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  1. Dram

    Parkan II

    Has anyone herad of Parkan II? I just noticed it today and suddenly want it...bad. I heard Parkan Iron Strategy was good too, and you can download a demo, unfortunately my internet just got capped (went over the 20gb limit) which is absolutely fucked. Should be uncapped tomorrow, so im gonna get it then. Apparently its already out, but on their forums someone said that the US version should be out in december, that means January for Australia..ugh. Anyone know anything about this? Russians especially should hehehe...
  2. The names are the one you posted in the inventory thread here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...st&p=163038 I can easily change them, they are defined in the map's worldspawn. The "gui::yyyyyy" variables are interacting with the SDK code, things are kept very flexible. The parchment, title text and position are set dynamically by the code, depending on which menu is visible. Just give me the graphics and I'll handle the code changes - some might not be trivial, but we'll get there.
  3. OK, started up DR empty. Create coffee table. func_static_1. Create bottle. func_static_1. Rename DR folder to disable and also the config on in docs & settings. I'm downloading the snapshot. Don't know where the info is on this. I recall reading something in forums recently that wasn't in the issue I had which is very recent (only days old) One glitch with XP is when saving, select a folder & click, Folder opens and files list. Whatever file happens to fall under the cursor is instantly highlighted. Can't stop it. This means the filename in the save box is changed so the download would get saved with the wrong name, eg, darkradiant-0.9.8pre6.exe becomes darkradiant-0.9.7pre6.exe almost without noticing if you are not aware of it. I have to copy and paste the name.
  4. Well I'd say it already is! This is a public part of the Dark Mod forums, and I posted it at Shadowdark. I just figured it was a silly editor test, sort like my barrel drop and guard drop vids, so nothing to hide.
  5. Greetings! Let me first give you my story. I had my dad's old dell latitude C840, I was curious about Linux and the machine had a broken fan and kept crashing in windows from overheating, so I checked out an Ubuntu book at my school's library, installed it and I liked it a lot, never overheated, (at least enough for the powerdown failsafe to kick in). Well bout 2 days ago, after my lappy was running fine at school, either the ram, ram slots and/or mobo are dead (The evil capslock blinking 10 tens, than shuts off). So now I'm in the market for a new laptop, and I have about $700ish to spend. I think a few of you guys talked about your linux laptops, playing tdm on them (was it Komag?) and so I'd like to know if you guys know any good laptops that can install with Ubuntu pretty good, and if possible run doom3 well. Now I have my desktop that is my hardcore gaming machine, but if possible, I'd like to play TDM on my laptop, because I usually get a lot of sudden mapping creativity at school (of all places!) and I think it would be cool to be able to just put em down, plus vacations, I can have a portable Darkradiant :-D. I don't know how feasible that would be with my price range to get a laptop that can run doom 3 due to it being quite the hardware tester even to this day. I've looked at Dell's Ubuntu laptops and also I've been thinking about getting an Ideapad y530, but it has a shitty onboard video card and probably won't run doom3 at all. My main reason for this laptop is for School, Finances maybe, I'm also trying to teach myself Python, and play some classic old games in WINE like fallout 1 and 2. But If I can manage to get a lappy that can play some doom3, I'd be more happier, but if not, I'll still be good. I think I might register on the ubuntu forums as well and pitch my Q there. Thanks,
  6. It was this thread: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...amp;hl=launcher Though on re-reading it I may have misunderstood. When I use the Start Mission menu, the shop screen loads correctly, but there is no difficulty screen (actually there is but it is very out of date and with no objectives), so I thought I was doing something wrong. Are you saying that's what everyone currently sees?
