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Everything posted by nbohr1more

  1. Yes, I see part of the issue... For some reason the emoticon is used in different contexts depending on the nationality of the person posting... For an American the emoticon means "yeah, whatever" or is similarly dismissive or condescending. Also... that would be "lighting" rather than "lightning" (the latter being an electrical discharge from the sky... )
  2. Melan is not the author of "The Transaction"... you are taking a swipe at the wrong FM author...
  3. Oh he enjoyed himself. (I just wonder if lowenz actually prefers finding glitches rather than playing a perfected mission. )
  4. This thread is highlighting a personal frustration of mine: Music categorization. Once, I was on a big kick trying to find high-pitched harmonizing glam-rock like ELO or Queen. After exhaustive research I found a list of candidates but many did not sound anything like those bands and the comparison was so tenuous that it was laughable. It took ages to distill my perfect "cheezy high-harmony 70's rock sound" track list. I blame this phenomenon on musicians who don't admit to their actual genre affiliation and music journalists who buy their "interpretation". I wish that other genres were as organized as the electronic music scene where tiny beat variations mean you are playing a different genre. Yes it's cool when a band has genre diversity but they should cop to the fact that such-and-such song is of such-and-such genre. The Beatles wouldn't have any problem admitting that "What Goes On" is a country tune. Why should I be forced to accept some band that is clearly a Pearl Jam rip-off as "inspired by Pink Floyd" or all the other crappy meaningless genre associations that bands claim to have. I guess I also had this frustration when recruiting singers from my old band. Our posters clearly labeled the type of music we intended to make yet we got every possible permutation of genre specific singers that it was silly. Now, don't get me wrong, I like music diversity and occasionally genre blending. I just HATE it when someone claims to be playing a music style that they clearly aren't. (Though I would be mildly amused by a Mariachi band that claimed to be playing System of a Down style music or a similar absurdity...)
  5. ...as if I weren't guilty enough about my limited test time with this one (I never remember to do the patented "lowenz style" beat an AI through a mattress trick... ) I think that the AI \ Mattress issue is a mod issue in general so I think Biker is off the hook for that... The sky texture issue is likely due to the ambient baking method and it's lack of available format precision. Biker is (again?), not at fault. HUD Layout may be a mod issue as well. The ability to get inside the hammer may be due to the presumption that nobody could get there and therefore it would be safe to set as nonsolid to save on performance...
  6. nbohr1more

    Hello world!

