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Everything posted by Dragofer

  1. I guess posts about helping people understand what this thread is not for kind of still count.
  2. Yes, all images, models and sounds would be gone. Even if you made a barebones replacement that only provides a very limited selection of assets you would need to create thousands of files just to achieve basic game functionality (movement sounds, guard clothes and speech, menus, tools and weapons etc.). It's probably orders of magnitude more work than when TDM got rid of all Doom3 assets for going standalone in v2.0. Technically it's probably possible for an FM to contain a full game's worth of assets, except for the code itself. IIRC some Doom3 mods had custom .dll's to extend the base code, though.
  3. "Things that could be improved" in the main TDM forum.
  4. You can probably do most things with setups of relays, targets and other entities, and at first glance your setup seems to be reasonable. Past a certain (not high) level of complexity a primarily scripted method will give a much better overview and be more powerful, though. If you're a coder that's what I'd have recommended.
  5. Since 2.10 or so FM defs will always override core defs if they both have the same name. FM files override core files of the same name and path.
  6. You can look at the andersarken mask pedestal in an attic in The Painter's Wife. It has multiple ways of placing the mask on the pedestal: - Use the mask on the pedestal - Frob the pedestal while the mask is selected - Possibly also holding the mask near the pedestal (this is based on stim/response). Might not be implemented in this example, though. Seeking Lady Leicester also has similar setups wherever you can use the torc.
  7. I'm on Windows 11 with v2.0 x64 of Foobar2000, DR version is 3.8. I have one custom component installed: UPnP MediaRenderer Output. I wanted that component to stream audio from my laptop to my internet radio (Imperial Dabman i200), but it barely works because the radio constantly has to pause to rebuffer and after a minute or two the connection breaks off completely. It also seems that Windows Explorer has started crashing whenever I try to open a folder after foobar2000 has been started. Not to mention my internet browser getting frequent lag spikes after I started using Youtube music in it. System stability sure took a nosedive recently with these audio fumblings... Doing a full virus scan now to be sure.
  8. Yes, if you start foobar2000 then you cant open new instances of DR anymore until you restart the PC.
  9. Turns out this happens exactly after I start foobar2000. Completely closing down foobar2000 doesn't cure it, but restarting the PC does.
  10. I've been on DR 3.8 for a while, but today it started giving me an error with the title "Real Hard DarkRadiant Failure" and message "Could not acquire frame buffer lock", "Break into the debugger?". Regardless of whether I press Yes or No, the next message is "Unhandled exception", "An unhandled exception occurred. Press Abort to terminate etc.". If I press Abort or Retry on this message the top row of buttons (File, Edit, View etc.) flash rapidly and then DR shuts down. If I press Ignore I can continue using the program, but as soon as I interact with the UI the error message comes up again. So far I already tried to wipe my user settings in AppData/Roaming, but it made no difference.
  11. Don't really know what's going on. Maybe youd like to upload the save somewhere like Google Drive, Dropbox or Onedrive - in that case, what TDM version are you on? What objectives remain uncompleted? As a last resort you can force the script to happen via the console, but due to a bug you wont be able to make saves for the rest of the mission. Youre 80% done, though. Will need to look up the exact command.
  12. Have you tried looting it? The phial should appear directly to the right, then.
  13. This is done by converting the fan to func_rotating via the classname spawnarg. Once converted, check the inherited properties to see a set of spawnargs that control how it rotates.
  14. Normally this is done by setting clipcontents, which is a number that represents the sum of all enabled bitflags for clip towards i.e. bodies, moveables, AI vision and opacity. Each combination of bitflags has a unique sum. I dont know - and doubt - there's a separate keyword that alters some of these bitflags. When ai_see 0 is used in a material it means that a light that uses this material will not increase the visibility of objects in its radius towards AIs. I dont think theres any effect when used in a regular material for world or model surfaces.
  15. Normally the aiSee property is set on the light entity, and in this case the property has been set on the light's material. The property sets whether the light makes things more visible to AIs, so its not meaningful to set this property on model materials. If you want to stop AIs from reacting to an object you need to disable its visual stim, and if you want AIs to be able to see through it you need to give it a material that doesn't contain visual clip. Id say we can be grateful someone had the foresight to implement this as a material keyword, too, in cases like this one where you probably can't set spawnargs.
