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  1. Nice models. Will probably take you some time before you learn enough about the Doom 3 workflow to get something useable into the game, so be prepared for that.
  2. If we have different fiddly bits, like attatchment joints, then we can't straight out use D3 skeletons. It might be possible to import the Doom 3 animation, easily apply it to our modified D3 rig since the relevent bones will have the same names, and then re-export the final thing.
  3. Coolness. I like. Would it be hard for you to do a quick mock-up of the hammers having the handle switched around so that the current bottom side of the handle becomes the top? Keep the head in the same place, just rotate the handle around I guess that would be 180-degrees. I'm curious to see how that would change the look. In my mind it seems like would look even sweeter, but want to see it. I'd like to see him holding them in a view similar to your first view (http://forums.thedarkmod.com/uploads/post-5-1107635579.jpg) for comparison. As for the upside down hammer necklace, I like that. The weight of the necklace is at the bottom, somewhat symbolic of (and visually complimentary to) the weight of the hammers. The other way looks too much like a cross, which gets overdone. But I don't know the backstory of this guy to know if he's supposed to be "pro-builder"? If he's pro-builder, than an upside down hammer wouldn't be advisable; we'd want to come up with a different design if that's the case.
  4. If Doom 3 craymen "suck" so much, I'm sure there is a host of modelers just waiting with their finger perched on our doorbell. Can't wait until they are streaming in. As long as we don't have the manpower, we have to do with what we got. Not what we would like to have. And why should it matter wether we reuse some of the models that are suitable? They are there to be used and can always be exchanged later. You can create the complete gamemechanics with standin models, but you can't create gameplay with nothing.
  5. Spitter

    Doom 3 Coop

    I've played through entire Doom 3 with OpenCoop before and it was tremendous fun! The game's repetitive monster closet/dark areas gameplay stops being such a chore when there's two or more of you, especially if you coordinate it so that one player uses the flashlight while the other shoots. The boss monsters become hilariously easy though.
  6. From his description, it sure sounds like it is, and he's sure of it. Damn. It's scary to think that there may be a number of things we falter over or aren't sure about or aren't doing quite right, because we're ignorant of the abilities of the engine. It's a shame this community is divided by so many games today. Back in the time of Doom, it was all anyone had to focus on, and every single possible trick was exposed. But if this works, that's one of the single biggest concerns addressed.
  7. yeah i tried this but sadly doom was having none of it i created the normal map so everything in the centre was flat, then got higher at the edges. The edges worked find but all i got over the flat part was this wierd scrolling effect and couldn't see anything of the actual game
  8. Guest

