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  1. Err, you are aware that Oddity has done several Belcher models already, right? http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...=626&hl=belcher They're not quite done yet according to Oddity, but we do have them :/
  2. Springheel


    One of the things we discussed about the original concept art was that the legs needed an extra joint if the thing was going to be able to walk. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...=175&hl=belcher
  3. No, mainly because you can use quotes to seach for exact phrases, or include a hyphen to ommit words, but then that's the standard on most forums, and it's completely useless.
  4. There are no ill effects to drinking about three pints every week as I do. It just puts your brain is 'social mode' for five hours a week. My four hour badminton session on Sunday with the same friends more than makes up for it, health wise. If you can't drink in moderation, fair enough, you're an alcoholic and should stay the hell away from the stuff. Speaking of addiction, what about the internet? How long could you go without it? I'm sure it's pretty addictive, and has plenty of detremental effects. I could go a few months without a drink, but would struggle to go a few days without checking my e-mail or various forums to see what's going on.
  5. Yeah. That's the main problem. Most mods I have looked for are mostly more of Doom 3.
  6. obscurus


    It almost certainly did. The VAST majority of counting systems across all of the worlds cultures are derived from people using their fingers to count with - most number systems are base five, base ten (decimal) or base 20 - it is no coincidence that that corresponds to the human pentadactyl limb. The most primitive societies worked out that using fingers could be an aid to simple arithmentic, and that inheritance has stuck with us through most mathematical systems. In fact, if you look at the roots of a lot of words for numbers in a lot of languages, you find that numbers take their names from things to do with fingers. Some languages don't have words for numbers as such, you say for example, six, through a circumlocution describing which fingers you are refering to, and each finger has a specific name. Number systems like the base 12 common in celtic societies, as well as several ancient Mesopotamian peoples, are in the minority. And base twelve is just an extension of using the fingers, by also including the arms as an arithmetic aid. Base 20 numbering systems are typically found in societies where shoes or footwear is uncommon; you don't find base 20 counting systems in societies that wear closed toed shoes. If it were common place for human societies to have base 13 numbering systems, or base 37 number systems, you might have a point... If humans had 8 fingers on each hand I would expect we would all count in hexadecimal... The decimal system is no more complex than any other, it is just a matter of familiarity with whatever system you happen to be using. Most people who make maps for games like Unreal or Doom 3 engines would be very familiar in working with base 8 numbers, though they might not be aware of it (8, 16, 32, 64), as this is how 3D game engine typically operate (powers of 2 or multiples of 8, though not using a true base 8 nomenclature)
  7. @Dram: It's always better to find the bug (which is probably a simple 1 line change) rather than invent a convoluted solution to get around it. It's good to be thinking up solutions though, we just shouldn't need it in this case. The code is all there, so theoretically one can find where the AF checks what it should clip through and correct it to take the MasterEntity off that list. It'll just take a few more hours of staring at it, probably. I also posted on D3World but don't think anyone answered. @Oddity: Yeah, AF's can drop the framerate. The other day I stacked up about 6 zombie corpses, then pulled on the leg of the bottom one in the pile, effecting all of them, and the framerate dropped to about 5 fps. You can set the minimum force it takes to start calculating an AF, and you can set the max speed at which it comes to rest, stuff like that, but then it's a balance between making it look believable (not stopping in a weird, non-equilibrium position) and saving the frame rate. The ropes are set to be calculated pretty realistically right now, so that they only come to rest when they actually come to rest (I set the "cutoff" speed to something like 1 doom unit / second)
  8. Thanks BT, I've been looking for those for a while. Looks really good. Here's a link on the subject just in case: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=779
  9. Doom 3 should make it easier to avoid this problem though, with its Walk IK system etc. Certainly the ticks/trites were very believable, especially when compared with the spiders in T1/T2 which were not much better than the T3 cats in animation terms.
  10. I've noticed that by shooting 10 or so ropes into a wall, my framerate drop quite a lot. If I then shoot a fire arrow at the ropes the frame rate drops to nothing as all the Afs have to be calculated. Then again, dark mod already gives me a 30% framerate drop to start with as comaprd to vaniolla doom on the same map.
  11. OrbWeaver


    DDS works well for a lot of things, but for certain images it produces very nasty artifacts, particularly if you have diagonal lines or smooth gradients in the texture. With normal maps this can be particularly obvious, which is why Doom 3 in High Quality compresses diffusemaps but not normalmaps. You can see what a DDS-only game looks like if you play TDS - all of the textures are DXT1 and some of them look ghastly, particularly when light hits them at a sharp angle.
  12. oDDity


