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  1. hey thanks! glad to know you guys liked my modeling, hope my animation skills don't let you down hehe ok, these two are from a short i'm currently working on (with some friends) ,they are just tests. http://www.geocities.com/ollimuzg/testeanimacaoveio1.avi http://www.geocities.com/ollimuzg/testeanimacaoveio2.avi this one i did this afternoon, the model is just for animation tests and stuff (very bad skinning too) so try to look only to the animation itself! hehe http://www.geocities.com/ollimuzg/Carinhaflechado.avi let me know if there's anything not working with the links
  2. We already have some fantastic modelers, but we do need some people to work primarily on animations. Your model work looks good, so if you can demonstrate some reasonable animation ability, I'm sure we can use you.
  3. Upload is probably better, so everybody can check it out. The model looks very good, though.
  4. Currently we have all modelers that we need. So if you want to model, then we would need to see some very good models as we aim for a rather high quality. We need some animators, I think, but we still would like to see some samples first.
  5. It's hard to make skeletons look good moving around, but we should definitely use them for 'decoration'. I don't see any reason to model our own though, when we can just use the D3 ones.
  6. Basically as the title says, do you guys need any more models for this project? I'm pretty new to modeling but i'm getting along quite well so far and i'm having a lot of fun. What i'd love at the moment would be to get involved in a project so i can learn from more experienced people and generally get some experience of working within a team (ive never been involved in a mod before). And being a thief fan this project would be great fun to be involved in. From the stuff ive been doing so far i would say that my strengths are in organic modeling, but i would be more than willing to have a go at whatever is required. If you guys would be at all interested could you please set me some kind of 'test' model that you'd like to see me create. I should need no more than 3-4 days to get to something i'm half happy with, so i'd be able to give you something concrete to look at by friday. I'm sorry if this is a bit of an unconventional application, but i dont really have much to show as of right now, and i would much rather produce something relevant to your project for you to judge me by, rather than give you some random stuff ive been messing around with just to learn. If you could let me know fairly soon'ish it'd be much appreciated, then i can get on and make something for you to look at. You can reach me at naturb0y@hotmail.com or just let me know on here. Thanks for your time.
  7. No, but some artist put a lot of effort into designing it, and it looks good. So its still good as a reference. Oh I didn't mean it as in "if you really did it and you're not lying", I meant it as in "if you really did it without starting from, say, a poser model" I beleive you if you tell me you did it from scratch . People in those situations can't really lie because they'll still have to prove themselves later when they get asked to do more work.
  8. sparhawk


    They can. SS also didn't use their models. They just modeled it EXACTLY as it was on the original game. I don't know if they can sue us just because we have SOME models exactly looking like theirs, though. Don't know if there is something similar to citazion in this field, so we could claim that 99% of the gamecontent is ours and a light or two doesn't really matter for the overall content. Sine we are doing most of our models with a totally new look that would be the case. I really would like to have these original models in, just not to much of them. They can attack you on any basis they like. The question is if they will get a sentence supporting it. They could even attack you on the basis that your nick is BlackThief if they feel like it. It all depends on how good a laywer is in finding arguments, and how good the judge is. If the weapons are released through the game, I wouldn't be surprised if the game developers licenced the look fo the weapons from the manufacturer. After all, this is the same isse with soccer games. They can't just slap the name Oliver Kahn ona model that looks similar like him. Just because something is not attacked doesn't mean that WE don't get attacked. Thievery is IMO a different case, because they are multiplayer. They ar enot in direct competition with Thief. We are. So it could very well be that we might be attacked while others are not. And as NH said. Our trailer created also quite some buzz. It shows that we can deliver high quality content, and that we can be a threat to a professional game company. And considering our models and animations, we are. I guess, if we would create a complete new game with our own idea, we have a good enough quality to put it to the market. Even better than some games out there where you have to pay for them.
  9. started to model the CLASSIC "Old Electric Wall Light" myself ignore the rust texture - I have just began with it
  10. _Atti_


    nice..that face somehow reminds me of Tyrot's Archer model:)
  11. Whatever the final verdict is, it's most likely going to be something that will require a mild suspension of our disbelief. If FM authors dislike what we decide on, they can easily change the sound and the model themselves...and no doubt some will.
  12. You've convinced me you know what you're doing, in regards to what I was talking about. Though I've seen some pretty "extreme" characiture styles have converted well over to 3D, like this long, tall, lanky style (can't remember what game) where their faces were very long. And one of the first things I said about your builder priest model was how much I liked his "characiture" style
  13. The Bell Banging Love the bangings, and the violins. The intro bells are, as Darkness said, a little out of place. My suggestions would be to either lower the volume, or remove them. (Or make them blend in more, somehow) Creepy piano Yes, very Thief 3 like. And in a good way! I only wish the piano pieces were a little more fleshed out in some places. Also, the background hum is a little distracting. It could be annoying to hear it repeated five times or so in a single level. (But since we don't have a level yet, it's kinda hard to know, I'm just guessing here!) Anyway, you can always do what I did on the underground theme. Make different versions and name them theme1a.ogg, theme1b.ogg etc. Musicbox I really like this one! Freeky stuff! But I think you have misunderstood the tasklist. This thing here is a theme, listed in the tasklist as "themes(5)". The item listed as "musicbox(2)" is the sounds for an actual musicbox (3d model in the gameworld) that the play can "use" so that it makes a sound (More like a sfx than an ambient now that I think about it.) This theme you created here could be used for that too I guess, if you remove the background hum. If you could make a version with a more "scratchy" sound (as if it was very old) that would be awsome! About your musicbox tune, as I said, great. I love it. I love it so much I think you should work more on it (if you're willing to). The first little melody is great. (Up until 0:45). More things like that please! I think that was all. Keep up the good work!
  14. These kinds of drawings are good ways to get ideas for different outfits, or variations on textures that we could use on a single model. As I said in the PM I'd like to have several different textures for the different guard models so that we can have a variety of unique-looking guards.
  15. oDDity


