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Everything posted by SuaveSteve

  1. Cursor seems to lag a bit more on the main menu than with 2.05. I have to be a bit patient and slow with it. I only experience noticeable FPS drops with soft shadow quality set to 'high' or more in the settings. All other experimental features are on. System: https://pastebin.com/5MQf2Gz0
  2. Thief G/2: I aim for the torch holder as it seems the game considers the water arrow hitting the holder directly as ok, but not sure . I treat Dark Mod as less forgiving and try to get the splash above.
  3. There is no visual feedback as to how much strength you will throw something with. A player may wonder how long to hold till they are throwing furthest? Put another way, you throw an item with x force, if you hold down attack (or use for some equipment), then x increases until max. Player doesn't know when max is reached. Player doesn't know how quickly max will be reached. Is the strength even increasing according to some curve? No idea! I've looked at other games, but of the ones that let you change the strength of the throw, I could not find one that doesn't outright show you a trajectory. So here's the crux, what is the point of allowing the player this if it is so poorly communicated? What could be done to improve it? Here's my 5 cent suggestion: as force is increasing, increase the FOV, when it stops increasing, max has been reached.
  4. Awesome mission and a great first impression! I only found 8 secrets and 2947 loot. Two points of feedback:
  5. As I've suggested in the past, pressing Esc should dismiss everything before showing the Menu.
  6. Oh boy... don't tease us like that, man! Also, I get the sense the top brass is paralysed in indecision from all these offerings? Perhaps expand the total to 10 and also count campaigns/series (like WS) as one?
  7. Something really wrong on my end. I downloaded the updated version from the mission page. First tried link from fidcal domain but chrome just gave me a network error. taaaki works but is not 32 MB. When I start the mission, I get the difficulty selection the moment it finishes loading, no prompt to click attack. I can select a difficulty, or leave nothing selected, and click start mission. Then it is as if I quick loaded, loading bar goes quick and all I see is this: https://i.imgur.com/QqtkwhX.png I think it was the 3rd version that I had last played successfully. EDIT: Also the pk4 I downloaded ended up making a new mission entry in the menu.
  8. Consider moving the ladder so that the player has a clearer view to the arena from the booth.
  9. Disclaimer: I may not know what I'm talking about I was surprised to see in an update to Subnautica the feature of dithering. I always understood this was to fake more colours in applications that use less than 24 bits of colour. Now I read Unity provides it anyway to help with colour banding: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PostProcessing-Dithering.html Dark mod suffers from colour banding, too. I notice it mostly when the lantern is on and you're standing on a snowy texture. Is this something that is feasible and could help?
  10. Thanks for the screenies, guys. Will maps be able to config this via light entity properties? I image the width or softness of the shadow edge is going to be contested if mappers are not in control of them.
  11. Holy cow! For real? This might single-handedly increase adoption of darkmod for many Thief mappers given the softer look darkengine still has over it. Could you please share screenshots?
  12. Maps, letters, whatever. Some of use innately press the esc key because our brain considers what's in front of us a "dialog" or "menu".
  13. I have one massive complaint. This mission has made waiting for part 3 so much worse
  14. Shower thought: I notice that no matter how much you try to get your gamma to your liking, there will be that one mission that you find just does not agree with your settings. It's either the ambient world light is far off from what you are accustomed or the author's idea of lighting is just very different to yours. Instead of enforcing standards or arguing with authors, how about putting more power into the players hands by letting them set an offset per mission? I was going to say you could set the absolute values but an offset from your main settings may be nicer? P.S: Would be nice if the GUI sliders snapped so I did not end up with 1.11123234. P.S.S: How about all graphical settings customised? Now users with lower-spec hardware would not have to remember to set their LOD settings back up after an intensive mission.
  15. Hey, grayman! Are those re-releases of WS 1-3 still on the way? :)

    1. grayman


      They won't be available for a while. I'm working on WS 4, 5, and 8 atm.

  16. Hello everyone. Since I’ve started Springheel’s super duper workshop, I could not help myself and decided to jump into DR immediately. I started with the A-Z guide and bounced around the wiki and Google for help. What follows are some small issues I’ve had. The angle readout in Rotate mode isn't customisable. Font size? Colour? I cannot find any docs on what Select inside, Select touching and Select complete tall do. Select touching does what I initially thought, the other two just delete the selected brush(es). Confusing. I cannot expand the list of properties in the Entity Inspector, makes seeing what I can edit annoying since I only see three lines at a time (pic). Is there a way to only select what is fully inside the selection box when I drag select? Jack.
  17. The values in the surface selector are disabled, so I cannot see what the current values are. When I click the down / left button on the vert / horiz scale spinner, the texture does respond but will eventually turn into one colour; nothing brings it back. I would record a video, but FRAPS, OBS and Windows 10 Xbox App each manage to miss something. A friend of mine has the same problems, but tells me that clicking outside the inspector window updates the values (which doesn't happen for me). Edit: Ok, I seem to have discovered the issue, it has do to with selecting multiple surfaces. Not very clear feedback, though :/
  18. Something that is very clear between Thief 2 and TDM is how far you have to be away from a guard while fully lit for them to not notice you. Thief 2 is very lenient in comparison but I find the range TDM gives to guards to be borderline anal. It is something that hits me only in big city missions. The two that cause it the most for me is Penny Dreadful 3 and Crucible of Omens. Crucible more so. So here's a compacted scenario from Crucible I will use as an example: I'm in the dark in the street and I see a well-lit door. I'm not sure whether the door is frobbable or not. I look around and decide it's safe to investigate. I find out it's a door purely taking up space and I move on. Cool? No. Cause as I go on and eventually make it to the Old Mill, I come across the guard which goes out on the balcony but his sword is out. I'm confused for a second but eventually I realise this guy actually saw me earlier. I reload a previous save and I watch that balcony while standing in the same lit spot and confirm my suspicions. Now, "is that fair?" Maybe, maybe not. I could argue it wasn't fair because I couldn't hear the AI bark. I could argue it was because even at that distance, the guard can make out this hooded character slinking about. Perhaps the question needs to be asked, "Should players ever be unwarned of guards who have become alerted?" My 2 cents is that at a certain range, a human can't tell whether you are friend or foe. How did the guard standing some 40 meters away from me, tell me apart from his mates who aren't even wearing a uniform! I'm not 100% on what routines the AI takes, but assuming there is time allowance given for them to move to a heightened state (let’s call it time-to-acquire), then perhaps the function that gives time-to-acquire should be revised to follow a steeper curve. At 40 meters, guard takes 10 seconds, at 1000 meters, he takes a month
  19. Finished. My previous comment on it not being a standard thieving affair was way too early Very much reminded me of Penumbra and Amnesia in that The music is too clear, too modern. The elevator takes way too long to change floors, the shaking gives you the sense you are going fast and it feels like I had crossed 8 floors each time. The rest was amazing and thank you very much for the mission, I can't wait to Edit:
  20. Well, it certainly feels different to your standard thieving affair. I would have put in a nudity disclaimer if I were you. The loot in John's exhibit becomes unfrobable if you bring the casings down before grabbing them. I look forward to finishing
  21. I suggest just leaning forward over the edge and holding the mantle key. It doesn't trigger after a second, then nothing happens. This matches the safe to fail nature of mantling. You press the dedicated mantle key. It doesn't work, nothing happens, no noise or displacement is made.
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