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Everything posted by Spooks

  1. As I've mentioned in the ticket, I'm a fan of option 2 since it folds every new feature into ones already in the editor, without adding new ones. I agree about new user visibility however and I believe nowhere is it written that you can press shift to constrain the rotation widget (or unconstrain the new model scale one for that matter). Another button to the top or sidebar could be added, like the one for snapping rotation origin to grid. The amount of buttons is already plenty though, with this change I could happily see the X/Y/Z axis rotate buttons on the sidebars go away and that would free up some space. I still know some people use them, however. Personally I'm leaning towards the rotation and scale dialogue because I have it bound to a shortcut key and I remember it doesn't have a default one. Perhaps putting in a default binding and advertising it as this new dialogue (even though it isn't) where you can input your angles for the rotation widget on release would inform people. As greebo said, please weigh in as it's more or less just me theorizing here. I remember at least two other people mentioning this but I don't remember names. Kingsal, perhaps? Epi? NeonsStyle? I dunno.
  2. There is also a checkbox in the prefab window that can be unchecked to disable this behaviour.
  3. NeonsStyle, see if you have sit_down_slide_dist on your list of spawnargs and if you do, clear it. That should fix it.
  4. I submitted issue #4496 as I saw the want for a rotation-by-degrees on the rotation widget several times on the subforum. What greebo says in the comment is true, holding down shift constricts it by increments of 5 degrees, but I still feel a little unsatisfied by that. If anyone wants to chime in and give their opinion on how useful an arbitrary degree rotation for the widget would be, that'd be great. I'm bringing this here since the forum obviously gets more traffic than the bugtracker.
  5. Check that you do not have epifire's custom materials in your TDM's directory. In the 2.05 update a fair amount of his models got added in so now you'll be having two different .mtr files defining the same thing, which throws an error. Don't worry about "Unable to load texture: _default", these are arguments that make automatic textures in the material files. _black, _white and _flat produce uniform black, white and normalmap colors, respectively. _default either isn't supported or isn't defined in TDM, yet some .mtr file somewhere still probably refers to it.
  6. Here is a smattering of work I've done over the past year, in chronological order. I don't want to be the guy who posts stuff that may never see the light of day, but I don't want you to feel ol' Spooks here has been slacking since his last FM and I know you guys enjoy cool screenshots regardless.
  7. In the video you're only showing a weird rotation inside the prefab viewer, so I assume that's the problem? Ever since 2.0.3 or so, Dark Radiant's prefab (and model?) viewers changed from rotation around the origin of your pf/model to 3D viewport controls. You're not seeing the prefab rotating weird due to a wrong origin, that's on the camera. If you right click the viewer window, in fact, you can go into freelook mode just like the 3D viewport. I think it was brought up once or twice in the DR release threads and I don't honestly know if it was intentional. Me, I don't really like it that much, since now some prefabs with bad origin points are invisible and impossible to spot in the viewer.
  8. I already posted the code snippet you need to use to get cubemaps looking good earlier in the thread. You have a mask stage with a greyscale image through which you can tweak the intensity of the cubemap, I've even gotten to tint it in my tests. gl_dst_color's logic is that where there's higher luminance, more of the cubemap will show up. This will make the cubemap invisible in dark areas (which is pretty realistic) but it will also overbright light hotspots even more. Certainly you can still use that blending mode but heed its drawbacks.
  9. I'm guessing binding the readable to the door somehow makes it so the readable isn't frobable when in the closed position. I've not tried binding readables to movers myself, but how about this - could you make a dummy nodraw, small, cube brush and put it near the door, make it to a func_static, then bind it to the door and the readable to the dummy FS? Maybe this middle man might solve the issue.
  10. I want to add to the discussion by saying Dark Radiant's new feature, grouping, allows you to make 'modules' out of worldspawn, a worldspawn/fun_static mix and anything else too. Sotha is definitely correct that any architectural flourishes that the AI isn't meant to walk around should be converted to func_statics, but with grouping you can nest those alongside your sealing brushes so that you can maintain ease of use even with things that need to be worldspawn like floors.
  11. Is it just me or is cycling through objects by clicking iffy? I think it has to do with groups, if I alt+shift+LMB on the orthoview where there's a bunch of objects, DR will cycle through them with each click, but if I try to cycle to, say, a brush under a group of other brushes, it will select the group and never what's beneath it no matter how many times I click. I feel I need a confirmation that's happening with others before I can file a tracker issue.
  12. Judith, you can try to put a cubemap in the material stage of the texture you want to have rim lighting. Don't know how good that will approximate the look, but I think it's worth a try. The object will most probably have to be high poly and curved in order for the fresnel to show up. Here's the code snippet for inserting a cube map in a material.
