversation) didn't work. I used $guard.addTarget($alarmpathcorner) and then path_interact. I suggest including something like this in the 2.03 prefabs, to spare new mappers the trouble of figuring it out.
  16. Thanks to everyone for their dedication. Aligning everything to the smallest grid made the crack less noticeable,but it was still there. The only solution was converting the brushes to func_static,and i said goodbye to that portal. If I covered the func_static with caulk, would that fix it? There are no slivers in my map and the visportals are fine. That's puzzling.
  17. I've tried texturing all the caulk surfaces and the problem persists
  18. Hello. I've noticed that my brushes look like they have cracks in-game, even though they are perfectly aligned in the editor. A couple of triangles have disappeared here. The only way I've found to fix this bug is to move this big triangular roof brush away,. This is not new to me (it happened with the Q3 editor a long time ago), i just wanted to let you know. My game crashed a couple of times while AI was chasing me, but it happens so rarely that i've never been able to reproduce the bug. On a possibly unrelated note, while my brother was working on a small test map in DR, all his models were shifted by a certain offset in the 2d view, and the same happened in the 3d view for both models and worldspawn. The graphical representation and the actual object did not match. I'll never know what caused this because he has deleted the file, but I'd like to know if anyone has ever experienced the same issue.
  19. I've tried spawning this unearthly abomination in my map. The unfathomable being appeared under the form of a blue and black cube. After witnessing this unspeakable horror, my game could not take it anymore and crashed. Any chance for this to be released in the next update?
  20. I enjoyed very much VengeanceForAThief1, getting out of the prison and the city and so on. This mission is nice, but the first playthrough is a bit tricky. At first I was frustrated that I couldn't hide properly inside the museum (too few water arrows), then I got used to it. It's nice to have a change in style once in a while, even if in my opinion this one was a little too much. Above all, I disapprove that I am often completely in the hands of sheer dumb luck: I have no way of knowing when guards arrive. Sometimes I wait patiently for a guard to go away, only for another one to come around the corner and nail me! Nevertheless, I found the gas arrows and I managed to explore a great part of the museum (it's very fun when you manage to outrun the guards). My problem is: Edit: Nevermind, I have found the 2 levers
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