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Everything posted by nbohr1more

  1. Fps uncapped under advanced settings?
  2. Both look fine to me. I guess the bottom shot is less obtrusive.
  3. If you can please bisect down to which 2.10 dev build caused the breakage, it will be easier to fix things: Thank you!
  4. The noPortafog light doesn’t inherently force portals open. Instead is just disables the fog optimization which prematurely closes portals at the fog opaque radius. I suppose a more clever thing to do would be culling any non-lit and non-emissive objects past the fog radius but that’s a pretty tough thing to do especially since shadows can sometimes get made by offscreen objects (etc). Before something like that we would probably want something like Quake’s func_occluder as a generic line-of-sight culling feature.
  5. Yep, add this to your darkmod/materials folder: tdm_decals_misc.mtr
  6. Doesn't sound right. I'll check to see whether any materials were changed in dev in relation to that...
  7. Another option is to unpack the tdm_base01.pk4 and copy the glprogs into it then repack it. : )
  8. C:\darkmod\glprogs\<all the shader files>
  9. You'll also need the latest glprogs ( shaders ) attached below. glprogs.zip
  10. Should be a zip containing TheDarkModx64.exe. If the exe is missing, your browser or security software might be stripping it?
  11. Just add the spawnargs “noPortslFog” “1” to any foglight entity. I can only build Linux binaries so perhaps @AluminumHaste can get you a Windows build if you want to check it out before the next dev build release.
  12. https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=6282 Added the entity flag in Rev 10344. Should be in the next 2.12 Dev Build.
  13. I confirmed that the noPortalFog material flag fixes this behavior: Modified delta1_fog material def: // legacy fog material fogs/delta1_fog { fogLight noShadows noPortalFog // prevents fog distance from closing portals { map _fog alpha 0.5 colored } } I'll look into added an entity flag because that's way more convenient than using override materials.
  14. Full download is also available at moddb: https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-dark-mod/downloads/the-dark-mod-211-full
  15. Did you try editing the tdm_installer.ini ? One of the mirrors might have network issues reaching your system.
  16. Thank you for the details and test map! I will try to get testing done tonight but I see that our engine still has support for the "noportalfog" global material keyword. There may already be a noportalfog light material in our repo that we can test ( converted from Doom 3 ). Too bad it's not an entity spawnarg but I think I can add that too.
  17. Yeah, name_attach sounds like the way to go. If it doesn't work, please attach a test map so we can evaluate
  18. Yes, that is the proposal. I believe this technique should work for other entity types too. Only brushes would be immune to this method AFAIK.
  19. Hmm, the only other thing I can think of is creating an invisible entity within the region you want lights (etc) to be seen and using def_attach to connect it to the affected lights and emitters so the portal calculation thinks the entity is closer to you? @Dragofer @duzenko perhaps we need a new noFogBoundary flag option?
  20. Did you add the noFogBoundary keyword to your foglight entity? https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Light_Properties#noFogBoundary
  21. Did you update to the latest version of "House of Locked Secrets" ? What CPU and GPU ( and driver versions )?
  22. I think you may have started with an older New Job version. I would delete it and re-run tdm_installer to grab the lasted one.
  23. Glad to assist and welcome to The Dark Mod community!
  24. @MaxisoDenoth If this is using Intel HD4000 graphics, do you have the latest driver installed? https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/products/81499/graphics/intel-hd-graphics-family/intel-hd-graphics-4000.html
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