    YOu can use the rig in Max, sure, but not charcater studio, You'll have to animate it the old fashioned way. It isn't set up with any IK or constraints, that all happens in Motionbuilder. I suppose I can just send you you model and you can rig it yourself in charcater studio. it woulnd't be fair otherwise, if that's what you're used to.
  16. TYROT


    dear Fingernail.. Man all your prayers will be answered so soon about all kinds of architectural parts for your levels wait just wait dear KFM You are really giving us new inspirational visions...Thanks for your time.. Dear oDDity I think first we should decide on our textures. And then we can model the architectural details. Actually we can make our details and make it with UVs and wait for the texture for later... BEST
  17. yeah that was the workflow eventhough I didn't skin everymodel (and I hope that I don't HAVE to skin every model )
  18. TYROT


    dear deep and BT actually i started to model keys last week after getting concept art from springheel..do you think i should complete them...? BEST
  19. Uploaded to the server, under models/props/misc/Cutlery - note that the CutleryDiffuse.tga is used for all of the non-cleaver utensils. If anyone wants a texporter unwrapping, so they can see how they all fit on the texture sheet, let me know, but since it's a simple model with a simple texture and no tiling you should be able to just lay down some colors.
  20. About the big boots - it's a necessity when modeling for game engine like UT and Doom. The characters tend to look smaller towards the feet because of the perspective, so you have to model a reverse perspective into the character so it looks just right in the engine. So, no scabbards then. I'm sure ths must be possible though, I wonder why it isn't conventional to use a scabbard? I suppose because it would make it difficult to postion the weapon_sword exactly in the scabbard, but if you have the positional bones set correctly it shouldn't be a problem, and the weapon drawing and sheathing animations would take care of the rest. THere must be some kind of problem attached to it though, since (now you mention it) I haven't seen any games with scabbards.
  21. If these professional guards can use both melee and range weapons, shouldn't they have a scabbard and a quiver? Are these guys going to use bows or crossbows as their range weapon? How do we handle the weapons anyway - I mean having a sword in a scabbard and then drawing it, I've no idea how weapon objects are handled. Do I just model him with an empty scabbard and then the sword is added in DoomEdit or something as a weapon? Maybe we need weapon attach bones like in UT on the hands and scabbard? I suppose the quiver would be modeld with arrows already in it, and then when he does the animation to draw one, a real arrow can spawn in his hand.
  22. Only a psychopath would model chainmail, but you can fake it with a tranparency map. THe only snag is tht you have to waste polygons modeling stuff underneath the chainmail. If you look carefully here you can see that there is nothing under this chian and you can see the background through it.
  23. oofnish's model We were voting for his design - I like what it oofnish's one LOOKS like. Doesn't matter how we implement it. We all voted that it should LOOK like that. Votes This poll should be split into the two seperate issues that they are. One poll for tilting, and one poll for combined. Combined gem and compass The gem and compass are GOING to be two seperate entities as far as programming (and hence, modelling) is concerned. It's for implementation reasons. So the vote should be about wether they APPEAR to be seperate entites or not. Just wanted to clear that up. Tilting T2 had tilting, and it was fine. There is a bit of tweaking there, making sure it's being seen from a high angle by default, so that you don't have to look downward to see the farthest arrow. My main reason was if we can not tilt it, we can pre-render it and make it look way better. I don't think there's any other real issue to debate about tilting. If the thing isn't going to be pre-rendered, it may as well tilt. It will require a bit more work, but not much. Options I'd much rather have tilting than having options for turning tilting on and off, and other stupid options. An option screen full of petty options is going to just look like we were all arguing over silly details and couldn't decide. I personally don't see the need for customising the experience of a game outside of control configs and player name and appearance. (modding is a seperate issue). Having an option to turn off lockpicking makes me feel like I'm back in the days of the console video games and I can set how many lives and continues I have. I have to excercise restraint instead of being gradually convinced that the game can be played the way the designers made it. Having an option to turn down HUD brightness is an interface issue in Thief because it can glare your vision and make it hard to see in dark areas. Having an option to turn off a compass that is taking up 5% of screen real-estate is very petty. Why don't we answer the bigger issue of people desiring a HUDless game (a totally reasonable desire, that other games have satisfied one way or another) and just make a HUD on/off toggle button or something, instead of going about it peicemeal? I wanna see my light gem. Click, there it is. Bleh, yucky compass. Okay I'm done. Click. All gone again.
  24. Wouldn't it be quite an overkill to model the chainmail? I sure don't know what it would do to the framerate.
  25. Well, I can make the .bmps no problem, but I don't know anything about positioning them or getting them to fit the model. Would I have to know exactly how big the gem will be onscreen?
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