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  1. I thought we had an agreement that we keep silent on public forums about the new abillities of Garretts special moves and martial arts capabillities.
  2. Yeah, the requests were the main reason why I started this thread. Maybe we should let the others know about it.... post a link in the other forums, maybe?
  3. I only wanted to discuss it here before I knew you were being added as a contributor Now we can discuss it in the dev forums of course.
  4. Hey guys, feel free to use stuff from our "official response" (thread hidden to the public) and let me know if it needs changing. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...indpost&p=11426 One of the major selling points for me, is this; http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic...=asc&highlight= This tutorial shows how any texture can be used just like "stained glass windows", to project a colour image the same way an overhead projector does. This can be used for many dark moody effects, such as dappled moonlight coming through tree branches or windows, and obviously stained glass windows in churches. The effect will fall onto static geometry and moving objects the same, because of Doom 3's dynamic lighting. Try and imagine what someone walking under the coloured image cast by a stained glass window in a church, or under the dappled moonlight through the leaves of a thick tree. Also, the Doom 3 renderer excels at dynamic lighting and lighting quality. The shadows and lighting effects look much better than Half Life 2. The downside is that having many intersecting lights can slow down the renderer more than it's worth, hence, the Doom 3 engine is suited to really cool dark looking levels. Guess what Thief has always been about?
  5. Thanks! We really put a lot of effort in this and it is nice to hear that you like it. Superior in what? Well there are a couple of reasons. 1. When we started the mod, HL2 was not released. Changing the engine would mean to give up a lot of progress for a hyped up game. And Doom 3 has many advantages. 2. Id is know for very good support to the mod community. Additionaly, Id makes a habit of releasing the sourceode fof their engines after some time under GPL. This has happened for Quake 1/2, Doom 1/2, and Quake 3 is under planning. I have no doubts that Doom 3 will follow after an appropriate time. 3. Steam. Personally I feel this bneing so offensive and an intrusion on customer rights that I will not buy the game despite awaiting it qute anxiously. There are many legal tricks in the EULA that doesn't constitute anything remotely what I consider as my right as a customer. Just an example. Valve reserves the rights to charge fees or changing the terms on short notice, without the customer having any saying. This means, if Valve decides to charge a fee and you want to continue play HL2 which you already paid for, you will have to pay again. 4. The lighting engine of Doom 3 is far superior then HL2 engine. The clever use of textures covers this mostly, but one shouldn't just look at the game's surface to decide which engine is best to use for a particular gaem. 5. Portabillity. Doom 3 runs on Windows and Linux (and I think there is also a Mac version). This means that I can play my favourite game (Thief) on Linux natively, without any crutches like Wine (not meaning that Wine is anything bad, as I'm also a one-time developer for Wine myself, just in the context of gaming it's a crutch). 6. Physics. Well. Everybody knows that HL2 uses Havoc which is an excellent physics engine. Still, I have seen physics demo from another mod which indicates that Doom 3 physics is much better, than the first impression will show. They implemented a gravitiy gun and from the demo I could see nothing wrong with it. Also Id released a gravity gun with their add-on. Also in Thief gameplay there is not THAT much need of perfect physics, and Doom 3 will do everything we need. Including rope arrows. I guess that are enough points for now. I think there are some more, but these are the major points for me, anyway. Especially Steam. This is not something that can be "allowed". It needs to be coded. And as it is right now, nobody is willing to do this. Especially since there is already a multiplayer thief game out there. Thievery.
  6. Hi Natureboy, Sorry for the occasionlly abrasive critiques. I know it can be quite frustrating to have people critique work that isn't complete. In the future I think I'll move these kind of posts to PMs. But what Sparhawk said is essentially true. We have so many models right now we're having a difficult time keeping track of them. Our needs fluctuate as people come and go, though, so you could always check back in and see how things are going in a few months. And you can feel free to hang out in the public forums in the meantime. Thanks again,
  7. more or less...the sparse announcements are documented at TTLG forums (there is a Bioshock Anticipation forum there). There's been some discussion of the premise, plot etc. there, and how it is a 'spiritual sequel' to SS2.
  8. Sparhawk, I sent it to New Horizon (because he's in charge of PR, I figured he'd have people's emails ), so that he'd forward it to you and Domarius. If it hasn't reached you that way... [edit - found your email on ttlg forums. I will try sending it directly to there]
  9. My cousin is a lawyer. I'll try to get hold of him and ask him a few questions. As long as we're not using their models I don't see any problems coming up. Especially if they are not exact replicas and are just inspired by the original, as yours was. While Thievery was indeed multiplayer it is still possible to get pretty thiefy in it. Especially when you see some of the textures they have ingame...if they're not the original textures, then by george they're great recreations.
