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Everything posted by kingsal

  1. Hello! I am going through the (painful) process of detaching some custom stuff I've made over the years from the base mod so I am not replacing so many tdm_ core files in my FMs. I'll be posting updates in here as I know a few people have used custom volta stuff in their missions. @Goldwell @Amadeus @Wellingtoncrab If you are using CUSTOM VOLTA arrows please replace this file: tdm_weapon_arrow.script - Ive updated this script with core mod changes - The only thing that's being replaced is: ARROW_ZOOMDELAY 3 // Shortened time from 6 to 3 seconds If you want to use the default 6 second zoom delay, just delete this file and remove it from your custom_scripts.script. If anyone knows a way I can change ARROW_ZOOMDELAY without overriding the entire file, please let me know asap. Thanks everyone
  2. Yeah. Maybe I'll update the mission someday if we ever get something like a "mission modifiers" feature. I have some ideas of how I could do it the non-fancy way with items or something. I don't know, but Volta missions will not have this feature
  3. Well you are in luck! Here is a list of other missions with normal save options : https://www.thedarkmod.com/missions/ *** Also for people who want to play this mission and are getting discouraged by the restriction, its only on Expert. I wish there was a way to make it a check box option, but I couldn't find a solution with the time I had. @STiFUI like all your suggestions. A modifier would be a really cool solve for this problem.
  4. Sorry if this was already reported, but Ive experienced pulling back the bow and the arrow model just disappearing. The bow will still be there, ill fire and the projectile will still launch, but not arrow on the view model. Strangely it doesn't always crash when that happens. This was definitely already mentioned Just confirming the arrow disappearing, shooting, but then not crashing, which is odd. EDIT: Ill start attaching the debugger. I have lots of guards in the mission but none of them are using the urinate animation. Does it happen randomly somewhere in the code? I can just try adding 50 guards lol.
  5. Sorry misread, thought this was post asking why that was happening. Thanks for logging it.
  6. Its a custom background. Its just a bug I never fixed and I don't plan on fixing.
  7. Do you have a single water entity behind those two pieces of glass? If so you need to divide them or the engine will consider everything in between as water and therefore douse your torches.
  8. I've updated this mission to be compatible with user mods. @nbohr1moreSorry to bother you again, but would you mind updated the pk4 for this mission? It should work fine now. https://www.dropbox.com/s/taqqvw5li22tkrb/hazard.pk4?dl=0
  9. Okay. Im gonna actually make these updates in the hazard pay thread and make sure everything is working.
  10. Interesting... hmm. As far as I know that animation is only called by a path_anim or path_cycleanim entity in a map or maybe by an authors custom script. I have seen it in missions before, so I know its been used. It could be buried deep somewhere in the AI's core code though, which would be... an odd choice to say the least.
  11. @snatcherOkay these look like good changes. @nbohr1moreWould this be something you or someone on the team can do for me? I don't have any of the update tools anymore.
  12. Damn I just had this bow crash but didnt have the debugger. Please mention me if you guys come up with a solution in here. For some reason I feel like Im getting it more than others, it might be because I use a lot of arrows when testing my missions.
  13. Nice! Looking forward to trying this out. Can you please tell me again what is incompatible in Hazard pay?
  14. Ive definitely experienced this crash. If it helps. I am overwriting tdm_weapon_broadhead.def. Dont want to lead you guys astray just thought id mention that since other authors use my defs from time to time. This is all im overwriting : //volta bow mod "anim_rate_attack_start" "1.2" "anim_rate_attack" "1.2" "anim_rate_lower" "1.2" // entityDef atdm:projectile_broadhead : "velocity" "1950 0 0" // The default is inherited from tdm_weapon_arrow.def velocity" "1800 0 0" EDIT: By the way its always when on arrow release and its a hard crash. No console warning, nothing. Just quits to desktop. Its very rare for me
  15. Hazard Pay has subtitles for in-game conversations. The briefing is a video with text, although its not using the subtitle system.
  16. Oh this is great and something we’ve needed for a long time. Thanks Welli!
  17. Authors definitely need to elect to have things removed so asking @Moonbo @joebarnin @Goldwell if they want their tdm_weapon_blackjack.def removed. If not you guys might want update your blackjack def and script to include whatever was integrated in 2.11. I dont know off hand what things were changed though.
  18. @chakkmanAhh right so I see what's happening there. The beast is playing an "eating" animation which is making his head very hard to hit Probably similar to their crouch and maybe other animations such as the walk. It could also be that their head is just too far forward in a lot of cases. Sucks because thats a lot of animations to fix if it is indeed the problem. Thanks for finding this. I don't know if I'll have time to fix that animations soon, but as your playing just be aware when their head looks up and down, it will also change the hit detection volume. I can't tell from the video but is your blackjack raising up to signal a successful hit? It should shift up slightly if you are about to get a KO. That was integrated in 2.11
  19. Okay so the new blackjack def has some additional things in it to support the new system? If so would it be too much trouble to ask someone to nuke those blackjack files from my missions?
  20. Yeah thats terribly hard to see I wanted it to be hidden but that's just too well hidden.
  21. @ObsttorteHey can you confirm that if I have my own version of tdm_weapon_blackjack.def in my pk4 that this system will not work? If so I need go an nuke that file out of all my pk4s. Thanks.
  22. I was going to say I think their crouch pose might be moving the invisible KO volume too high. I can have a look at this. @chakkmanI agree the blackjacking in TDM can be fickle. Do you have the latest 2.11 updates with the new assisted black jack system? I've been using it since 2.11 and personally, I love it. EDIT: Alright so... I think because cauldron was made before that system- there might be some funkiness going on here because I have a modified version of the blackjack. @chakkman If its not too much trouble, can you try unpacking cauldron_v2_2.pk4. Be sure to "Extract here" so it puts all the files right where the pk4 is. Go to cauldron_v2_2/def/tdm_weapon_blackjack.def and delete that file. See if this helps.
  23. Hello thieves, the other day I realized my last Volta release was in 2017! Time really flies. After years of fiddling with this project, I'm ready to announce the remaining missions in the Volta and the Stone Campaign: Volta 1 : The Stone* Volta 2 : Cauldron* Volta 3 : Gemcutter Volta 4 : The Lost Forge Volta 5 : Buried Streets Volta 6 : Traitor * I have redux versions of Volta 1 and 2 in the works. More on those later. I'm going to start beta testing Gemcutter and The Lost Forge this summer, so those will be ready this year. Buried Streets and Traitor are coming along, but won't go into beta until sometime in 2024. WIP screenshots! Seeya around- Kingsal
  24. Oh that's fun! thanks for posting this @Wellingtoncrab. Can't believe its been 20 years
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