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kano last won the day on October 8 2021

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  1. I am now an official member of the Tinitus club, and It sucks. I have trouble sleeping on that side, because I hear faint "ringing" in the ear. Lower the volume before this happens to you too.

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    2. Bikerdude


      I ride a motorcycle, but have been wearing earplugs for years to protect my hearing.

    3. STiFU


      Medicine only helps in rare occasions and should be used in the first days of the tinitus.


      I cannot hear my tinnitus anymore, most of the time. My advice is, ignore it as much as you can, and most importantly, don't freak out about it. Tinnitus is a head-thing most of the time, and the more thought you give it, the harder it will be to get rid of it. As you already found out, music helps a lot when going to bed. I listened to solo piano a lot. Works well! :-)

    4. Sotha


      No tinnitus here. I guess my weakness has saved me. I don't like loud noises at all and tend avoid them. I do not go to movie theaters anymore because last time I went, I had my ears ringing the whole evening. Luckily it went away. I've also removed myself from some outside events that had live music on unbearable volume. Just couldn't take it. Nowadays, I usually take ear plugs with me to outside events, just in case they try to ruin it with too loud music.

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