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Everything posted by Xarg

  1. No, I agree with you completely, however having recently read that some campus organisations in the US had discouraged women from attending self-defense courses, instead demanding that "men be taught not to rape", so I was reacting more to the "rapists shouldn't rape" thing as I've seen it used recently, I'm not meaning to attack you personally. I agree that it is the rapist's fault.. but in the same way that leaving your door open encourages someone of questionable moral standards to take a peek around your house, and hey, you aren't watching that TV anyway, being drunk in a short dress in public might encourage someone to make a pass at you. Should you be able to be drunk, and wear what you want without repercussion? Sure. Is that the reality we live in? Nope. I'll end on this note however, I don't want this conversation starting up here, I see enough of it elsewhere and I'm tired of it. Someone else can make a thread if they want.
  2. While I agree with the sentiment that rapists shouldn't do what they do, that wording is the second dumbest shit I've read on the subject, beaten only by the "legitimate rape" thing one of the US Republicans said a couple of years ago. Rapists shouldn't rape, but they will anyway, so you should take care. Or would you care to argue that having a burglar alarm enables burglar culture? If you put it on rapists to stop raping... you'll be waiting a while. Declining to look after yourself on the expectation that someone else will do the right thing is effectively putting a neon "rape me" sign around your neck.
  3. By that logic aren't Thief 1 and 2 lazy? Unless we're advocating for a T3 style in-world shop that guards just walk past, probably eternally wondering if that red hand print means it's a "massage" parlour..
  4. So, which side office in Le Banque part 2 contains the key to start the grandfather clock countdown to open the door to the vault area?
  5. Do you have similar graphs for the AMD video cards? I imagine the lines will be fairly similar, though I am curious about the power increases through my 3870, 5850, 7870
  6. Was that really necessary?
  7. If it's any consolation (it won't be), every review for games similar to DayZ I've read recently make it sound like it's even worse on the other side of the fence. I kinda blame 20 years of deathmatch, gamers have been conditioned to shoot first and ask questions never. That some guy said sorry before trying to murder you again is progress, worrying as that is.
  8. Xarg

    TDM Combat

    Heh, I think anyone using a wooden board to stop an arrow getting them in the face is going to have bigger issues than the arrows
  9. Xarg

    TDM Combat

    Or they could start wearing wooden boards under their shirts, like the ever so popular tax collectors of olde.
  10. I know that feeling, every single time something cool is going to happen, the clouds roll in. I've missed the lunar eclipse, the blood moon, everything because of cloud cover, to the point I look outside and just don't even bother trying anymore.
  11. Is this through an email client, Outlook, Thunderbird etc, or through a browser interface?
  12. You could roll around with Hoxton as a second-best, I'll stick with Nathan Steele who's actually a big bald biker.
  13. Needs moar Code Silver. On the plus side, now I get to hear "Shield down!" 40 times per minute in a different voice, so there's that!
  14. Should be a bunch of fun, that said, I personally cannot wait to play the heist with the community who still can't do the other heists properly.
  15. Voted! Don't forget to log in when you vote, a member's vote counts for more than a guest vote.
  16. It might also be a different rain, there are 3 or 4 of them.
  17. Well the V3S truck is in, so you can add vehicular homicide to that list. The last 1-2 patches also added barricading and horticulture, so I wouldn't be surprised if the current tinned food abundance we're used to is about to just dry up. Tents were also released, so I imagine storage is going to be vastly easier now, I'm just hoping they get around to adding world storage like the fridge I saw in a video not long after the game came out, could make small towns viable cache locations without the glaring obviousness of a tent in a bush.
  18. The wires should highlight, just take it slow, unless that's been broken with the update, careful mouse movements got them to highlight for me on the release version. Nevermind, solution posted above.
  19. Woops, math failed on that, should be 29.5 tons. Compared to which, the amount stored in Le Banque is still a pittance.
  20. In 1608, the French treasury was estimated to hold around 32.5 million livres, and the 1640 conversion rate for livres is 6.69 to 6.12g of gold.. about 35.4 tons. It's not really that much money at all.. if anything, it hints a lot of people in the TDM universe are living beyond their means.. an eery parallel of 2008 where people drove expensive cars and lived on borrowed money.
  21. Naw, I don't think there's too much loot.. sure, there's a lot of value in the loot, but this is a bank, presumably one in a richer area of town.. if walking out with somewhere around 26,000 sounds like a lot, remember that one of the other missions has an innkeeper spending 70 gold on carrots. We can either assume that "gold" is treated roughly like "dollars", in which case the innkeeper ordered a sizeable but managable quantity (and every mansion has little in the way of loot lying around.. probably because the rest is in a bank), or that 70 gold worth of carrots would probably fill the entire inn from floor to ceiling, and this bank has a portion of the King/Pope's money, or a large amount of money from the entire wealthy district.
  22. Is wiki account registration still closed/approval needed, or have the spam bots moved to greener pastures?
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