  13. The way I do it is project oriented, but rather than saving all the stuff in TDM/maps/xyz (an approach that won't work anyway because /maps/ itself is hardcoded to be a sub-folder of the TDM root) I save it in TDM/fms/my_fm_name_folder/. You do not have to pack any assets in .pk4s - that can be saved for when you're shipping the mission - the game does just fine in recognizing folders in the /fm sub-directory as Fan Missions with their own folder structure. So in your case you could put your custom content is TDM/fms/my_fm/materials/custom.mtr and TDM/fms/my_fm/textures/darkmod/lights/custom_light.tga, and the map of course in TDM/fms/my_fm/maps/my_map.map. Then you can choose the FM from the mission selector in-game and run it that way. Oh, but before I forget! In order to be able to do that your project folder has to have a darkmod.txt and startingmap.txt files. Just copy paste those from another pk4 and change the contents to fit your info and map name, they're pretty self explanatory.
  14. Hmmmm, I could probably audition for role #1, #4 and either of the two one liners. The section of the forum where the scripts are is not available for me, however, so I can't gauge it more accurately without seeing the lines.
  15. Heyo. Work has been real busy lately, but I could probably contribute VA, readables and do some testing.
  16. I'm interested to know how much of a team decision this was. I've been musing about TDM on Greenlight recently too, so it's opportune that you guys have submitted it when you did. The way I see it you may have to research into putting in a Workshop option since, if our numbers blow up as they ought to when exposed to an audience as wide as Steam's, all the FM mirrors are gonna shatter .
  17. Hey, I didn't have internet for a couple of days so I wasn't able to submit this. Going into Filter > Edit Filters... then clicking OK makes the "Filter" drop-down menu to disappear from the top bar. You can get it back by clicking on any other item in there and mousing over to the next one, at which point the "Filter" menu will reappear at the end of the top bar. You don't have to make any changes while you're in the "Edit Filters..." dialog window and in addition clicking "Cancel" doesn't do this. e: submitted as #4482
  18. Can someone familiar with the code give me a ballpark estimate how difficult it would be to enable shaderParm3 to be modified at runtime? http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=List_of_shaderParm_variables It says it's set once, but there's precedent in the engine adjusting it at run-time when it's used for alphatest. It would be really useful to me for foglights. If you could modify shaderparm3 at runtime you could make fog thicker or thinner depending on what part of the map you're in. Combine this with the stim/response system that allows you to fade lights it could make for a more robust fog system.
  19. There's an oddity in the entity pane I think has been there for a while. Seldom I would misclick a spawnarg and hit one of the columns on the top. Then I'm screwed as I have to restart DR because all the spawnargs are ordered differently (in alphabetical order), which gets very confusing. Clicking the columns sorts the spawnargs in ascending/descending but never reverts the order to default. As this is strictly a wxWidgets thing, I'd think it would be an easy fix. The model viewer's columns don't have the same behaviour and I don't know how many people really use alphabetical ordering what with the search box.
  20. Unless you've already done this, going to the Region and Language, third tab (Keyboards and Language) window in your Control Panel will allow you to assign a cyrillic layout for your keyboard so you can type in cyrillic if your editing needs it. As far as Notepad, it displays cyrillic just fine but I've also encountered what you have. It must be just the files being saved in a bad encoding format. I second the advice to try N++ and check the different encoding options. You may also have some success if you, on the same window I mentioned, go to the Administrative tab and change your system locale to Russia or another cyrillic-using country.
  21. To put my lot in, I would suggest you use atdm:ambient_world instead of a generic light entity for the bound light. This way, when you set up locations, you can adjust the ambient light colours in those and atdm:ambient_world would react accordingly, allowing you to give the light location-appropriate tints.
  22. Irfanview is also a nice, freeware imageviewer with a batch convert option which I've personally used for a long time. I think it can open .dds files with the right .dll but I've not been able to find the addon in that Web 1.0 website of theirs.
  23. http://libx.bsu.edu/cdm/landingpage/collection/CroqArchJou Gardner, Thomas and Arthur Stratton, The Domestic Architecture of England during the Tudor Period, 3 volumes, 1908. may be the first thing you'd want to start leafing through. Knock yourselves out.
  24. DarkRadiant Inspiration I'm glad to see Hammer - and by extention our own DR - wins over in the areas where creativity needs to be freest: quick iteration on layouts. There's some areas where DR even outperforms Hammer in UX.
  25. I do have contacts on the Skyrim/Fallout Nexus and I'll keep you in mind should something come up.
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