  16. I've wikified this approach, it should be as systematic as it gets to avoid gaps in pathfinding. https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Systematic_Method_for_Adding_Pathfinding_to_Uneven_Terrain
  17. How about some timeless and good looking danish designs, like the PH Artichoke lamp and the PH 5:
  18. Id try calling a script event to fade the entity's volume to something lower than 0. Otherwise youll probably have to copy and modify the .fx definition.
  19. @JackFarmeryour new water response might be getting counted as a separate response. Something I'd try is to transfer your new response effects to the inherited version of the water response. To do so, look at the spawnargs that mention your new effects (maybe something like "sr_response_effect6" "run_script") and change the number to the same ID as the inherited water response. Delete your own water response afterwards.
  20. X-rays are not for performance since they add another rendering pass, unless I'm gravely mistaken. There was a noticeable performance impact in WIS using them.
  21. In my understanding the entities are still being rendered for the normal view, since the x-ray subview is an additional rendering instance. You can show both views at the same time with transparency if you want a ghostly effect.
  22. Included in the beta for 2.12 is a new companion to security cameras familiar to Thief players: the automatic turret. It will become active as soon as an enemy is detected by a targeted security camera, firing projectiles to fend off the intruder. Similarly to the security camera and the camgoyle sentry, turrets are highly customisable in their behaviour and appearance. There are two main variants of turrets at the moment: the cannon and the flamethrower. Thanks to Goldwell for digging up custom sound effects and Bikerdude for creating the models. Both were originally written as scripts, and meanwhile the cannon has been converted to C++ and integrated into the core assets for 2.12-beta1. One of the aims of the 2.12 beta is to test the readiness of the turret for release, given that it's a brand new and complex entity. The question of whether it's released with 2.12 or pushed back 2.13 is decided based on feedback by testers, so plentiful testing is of the essence and can be posted here. At the time of the 2.12 beta, the flamethrower is available as a script-based downloadable addon [here]. Its mode of action is to fire a lance of fire at its target, a novelty in TDM. While the scripting engine is powerful, there are some significant potential benefits in a C++ version. The main one is access to array variables to store and process data about all emitted flames, which would allow the flamethrower to spray fire in an arc instead of firing a single stream at x position. For this reason the flamethrower isn't offered as a core asset yet. Another feature of 2.12 is the refurbishment of Doom-era code for guided projectiles, tricky for even the nimblest players to dodge. Switching to guided projectiles only requires changing a projectile's spawnclass from idProjectile to idGuidedProjectile, and more spawnargs can be found in the new entity base class for guided projectiles. A guided version of the cannon turret's projectile is available in 2.12-beta1. Work was also done on introducing Thief-style bouncing projectiles but, as a hybrid between projectiles and moveables, these aren't part of 2.12 because changes to existing code at a deeper level are needed.
  23. There are already flickering versions for a bunch of lit windows, which mappers can choose if they wish. IIRC I used them in Perilous Refuge for the ship windows and a certain house, but thought the effect would be too much if it were on all windows. I don't think there's anything to simulate a shadow being cast onto the window from inside the house. The closest thing is switching the window to an unlit version when the corresponding light sources are exintinguished.
  24. The breakdown of the stim/response system is that entities can be set to emit stims around themselves, like a signal. If the stim reaches another entity that has a response to that type of stim, that entity will perform various response effects. For example a fire arrow emits a fire stim in a radius of x units every y milliseconds, so if an unlit candle with a fire response comes within that distance it'll perform the "relight self" response effect. The key part is that the stim is on one entity while the response is on a different entity. You can also create your own custom stims, for example the audiographs consist of stim-emitting tapes and machines that respond to that stim type. If you bring them close enough together a script is called to insert the tape and start playing the sound. Most stims are distance-based, but there are special cases such as frobbing and collision-based. Most of the stim types (fire, holy, visual etc.) only differ in name and ID #, and work the same way.
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