  10. sparhawk


    They can. SS also didn't use their models. They just modeled it EXACTLY as it was on the original game. I don't know if they can sue us just because we have SOME models exactly looking like theirs, though. Don't know if there is something similar to citazion in this field, so we could claim that 99% of the gamecontent is ours and a light or two doesn't really matter for the overall content. Sine we are doing most of our models with a totally new look that would be the case. I really would like to have these original models in, just not to much of them. They can attack you on any basis they like. The question is if they will get a sentence supporting it. They could even attack you on the basis that your nick is BlackThief if they feel like it. It all depends on how good a laywer is in finding arguments, and how good the judge is. If the weapons are released through the game, I wouldn't be surprised if the game developers licenced the look fo the weapons from the manufacturer. After all, this is the same isse with soccer games. They can't just slap the name Oliver Kahn ona model that looks similar like him. Just because something is not attacked doesn't mean that WE don't get attacked. Thievery is IMO a different case, because they are multiplayer. They ar enot in direct competition with Thief. We are. So it could very well be that we might be attacked while others are not. And as NH said. Our trailer created also quite some buzz. It shows that we can deliver high quality content, and that we can be a threat to a professional game company. And considering our models and animations, we are. I guess, if we would create a complete new game with our own idea, we have a good enough quality to put it to the market. Even better than some games out there where you have to pay for them.
  11. ... which would probably need additional sounds. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=864
  12. Thanks Ishtvan...we're discussing these very issues on the dev forums at the moment.
  13. I sent you several mails without response and you never really participated in the forums. From the task that I set you I have seen nothing up until today. So the question is: What exactly do you want to help us now all of a sudden?
  14. This is the thread I'm always updating; http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=708
  15. It's another free beta weekend. I played the alpha back at the start of the summer, it lasted 3 days when the E3 event was running. It's a great game, kind of a mix between you're typical fantasy MMO, and a multiplayer team shooter like UT. THe best game type in it was the instanced quests, when 4 people go off on a lengthy quest, fight monsters, solve puzzles and achieve some objective (pretty tough too) THere are also various other modes like team DM, protect the king etc I'm definitely getting this game when it comes out later in the year, the best thing about it is there is no monthly subscription fee, even through it's a persistent world where you level up like other MMOs, and you don't have to sink time into it like other MMOs, just log in for a bt of fun when you feel like it. Come on guys, we definitely need a Dark Mod team! Just download the beta client from fileplanet. THe beta starts on Friday, and lasts all weekend. edit: url http://www.fileplanet.com/betacenter/guildwars/
  16. I found this post over at ISA (http://forums.ionstorm.com/index.php?showt...ndpost&p=342075). Are there any desires here in DarkMod to make multiple versions of Burricks?
  17. It already is posted. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=782
  18. I brought this already up in the old forums - unfortunately the majority was against it... edit: finger was right - I mixed in german word order
  19. Ok, we need to get this cleared up once and for all. I agree with what oDDity has said above. As I see it, we have basically two issues here. 1. Should the compass tilt. 2. Should the compass be combined with the lightgem on the HUD like T3, or should it be an inventory object like T1/2. We seem to have about four people against tilting and three or four in favour of it, with at least three people who would like the compass to be an inventory object. I personally don't like the tilting on the main HUD, though if we made the compass an inventory object, then I wouldn't care whether it tilted like T1/2. So how do we decide this? It's a bit of a mess at the moment, and voting for Oofnish's lightgem doesn't solve any of these problems...in fact it becomes pointless until we get this sorted out. Problem is, these two issues overlap. I support a combined lightgem compass UNLESS we're doing tilting, in which case I don't. So I'm not sure how to set up a vote. I think we've pretty much heard all the arguments for and against, so unless anyone has a totally new idea, here's what I suggest: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?act=ST&f=5&t=794&st=0
  20. Not sure if this has been mentioned before or not, but in case anyone was curious about painting titles and the artists from Thief, here you go: http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10900 Here's a brief snippet from this thread. There are more attributions if you visit the above URL:
  21. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=653&st=0 http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=653&st=75 thats why i said the model list should be updated:\
  22. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=653&st=0 thats why i said the model list should be updated....:\
  23. I don't think it's him. His ip on the Ion forums is from India, those that have shown up here don't match up.
  24. I issued a friendly reminder to Aditya at the Ion Forums and he took it very gracefully. I just explained that his criticism is welcome, but beyond that he is not to instigate nor encourage flame wars...like he is so fond of doing.
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