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Everything posted by AluminumHaste

  1. Yeah no problem, thanks for your help. I was thinking about this last night; the only reason that the in game patches vertex points match up with their representation in the map file, is because the patch hasn't been rotated yet. If you, for example, rotate 90 degrees to the right, splitting the patch vertically, will split it horizontally in game, and so on and so forth. What I was thinking was that we have a GUI in DR that will re-orient the patch so that it's vertexes match up with the map files' matrix, then we can pick a vertical or horizontal split, and DR does the cutting and pasting for us. I know Greebo is very busy but this could be useful. EDIT: Also, once you've split a patch down to the minimum 3x3, you can still split it even more. You just have to go to Patch->Insert->Insert 2 Columns(or Rows) at the Beginning (or End), and this will give you a 5x3, or 3x5, or 5x5 or whatever you want to increase it too, then you can split it again.
  2. Hey Fidcal I updated the guide on my FTP server, can you give it a try please?
  3. Okay I figured it out, a patchDef2 turns into a patchDef3 when you manually set the subdivisions in the Patch Inspector.
  4. Slightly, it's similar but when I tried the method outlined in the guide, it split the patch horizontally * a patchparams3 is Code:( #cols #rows #horiz-subdivisions #vert-subdivisions junk junk junk ) where "junk" is an integer that is ignored. So I'm not sure why, maybe the columns and rows are opposite from the patchDef2
  5. PM Sent, can you please run through the guide and let me know if it works? Remember this guide is only for patchDef2 it is different for patchDef3
  6. Yeah okay, but it will take a little while to throw a guide together. I'm not 100% sure I understand what I did, but I'll try my best. EDIT: BTW, this is done using a text editor to manually edit the .map file. This isn't in the editor........yet EDIT 2: Also I just realized that there are limitations. You can't split a 3x3 patch mesh, as 3x3 is the minimum size for a patch. But you can split a 5x5 into two 3x3s, and a 5x3 into two 3x3's etc.
  7. You should, anything that the player won't see, should be caulked. Imagine the backs of buildings that players will never see, they should have caulk applied to their faces. I mean any surface that sees the void is optimized out by the compiler, but anything within the map will be processed during game play (except in some circumstances)
  8. Looks like the Caulk texture has been applied. This won't cause leaks but you will see into the "void", the player should never see Caulk.
  9. The tutorial is up on the wiki, click here for the link. This image shows what can happen if you follow the tutorial. I was kinda stuck when editing my current FM, because I had created the cave over a year ago, and didn't have the heightmap anymore to recreate the patches in smaller pieces. So I started poking around the map file and found a way to split up the patch. Which is exactly what I wanted. The patch on the right was manually split into two patches, which I moved over to the left. If anyone would like to know how I did it just post so, as I said I'm not sure how useful this is or if this has already been discussed.
  10. I just wanted to chime in to say that since a few months ago, DR 64 isn't having any issues with leaving Aero on for me either. I also compile from source, not sure if that means anything. I'm running 195.81 64 bit, With Nvidia GeForce 260M GT in SLi mode.
  11. Well really we were joking about the Zombies, as behavior like what you're describing will only succeed in alienating our followers, and attracting morons. Not something we really need.
  12. Oh that was the Editor's Choice not the voters choice. I guess there's still hope
  13. lol at myself, Now I see it, at 92%
  14. LOL That's not the TDM roadmap but the DR roadmap, not the same thing.
  15. The really sad fact is that even though those "participants" were probably cherry picked, less than half said that they trusted Fox News lol.
  16. Find darkradiant.exe. Right click it and go to properties. Go to the compatibility tab and disable desktop composition. Then run the program and see if that helps.
  17. I see what you mean, over half the pics are missing. Here's the article I learned by. http://www.phobosanomoly.sd95.co.uk/articles/mapping/spiral_stairs.php
  18. Can we got some updated stats now? Front page still says only 3000. My torrent counter says 1243 downloads and I'm still seeding to a few peers at the moment.
  19. Voted. Anyone else notice that the vast majority of the previous winners were army shooters? Man I thought people had had enough of that crap by now.
  20. This could work, if it was coded in Java which is cross platformish. It's a good idea, but not needed at the moment in my opinion, we have less than 10 missions I think. I'm glad to see people are so interested in mod though. <3
  21. Wow that is a huge list..... LOL I know, but even Carmack seems to be losing interest in the platform. Also driver support kinda sucks last I heard, but that's just hearsay, as it's been a while since I've tried.
  22. LOL I threw the bait and got 2 bites!! nice Sorry, I've used Linux, it's fast, stable, powerful, but I will never use it again, until I can play games on it.
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