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  1. i want to use some images from your galary to make a sig with a Url to your web site for all the forums i use. it would look sweet and be a direct link to your mod on every post i make ( and well all no what a spamer i am lol ) it would give people who arent looking for a thief mod or even ever heard of thief to check it out.
  2. Are we able to? If so, I probably would've just did the CVS commits from my cable-ready friend's house. But I assumed we had to wait on this: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...indpost&p=35777 Hopefully just posting this doesn't grind things to a halt.
  3. I left them exactly as is (even the directory structure, restored by hand, each folder... ugh - let me know if there are any errors), so that no one would have to spend more than a minute doing anything more than just unzipping them. The intent was to do it, since it was not getting done. Edit: To add, here was the comparison I listed before. The first JPG link seems broken for some reason I don't care to look into, but the second (rugs) work fine. Using Firefox's tabbed browsing, and the CTRL-PGUP and -PGDN hotkeys, I defy anyone to find any appreciable difference at all. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...indpost&p=34309
  4. Ack. Nobody granted Beta Mapper permissions yet......and done. Gildoran, you should now be able to view the Beta Mapper Forums.
  5. Yo! Sorry all. I realized the next day after posting the zombie, when viewing from a different monitor, that it may have been hard for y'all to see. It sometimes doesn't help to Photoshop drawings while sitting in complete darkness So here are some brighter versions to review. I know we're not looking for zombies now... or maybe never. The only reason I did this is that I saw a post on the TTLG forums a long time ago, some dude asking for zombie concepts. I sketched something out at the time. I just recently got my scanner working again so I could scan it in and color it up real quick like. If this can't or won't be used for DarkMod, lemme know so I can use it for other projects. Merci! EDIT: I'm personally not very fond of this drawing. It was my first (and only) attempt at using alpha/RGB channels to try and do art. I hated the alpha/RGB channel experience, but I'll probably need to learn it some day.
  6. I think that require more that just new animations. I saw tutorial threads on how to do it on the doom3world forums a while back. Maybe they could also spin webs and drop down from the ceiling on a string of silk. THat would be a surprise to the player if he's been making too much noise. It would only be fair if their were indications of spiders in the area due to cobwebs, o the player knew to be careful.
  7. oDDity

    Sin 2 :)

    I enjoy arguing, but only with people who mean what they say, and you obviously didn't. You should visit the lifelesspeople forums, DF, in the 'our oratory' section - bashing the religious and pointing out their complete lack of reason and logic in the most cynical and sarcastic way possible is my all time favouite hobby, I already have two warnings from the mods and I only joined last week. Is anyone here religious BTW...?
  8. obscurus

    Sin 2 :)

    Ahh yes... I think I got a bit carried away there anyway... I have a tendency to fight fire with fire when I should just ignore things... Plus I have been very bored lately, and I tend to vent on forums when that happens... Now, back to Sin 2 - anyone think it will be any good?
  9. I can't find the other thread.* So, a new specialized one for just this topic. (sorry) Has there been any consensus on texture compression? Even if it was "for now" and / or high res versions were kept / offered / etc. I'm wondering because I'm trying to sync up to the new CVS and I'm downloading 20 minute texture files (3, 4 Mb for each piece). I don't remember the previous discussion details, but I remember that I was able to take one of our TGAs and save it to JPG with 10% compression (high quality) and the size was reduced from 4Mb to 180kb (!) with no noticeable quality reduction - at least to my eyes. So I'm wondering if there has been any decision made on this yet? It was also mentioned 'better sooner than later.' I'd happily redownload all of our textures (before a slew of new ones come) at 180kb each, as opposed to doing another dozen 4Mb ones. Just wondrin'. *Search really, really hates me. I do a search for my name, exact, all time, all forums, for "+56k +texture +jpg" and I get two pages of matches. Give me a break. I don't think I wank about 56k and textures and jpgs in 30+ threads, do I?
  10. I read on the Eidos forums that their server is down and requires a manual reboot. As long as they're not hosted by Servepath (american company I did support for last year), they should be up soon.
  11. Already on ftp. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=2111
  12. It's an old thread: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...1&st=&p=entry
  13. I'll update the list of what needs to be done shortly, but one thing is here -- http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=1554&st=150 You could even reuse the books from the shelves you already did.
  14. I recently posted some animation references: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=2245 (but for some reason the image links are now broken??) Like I said in a different 'what am I up to' thread, I am working on an audio piece. Haven't touched it for a couple weeks, but will get back to it. From a 'drawing' standpoint, I don't have anything to do. Do we need any concept drawings for anything? It seems like they're normally not very helpful. It seems the modelers are artistic enough that they crank out their own stuff. Which is fine, but just an observation. Even your thief concept wasn't really used, SH. Lemme know if I should work on something from a concept art standpoint. Otherwise, I'll be trying to finish up the audio file soon.
  15. Dunno if any of you frequent the CG talk forums, it's basically thre premier hangout for CG professionals. Anyway, they have a CG challenge several times a year and the winners this time and really amazing. This challenge was called 'Master and Servant' Here's the 2D winner (done in Painter) And the 3D runner up ( which I think is better than the winner) and the 3D winner
  16. Well, I was going to vote for you anyway, but if you've impressed Oddity, that's quite an achievement. I've gone ahead and made you a contributor. Hopefully you now have access to the modeling forum, but we've just updated our board software, so I'm not sure what's working. If you can't see the art forums, let me know. Take some time to get acquainted, and we'll come up with some jobs for you.
  17. Don't worry Mike, CVS has confused just about all of us at one time or another. There are a good set of instructions and screenshots here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=359
  18. Yeah because it's a real nerds interface Well ask on the Wings forums about exporting to a format that retains the UV info, they would surely know.
  19. Yep, Gmail is using AJAX (to my knowledge). vBulletin has this built-in to their 3.5 version aswell, I'm just waiting for it to go gold before I upgrade the Black Cat Forums.
  20. That's mostly for hosting companies and other firms that can't/won't link to a competiting business on their forums.
  21. Here is the main problem with licensing the Reality Engine: Epic Games has bought it out, and is no longer licensing it! I guess we will see the good bit incorporated into Unreal Engine X... Oh well... http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/to...topic_id=319114
  22. Been discussed here --> http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=2150
  23. obscurus

    Unreal 2007

    See this thread:http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=2164 I think it is a fantastic engine... I can't believe games are getting this sweet to look at... It will require pretty substantial hardware to run, but man that game is gonna be good to mod with (and i imagine a pretty fun game to play as well)
  24. Denigneth and Teaser are both for non-gameplay times, the Teaser one is from our early teaser trailer- http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=754
  25. Some excellent ideas Maximius, I think there is a lot of good stuff in there... The Dark Mod would certainly look very nice for this kind of thing, but I don't think that Doom 3's multiplayer code would be up to it (although Quake 4 might do the job nicely - I wonder if the Dark Mod would work with Q4 with a little tweaking?).... The UT2K4/Nightblade project would be the easiest project to do this, since most of those gameplay elements are already there or planned for in NB... UT2k4 is good because it has excellent multiplayer code, excellent bot AI, and a very easy to use scripting system for making mods etc... While D3 looks graphically better than UT2K4 for a dark Thief style game, Unreal does multiplayer much better than most other engines out there, IMO. I'd definately have a look at the Nightblade forums, and post your ideas there as well. Man that was one brave grandfather... me personally, I would have used the Machete... there isn't much a leapard could do about that if you had your wits about you
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