    Yes, dds can get you slightly smaller than JPG before hitting a loss. a 512 texture saved as a TGA with RLE compression is around 800kb, converted to a DTX1 DDS it is 120kb, converted to a high quaiity JPG with no loss it is 150 kb. Compressing it again into a winrar file you can almost half that to 80kb. IT would be quite simple to convert them all back to TGA files though, using a batch script in photoshop, or I'm sure GIMP can do the same thng. There is obviously some difference in quailty between DDs and TGA, or doom wouldn't ship wth dds and tga versions of all the textures. Anyway, we can get 3gb of textures down to 300mb using DDS and winrar. I see no reason whatever to ship TGA files at all, though, I suppose we can put all the TGA's in a separate rar file for those who want them. Then of course, there's still all the voices and sounds etc, so it's still goign to be well over 1Gb even with compressed textures.
  13. I think Dark Mod is making much better use of DooM 3 Engine than all Source projects combined! No one will change the engine! At least, I hope so...
  14. I don't think I even have that animation any more, it was just a quick hack to throw it into the game really. I'll be rerigging it with the new setup anyway at some point. You're probably right though, Motion builder requires that characters be facing th x axis, and doom require they face z, to I always have to turn them 90 degrees after animaiton and before exporting to doom, and I could have forgotten to rotate the prelate model's walk anim.
  15. http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=96419 I love the source engine. With a new Might and Magic game coming out, plus this... just wow.
  16. And remember not to use a spec map unless absolutely necessary, and it isn't necessary for most THief type textures. Doom was all metal and plastic, so Spec maps were pretty much ubiqitous there. We have very little metal and zero plastic. THat brick wall doesn't need one for sure. Brick's are not shiny like that. THere's no point going aroundf throwing spec maps on everything willy nilly just becasue we can. Heightmaps are also redundant now, due to the fact they can be seamlessly incorporated into the normal map. The majority of our textures will only need a diffuse and a normal.
  17. I just use photoshop BT. Format: TGA with RLE 24 bit Lossless Compression. Just follow the guidelines here if you aren't sure what size to make some of them. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?act=announce&f=17&id=1 Take care to only use lossless compression as we don't want to sacrifice the quality. On average, the diffuse textures should work down to around 700kb at 512X512
  18. I only have the toolbar, address bar and window tabs, as I'm sure the vast majority of Opera users have at least that much as well. I kee my screen 1280x1024 so it's not a problem for me anyway, but most people have their's at 1024 or even samller.I guess I'll have to try the OPera forums to see if there is a way around this.
  19. ScrotzaN


    I have been watching this site for a few months now and I can't express how excited I am about this mod. I have played alot of doom and i just LOVE the lighting effects in doom3, especially when something comes out of the darkness and into the light and when lights come from above or all the projectors that project lights onto models. I hope to see lots of beautiful projectors in this mod:) It's just so much more fun to sneek around when everything looks so darn pretty:)
  20. Yeah, funny as hell ... I should have added that but was being rushed in that post, which I find always makes me sound more serious than I really am... I remember doing something like this in anticipation (or anxiety) of just how bad Thief III might be (3 of us in a row, keeping it going): http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?...6828#post796828 And yeah, nat'l language parsers have so far to go. I still hope you guys think about some menu-based NPC-interaction system, though, or at least put it on the back-burner. (& I'll maybe deal with how I might set up my own idea myself after release if I still feel like it ... now that I have an idea of how it might even be possible. Crackpot as it admittedly is; when you've played around with parsers and IF stuff long enough, like any programming, it just becomes 2nd-nature to think about, and since I'm only in this FM biz for my own kicks, I thought it couldn't hurt to ask what's possible for me to do myself when the time comes). More OT, I find it (maybe ironically) reassuring that stupid topics like this are up in the thread queue (even if it is my own topic) ... It gives the impression that you've pretty much got all the basics under control and it's just a matter of time getting it all together. (.")-b
  21. Forsaken


    There is nothing hell themed about doom. Yehj, there is a hell level, but otherwise the game is just a big joke. Why such a small folder???
  22. Domarius


    I was just backing up my DarkMod folder, looked at its size to see if it would fit on a CD, and noticed it was exactly 666 megabytes (according to windows). I think that's very fitting for a mod based on Doom 3 which is heavily hell themed.
  23. You can see movies in a gui surface all the time. What do you think are the advertising machines when you enter Doom 3 at the starting map?
  24. Oh, that, but it won't work anyway. I can buy DooM 3 if I'll buy only Heroes...
  25. THat avi is divx 5.2.1 - my version of AE6.5 opens it fine. I never get a desktop splashscreen when starting doom either. BTW, are we obliged to have the id software logo avi at the start of our mod, or can we disable it? Tyrot is the real wizard with AE, maybe we could ask him to do something more fancy and animated with it.
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