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Glyph Seeker

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Everything posted by Glyph Seeker

  1. I don't have much to show off nowadays, but I have overcome my anxiety and nerves to go to a nice life drawing class on Sundays for a few weeks! I've found it to be a bit of a confidence booster, so wanted to show off some of the 45 minute poses I've drawn in pencil! Unfortunately, I was drawing on an A2 size pad, so it wasn't practical to scan them so I had to just take photos! Anyway. I hope to have some good fantasy or SF pictures to show off at some point. Lord knows I've got tonnes and tonnes of Space Marine sketches to inspire me to build a Space Wolf army in WH 40k, ha ha. =-3 Anyway - I thought posting art threads like this would be my only way to contribute for a while.
  2. Yes, a deafening effect would make sense - after all, this is a clockwork punk version of a flashbang. =-P
  3. I enjoy how difficult the combat is compared with Thief. Thief I could just dance around a Haunt and kill him easily. In TDM a revenant is real problem!
  4. Would it be possible for blind time to be dependent on difficulty - so they are more forgiving for newer players?
  5. Yes! I was replaying Transaction and thought the exact same thing!
  6. Yes - I rather like the idea of having some passages of the Book of Amos or Apocrypha of Marcus handy to flesh out some of the Builder's lessons... Or perhaps a bestiary of sorts to suggest things about the World at Large.
  7. As for the parchment - I'd best do a new one digitally if I have the strength, which would make it easier to texture... But doesn't TDM automatically texture things as parchment when you apply them to a scroll? *confused*
  8. @Outlooker Sorry, I didn't mean to sound patronising. I am horrified though that you would take the comments from any British news site seriously, it's a wave of bile from embittered 30 somethings. To lighten the mood - a nice satire on people's opinions forming the core of news coverage: I'm not going to stick up for the British press - but regarding celebrities dying... Since the death of Princess Diana there's been a bizarre outpouring of "me too" grief - a sense that when something happens in the public eye it is owned by the unwashed masses. So now the most awful celebrity can die and there'll be hours and hours of coverage. It's the whole expected media narrative thing. If you want a really good examination of the press look up Charlie Brooker's Newswipe, which is an exceptional dissection of the media:
  9. No no no no. Rule #1 of enjoying the Daily Mail: Never read the Daily Mail Rule #2: Know that it's main market is old ladies who want to shake their heads and tsk at the "hordes of asians" taking over the country. That is a publicity seeking c*nt infamous in the UK and despised by every Muslim in the whole country who knows he is a shameless self promoter only out to grab headlines. Prolefeed outlets like the Daily Fail exist in a symbiotic relationship with people like this, using that outrage to make headlines and boost sales.
  10. Welcome to the Dark Mod forums! I enjoyed browsing your gallery. =-)

  11. The thing is that in the world of TDM, when I write "Here Be Monsters", that's only because they are real and too hideous to draw... ;-P
  12. Thank you very much! And yes, I am complimented by the offer - I'd love to do something like that! Perhaps I could do a Glenham area one, heh.
  13. Thank you very much! I was going to add a "Soslange" lake monster to the water but thought it was a bit much. ;-P Perhaps on a map for a fishing village / lighthouse mission. I really liked the idea of builder roads having hammer shrines at crossroads - kind of like the ones I saw when visiting Austria. Welcome signs of civilization when there are bandits in the hills! So that's what those additions are meant to be. I also took some liberty on adding a waterfall as I wanted to break up the outline of the lake.
  14. Thank you! I agree that the "core" should be as malleable as possible... I think that our FM creators are so responsible that they haven't tried making a map which defines any one place. I would only like to draw maps on such a large scale as this when it's the mythos of an FM author, and not Braedan or Bridgeport. For maps inside a city - I would love to draw /PART/ of a quarter- for example, I'm dying to get a good picture drawn of what the flooded quarter would be like - it fires my imagination even more than the plague quarter! But again, an FM and its map is always a "scene" and not the "big picture" which would set it in stone. =-) I guess the "treading on toes" thing is also the sense I got of trying to ask things very tentatively and being worried about people assuming I was begging for someone to make a mission for me or add massive features to TDM - when I just want to share my silly ideas and doodles. x-)
  15. @Grayman Thank you! Ah - that's a good point. For me, this is something I wish to dismiss entirely as a worry - unless they are in the same campaign, areas can have all kinds of geography and mappers should not worry too much. It's like roleplaying use the Forgotten Realms I think - the city of Baldur's Gate is fixed - but you can invent all kinds of alley ways and buildings inside it - or entire villages and castles in the countryside around it in your campaigns! I am very nervous about treading on Springheel's toes for any kind of background / universe stuff. All I want to do is get people excited about TDM universe and their own interpretation of it - if we can build up that one way or another - maybe we win over some of the doubters!
  16. I really love seeing maps in FMs, and I was thrilled by Jesps trying to flesh out his corner of TDM universe with a couple of maps in his latest FMs. I'd really like to see more maps in game, or more discussion about the mythos out of the game - talk about those insane campaign ideas or elaborate level designs you have! Even if you'll never have the time to make them - it's great to share ideas I think! So, here's a quick (about an hour) attempt to redraw his in game map by hand and scan it. It's far from perfect - in fact, I was really disappointed with how it looked after a scan - ideally I need to get over my problems and use a digital tool - but I thought I'd upload it to show my intent.
  17. Oh wow - dripping cisterns and abandoned tunnels - RIGHT up my street! Looks great Biker!
  18. Typically, the right of the UK press like The Sun reported it as an Al'Queda attack before the facts arose - then quickly changed from calling it a terrorist attack to calling it a "lone madman" attack when it turned out to be a non-Muslim - without any apologies. THEN the "comment" section of the Telegraph exploded into a bizarre straw-man bunch of articles saying that there was a liberal conspiracy to use this attack to criticise the Glorious And Just ways of the Right... Urgh. Jesus just leave the poor families and victims to grieve. All this speculation makes me feel sick and ashamed of the UK press all over again.
  19. We already have a pooping horse so there's a precedent =-P
  20. Man I love the beautiful opening... Just listening to this rock cover over and over now...
  21. I remember playing the original Rainbow Six for the first time over a decade ago - the first mission is a belgian embassy building. The back has a garden with an ivy climbing up to the first floor. To my astonishment, the level design allowed me to climb it! Ever since, games or levels which surprise me in this kind of way always please me immensely. That said, Sotha (as usual) has hit the nail on the head. If there's an exceptional ivy or drain pipe, I would expect it to be highlighted somehow to lure me towards it .
  22. It's great that people are sharing unfinished work! I'm so excited that there are still FMs in the works! =3
  23. Sorry, Durad, I didn't mean to get mad but I seriously don't get why a lot of Thief die-hards keep knocking TDS, and naysaying Thief 4, but then also say they have no interest in The Dark Mod... Here's a thought - if you really love Thief and want to do things without copyright stomping - would you and your friends not be satisfied to just follow the /theme/ of Thief? ie, create a campaign with very close objectives (Manor Theft, Prison Rescue, Crypt Raid etc.) and broad level layouts, but improving on them based on the new lighting techniques and physics we have? Surely you can squint and imagine the Builders are Hammers? =-3
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