    I am pretty sure that Springheel was responding to the Redneck mentality that was exemplified by comments like: "That's what those Krauts get for nuking Pearl Harbor"... ...Rather than some long held antipathy toward Japan due to the magnitude of their war crimes. (Of which, Orbweaver correctly assesses "The quake victims are not responsible for their ancestors' crimes.") (Though, if the death tolls show a strong statistical concentration of WWII generals... maybe the Westboro Baptist Church folks will have something more substantial for their "evidence pile" )
  7. I'll host it awhile from my dropbox account: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17706561/Stac160.pk4 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17706561/Stac160.pk4
  8. Those changes introduce image compression. If those changes reduce errors that means that the textures were too large or the scene had too many textures for the targeted hardware. 1) It could be more new players are coming into TDM and fiddling with DoomConfig.cfg before playing? 2) It could be that TDM 1.04 ships with a different DoomConfig.cfg where those are not the default? Or..., It could be that TDM 1.04 has larger textures such that old missions now stress lower-end cards more than they used to? If Sotha's suggestion is correct, it does not exclude all of my hypothesis.
  9. If increasing the resolution causes a crash, I'd say that is a pretty good case that the textures consume more graphic RAM. If I were a betting man I would say that the normal maps could probably be excluded from suspicion (since normal map compression is not used in most cases anyway) but the textures with enhanced details might compress differently. Most compression schemes greatly reduce redundant data (like a large string of red pixels) but if you have lots of varied detail, then all that variation must be kept as a larger data-set (if you put pretty little cracks in your brick texture, it goes from being a string of red, red, red, red... to red, dark red, darker red, black, gray, etc). More detail = bigger when it comes to compression... All this said, I can't really fault the mod for making prettier textures that might require some users to lower their settings. I'm just glad it hasn't affected me.
  10. The latest malloc error reports were from folks with less video RAM on their video cards... A laptop usually is going to skimp on this. I happen to have 1GB on my 4650 so, in spite of its otherwise wimpy traits, it can handle a decent amount of textures... The big suspects are the enhanced textures and normal maps from v1.04 All I know is I am seeing more reports from folks that have to lower resolution to avoid these errors ( ...or use more compression as Sotha suggested). Did you test frame memory with r_showMemory ? (grr... damn underlines... )
  11. I got that error before SEED was even a twinkle in your eye I was hoping that SEED would help that one too. It's great that I can make the first half of the map more playable but when I get past those statues... 4FPS all the way till I get to the fortress I think that the "Interaction Table" might be sized in relation to the hardware that is detected (but I hope not...). I was just thinking of all the new stuff you have been able to spawn like combined light entities (etc) and how many "Interactions" are accumulating. I think I heard Greebo talk about the Interaction Limit being the size of the Entity Limit...? Maybe there is a ratio of Interaction Limit to Interaction Table size? If the Interaction Limit can be adjusted, it might be a good idea to raise it anyway to accommodate all the new activity?
  12. Lowering screen resolution and AA settings has fixed this problem for a couple of other users. If that does not help, please post a conDump.
  13. For what it's worth... A temporary link from my dropbox account: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17706561/knighton_manor.pk4
  14. Well... I think the big question is "Why aren't the NHAT missions coming up as available for download in the mission downloader?"
  15. I thought that the material shader for NHAT 3/3 Vertex Blended terrain was fixed for v1.04 but I have deleted and re-downloaded the mission to no avail. (When I delete it, the missions are not listed as available for download...) ??? I followed the Ambient Light Method wiki and revised the forest.mtr material as such: Now I can set the "Simple" or "Enhanced" Ambient Light settings without having a black terrain to walk on.
  16. I think I should bring up an old topic here... The new Object Detail settings help NHAT 3/3 performance until halfway through the map where I get IDRENDERWORLDLOCAL::RESIZEINTERACTIONTABLE: OVERFLOWED INTERACTIONTABLEWIDTH, DUMPING errors... If there is anything that can be done to adjust that table size, it may have significant consequences for SEED because spawning particle interactions is very much like performing SEED entity spawns... http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=21040&view=next
  17. Thanks Grayman. I can't wait to see all the other v1.05 improvements
  18. Is this line of investigation going to be looked at (or currently under investigation) for v1.05 or is there not enough time 'till the freeze?
  19. THAT is dedication! Steam will be dropping support for that class of hardware (DX8) soon (Dont get me started about companies renaming previous gen cards with series names from the new generation and thus confusing end-users into thinking their low-end card has "next gen" features... )
  20. Even with the new version, Thieves will crash. I have fixed it along with 3 other affected missions and posted the links in this thread: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/12428-crash-with-the-thieves/page__view__findpost__p__250582 (I think that my fix isn't officially hosted because it might tarnish the "artistic integrity" of the rat behavior in these missions... but they are now perfectly playable if you don't want to wait for 1.05... )
  21. It looks like some models are missing somehow. Try re-running your tdm_updater I would also delete the folders for the affected missions from your FMS directory and the Doom 3 install directory then use the Mission Downloader to grab them again.
  22. First, I would post to the TDM 1.04 issues thread in the Tech Support sub-forum Second, to collect a dump, open the console and type "conDump CantStart.txt" once this has been done, you should see a text file as named in the directory for the installed mission. http://modetwo.net/d...104-bug-thread/ Edit: I just saw anoot... This is NHAT. The three PK4's need to be placed in the FMS directory separately...
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