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Status Updates posted by STiFU
My new display-setup at work: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/841264_306470952788667_1002751280_o.jpg ! ^^ (Please not that those poser moves are just ment to be ironic...^^)
I just orded a 55'' TV from LG for 2000 €, because a german consumer electronics store chain gives away every 33rd order for free. Whish me luck!
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Of course I can cancel it, Biker. That's the plan. And I am going to have to do that now as I didn't won apparently...
Statistics man. Try again.
Wait till this arrangement appears on Black Friday in the US. We'll see stampedes where folks are killed for the 1 in 33 chance for a free item rather than simply being killed for a reasonably good discount....
Just came back from Gent and Brügge in Belgium. I recognized a lot of "textures" from cgtextures.com ^^ (I am serios!!). Some inspirational pics are going to follow in the apropriate thread soon.
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Ha! I knew they were getting most of their images somewhere from that area, but it's cool you found the exact originals.
Thats a sweet picture man...
I've been meaning to visit that city ever since I first saw it as the stage for a great black comedy film called "In Bruges" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Bruges), - you might want to take a look.
Yeah, I know that movie. It's awesome! But Gent is really cooler than Brügge.
µtorrent comes with malware now... Who knows a good alternative?
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How about Azureus? This one has a fairly large resource footprint, as it is programmed in Java, but I used it for a very long time, until I started using uTorrent.
Yeah, I guess I'll use Vuze now (formerly known Azureus). I'll also give KTorrent a shot, since I generally prefer non-java applications.
Upgraded my Sys today! http://imageshack.us/a/img217/2858/upgradeo.jpg
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Also, I am really afraid of dataloss, so I backup a lot and stop using hard drives with bad SMART-values for anything other than Trash.
OMG, 7 TB of HDD space! I do have just 2.5 TB...
What a rocket!
Deux Ex Complilation for 15 € on Steam. Sweat deal!
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@Diego: Allow me to butt in without reason: No, don't play DX 2. Unless you have a sick curiosity as to how game developers can ruin a great game concept.
If I had this curiosity, Thief 3 would have killed it already
You can definitely skip DX 2 unless you enjoy exploiting physics bugs for weird movement... ^^ You can jump VERY high in certain circumstances.
Haha, awesome!! I just have saved approximately 2000 € by finding an error in the back-payment calculations my government had sent me for my federal student support loan. Two hours of reading statute-books and calculating back and forth payed off wonderfully! =)
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How much did you save on your car insurance with Geiko?
I guess Geiko is some sort of spam?
I'm not sure where it came from, probably a viral marketing campaign, but there was a point on the internet where that saying seemed to come up quite often.
I guess Dortmund will win the Bundesliga once again... :->
Yeah, I am doing a Skyrim-Lan with a friend through the easter-weekend!
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It's awesome! I am Level 38 now and I didn't even finish the main storyline or any of the guild-storylines...
Ye, I don't remember myself finishing any elder scrolls game... Well, good you're having fun. I am quite harsh about games lately.
You can never really finish any elder scrolls game...
nBohr1more, Niels Bohr really knew hot to treat his woman... http://chzscience.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/funny-science-news-experiments-memes-oh-it-does-matter.jpg
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I imagine he placated her with murmurings of all the fame he was going to get that he'd share with her
If he was really all that smart he would have avoided marriage in the first place.
Awesome. The forums support transparency in avatars.
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very nice stifu^^
Doomguy is the coolest guy ever.
hah well the feathering isn't the best but i'm sure it will do for now.
Paper-conclusion of the year: "This shows that autostereoscopic 3D displays are more effective in displaying 3D shapes than 2D Displays."