    Doom3world Hacked Again

    D3W was hacked only once - this is far from 'so often'. The thing is, it stayed hacked for, I don't know, almost two weeks, because BNA was away on a business trip. At first they added some reloading script to the site and changed the header, but it was kinda possible to get around that, then they changed something more and redirected the site altogether in a way you couldn't bypass. When that happened, one of the admins locked down the site to prevent further damage, and when BNA got back, he fixed things, upgraded php/phpbb, and reopened the forums. Like I said, although this lasted for quite a while because BNA was away, this was only one hack.. and in a period that several phpbb sites were hacked with mass-exploiting scripts. This was no board/engine war of any kind, and while it made people sad because they couldn't access the board (me included), we knew it was only temporary.
  9. I just got DOOM3, so instead of playing it, I went out and checked what kind of stuff there is out there for the game. Now of course I knew about The Dark Mod before, you can find 2 of my posts here, as a guest, but I have been watching this project for a few month now, began visiting the site about 2 month or so after the Thief 2D project was promoted through the TTLG forums (ya I know I got weird ways of orientation in time). Anyhow I got DOOM3 for 2 reasons, (1) This mod, and SScar, even though it now looks as if it is going through some rough times(hope SScar team will make it through to finish the project), and (2) to maybe start learning how to mod. I was always a "Quest" game fan, games like Monkey Island, or the more recent The Longest Journey. And so today while watching stuff to get inspired with for something I might try do make after getting through the basics, I found this really cool thing, it had lots of "Interaction Points" of various types, I began thinking about MYST, a game I have never played, but just seen a few video reviews, and screens. So anyhow, after seeing what can be done with the engine, I decided to try and map my first room. As someone who's most "codeing" was making a +/- calculator in Flash ActionScript, and work with 3D environments was about nothing (tried looking at the DeusEx unreal 1.0 based MODing tools, but it was to much for me, to much stuff to remember...), I expected it would take me some time to make my first "map". but it was not so, I was able to make my first room in less then 20 minutes, using a video tutorial form Trepaning.com, and when I got an error during BSP it was so well laid out in the console window, in such nice human like syntax, I was able to understand my error and fix it. I am now pretty sure I was right when I was saying you should stick to TDE when I posted a week ago. Especially after seeing what can be done with it, apart from the DOOM3 Demo. As always I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my poor English, I used a word processor this time, so I hope I don’t have many mistakes. If you believe a mistake of mine stands out to much, and makes it hard for you to read my posts, please point it out, preferably in a PM. (this kind of thing happens a lot when you chat with people with Masters in all kinds of languages, so I am just being careful as it happens too me a lot)
  10. If you watch the kids TV there are several series which are IMO made in such a way. Just look at "Jimmy Neutron", "Bing & Bong" and other such series. I'm pretty sure that they are made in quite a similar way. Maybe they don't use a game engine for it, more a custom engine. But even with modern game engines it should be feasable to achive this quality. So you only need a good scripting editor. If you write such an editor you could do the same in Doom 3 as well.
  11. I got a question. Is there a tutorial that explains how to add textures to a texture pack? I searched the entire Doom3World.org texture forums, but didn’t find any.
  12. You got into a lot of work my friend, but something that I think will be extremely beneficial to getting the mod together faster. If our models can be made to use the animations from doom 3...then we're going to be on a lot more stable ground. Great work ascottk!
  13. Awesome news! I took my T3 Cabal character rigged with physique, used deep exploration to convert to a maya binary, open that in maya, & the rig was working! So here's my thoughts: I can convert the md5mesh & md5anim to max, make the changes then rig it with physique, convert to maya, create def files, then import the MBs to doom 3. I can easily (well not easy) use the meshes and anims from vanilla d3. This means we could scrap oddity's bones & be compatible with vanilla d3. It's just tweaking from there. What did I just get into
  14. Hi All, The thing I find most annoying in games, is the predictability of AI. Humans are not predictable. Personally, chuck out your game theory, and give us tough games... by that I mean, AI that are not the same every time I play the game. I mean, their patrols vary; when they detect a clue, they actively hunt the player for a period, and not just in the same room as in thievery, but do as a human would, and search the house. It annoys me when they give up too early, or dont hunt thoroughly enough. They should explore shadows... if the thief knows they will, he'll alter his behaviour accordingly.. and be more careful about clues... Then there's the other advantage, multiplayer games are always a vast leap for someone coming purely from SP. But if a game is adaptive, each time the player plays a level, then the player would be more skilled coming into a MP environment. I just think game ai's have become too predictable.. some of you have said making it adaptive would make it too hard. I think you are thinking from the wrong end of the stick. Yes it would, but it would add a higher degree of fear into the players mind, and lets face it, thats what we are into in games. Its not the killing, its the fear a good game can generate. Doom is the perfect example. Increase the fear level, and you increase the intensity of the game play, and the enjoyment. Its no good just upping the difficulty, I play all games on the hardest setting. What you need to do, is up the unpredictability. Just as in the example given of soldiers on patrol. Just as humans are slightly unpredictable.. and it varies with the person, as it should with ai type. It doesn't have to be harder to be better, just not as predictable. The best part of that, is the ai would be different each time you play the game. (this is where a random placement of goodies would be great each time a lvl loads). Venus
  15. I can reassign materials without separating the mesh. But we'd still have to retexture (maybe not, I'd have to play around the materials). I'm not sure how max handles bone resizing but when I tried that, the bone orientations were thrown off. Was that picture in the resize thread doom units (8 units per square)? Thanks
  16. actually, T2X board is tiny and the Hammerite Imperium forums are really quiet compared to this.
  17. You guys should totally add the Sword Gattsu uses in this anime 'Berserk'. I wonder if your thief can bypass a doorway with that... (Great anime btw.) Edit: added a better picture oh, and can't bother to start a new topic: can we get a direct link to these forums? It always throws me in to the Dark Mod page when refreshed. Pretty Please~~!
  18. The thievery community has heard (EDIT2:http://forums.blackcatgames.com/showthread.php?t=5086), but the last time I went there was a while. Also, it was made for mainly personal use and anyone wanting it is free to use it/change it/etc, not that I care. Just that since I changed so much, a lot of people here wanted those kind of changes so I thought, hey waht the hell, and so that's why you hear about it. Don't worry, it's not like I'm against the Thievery community anyway (I play Thievery very often, though not lately), so yeah. BTW, when I made it, it was made to balance a 1-on-1 thief vs guard LAN-Play with my bro, so there is no good balance in multiplayer. EDIT: Yeah, I know that the sounds are copyrighted (probably), but it just isn't the same without them . I am not trying to be illegal anyway . Just wanted to share the spoils --Dram
  19. Actually Dennis Nixon (DenTheef), Modetwo just supplies the lovely forums. It's due to both of them that we're still here!
  20. Not sure, I've never come up accross that particular problem. Might be best to visit http://ttlg.com/forums and check the FAQ. If someone else has experienced the problem, it's likely there.
  21. Well it depends on what you're using, of course, but what exactly is the problem area? Just overall/in general? For instance, since I just did this last night as quickly as I could for a monster_clip hull test, here's what I did with Blender (roughly). 1. Open Blender, create your object. Or, leave it a cube. Doesn't matter for this example. 2. Create a material for it. I just think of this as a "material insertion point", really, because I don't use Blender to do the texturing. I make the textures in PS and check/test them out in D3. Anyway, F5 to choose or create my material, and then F6 to define the texture for this material; choose Image type, and load an image. Now when I export, the model will have a material defined (even though I'm going to change it by hand). 3. Make a UV map. I recommend searching for greybeard's UV tutorial; it's not the big scary thing it seems to be. For this simple test, just make a single seam and unwrap it. Who cares what it looks like. 4. Export the model with the ASE export script. 5. Open the ASE in a file editor, and change the *BITMAP line to a format that D3 will use. E.g., from "D:\programs\blender\.blender\textures\whatever.tga" to "//base/some_d3_material" 6. Open it in Doom. Of course it gets way more complex than that, but that's the basics.
  22. That's a cool take on them, Saxmeister. With them floating, they can gracefully float in or out of a scene. Gives them a sort of "heir apparence" to them. I suck with cliches, so I have no clue if that's the right one You know what I'm trying to say, ROFL. EDIT: Dude, just went over to the TTLG forums and someone wrote something about an "air of mystery." Heh. Please toss this cliche into my above description also. Thank you very much.
  23. Hippo

    New To Thief.

    I couldn't give a damn about hockey. I haven't never really been keen on any sports. Yes, call me a nerd. I've no life. Maybe that's why I'm writing on these forums.
  24. Glossmaps kind of work, but not well enough for general use. The ideal situation is to set the specular exponent from the alpha of the specular map (which is currently ignored), but it seems that Doom 3 does not pass the specular's alpha to the shader. This meant that the glossmap mod had to use the diffusemap's alpha to set the gloss factor, which is not acceptable due to the conflict with the normal use of diffusemap alpha to control alphatesting. Perhaps further investigation might reveal that it is possible to pass in the specularmap's alpha, I haven't really looked into it.
  25. Okay, since it hasn't been done yet, I'll kick it off. First let me say, I assume this thread is to contain requests out of the ordinary, as stated by sparhawk at the TTLG forums: QUOTE I'm not talking of the standard features like buttons, switches, or similar stuff. Rather I'm thinking of things you might have wanted to implement in an FM but you couldn't because of limitations in the engine or in DromEd as opposed to the obvious, like rope arrows, swimming, etc. So here's a few ideas just to get things going. -random treasure spawns. An author would place a piece of optional treasure, and set a percentage chance that it will appear or not. -optional path nodes (although I think this might already be possible with Dromed). The AI can choose to ignore a node or go on a different, separate path altogether. -AI actions similar to NOLF2. I never played the game myself, but I'd heard they do things that are unexpected, at unexpected times. Many times I've played Thief and thought to myself, "why is that cook just pacing back and forth?" Clearly for gameplay, NOT realism. "Why would a guy just be standing here in a dark room, facing the wall, then turn to the fireplace, back to the wall, back to fireplace, etc?" Again, gameplay, not realism. I'd heard that in NOLF2, AI will often kick a can around, or fidget (already in Thief), or even leave patrol to go to the restroom. That sounds like a fantastic addition that might really lend some tension to the overall experience. -AI ladder climbing. Touchy subject, that, as it eliminates some safety and comfort in the game, but probably a good addition. Okay, there's a few for now. What ideas would you suggest?
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