  7. http://forums.eidosgames.com/showthread.php?t=76531 Don't know if this is old news to any of you, but there is a fix called DDFIX for the Thief2.exe to use proper colours on new video cards; no crashing, no horrible bright banding, and no dithering. And another fix called Widescreen, that runs it at super high resolutions, with support for wide screen. I got mine running at native resolution - 1650x1080 Also the other main thing for me is I found a built in colour profile on my LCD monitor "Movie", which actually looks crap in day time, but at night time, it seems to more closely resemble the richness of colour I used to get from playing my CRT in the dark. Not quite as good, but not as washed out as the default profile. Enough to make me want to get back into playing the Thief 2 FMs again And as for Garrett's voice being too loud - edit cam.cfg, find master_volume, and replace the -1 with 1600. That fixes it.
  8. @Baddcog: I elaborated the gargoyle statue shader issue here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...st&p=160680 edit: and I totally do care about your models, they are always awesome. Actually, I'd like to see more of your models in the game, and I'd love to activate your lantern bot whenever I can find the time.
  9. This bug might be related to an animation: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry163653
  10. In addition to the models you could make use of prefabs. That would save much time and it will be easier to create own missions in higher quality. A good example is the Amisfield Tower made by Komag: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=8255 That would make a wonderfull prefab. Most people won't spend weeks for a building you may see only a few seconds in game, walking by or in the background. But if they are there as prefabs you just need to load it to your map, change a few textures rotate and scale it, remove or add a few brushes if u need to and it's ready. A wonderfull building which adds great atmosphere finished in a few minutes. You could do the same with candels with already added light entity, finished fireplaces, columns or evelators. The advantage of these prefabs is also that you can change them very easy to avoid that players think "I know exactly that from the last map, it's boring." What do you think about it?
  11. lol That would be hilarious. It was pretty funny...right after I posted on a couple of forums, the votes really took off. I think the Thief fans turned the tide. If only the entire country of Canada loved Thief, I could probably run for Prime Minister and win! haha
  12. Someone was working on a lute in the public forums but I don't know what happened to it.
  13. As far as I know, the instructions in this thread are still current. A Private Message on these forums is probably OK too. Would be great to have another programmer on board.
  14. Tool? I am a weapon, an invisible weapon, for an invisible war. http://www.eidosinteractive.co.uk/gss/dxiw/ Ahh the memories of hyping this game up and failing a college class only to be dissapointed with the end result hehe. It was ok but the forums made me think the game sucked. In the end I liked it . Anyway Deus Ex 3 must succeed. If Deus Ex 3 bombs Thief 4 very well could be canceled due to lack of funding. Eidos is in a bit of financial trouble at the moment. Also need the newest Tomb Raider to sell well .
  15. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=7366
  16. Hm. It might just be the wrong combination of gl_ settings. I had trouble wrapping my head around that before, despite people trying to explain it. Maybe we can find something in the window thread: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...st&p=148796
  17. I posted a new build (0.9.8pre1) in the public TDM Editing forums, you can use that one.
  18. I know this is in the off topic forums, but you do realize this is more of a Dark Mod/Thief oriented forum...right? I haven't seen anyone on here who quite shares your level of enthusiasm for Deus Ex.
  19. Hey guys, I've been following the mod for a while now and finally decided to get off my lazy ass and register for the forums. I most likely won't be an active member but I just wanted to tell you that you're all doing an awesome job and I can't wait to see a release! Good luck and keep up the great work
  20. Here's the relevant thread that explains the issue: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...st&p=162282
  21. Well, I can't give you a 'professional opinion' But this might help. I'd do 2 things. First, the polys on the inside of main body. they are made of a skinny row, a wide (middle row) and a skinny row. Get rid of that and just make them 1 row. Then 'float' those trim pieces top/bottom. No need to waste polys building around the trim. It'll also give you fewer polys so easier to uv and less trouble shooting. You can also save uv space by putting those trims inside the window holes (just turn 'em sideways and leave some space). You got a lot of wasted space in the uv, you could get better resolution by moving stuff around. Then I'd take both the hi and low poly models, select all of the faces on the 'flaps' and detach them. Basically make 2 objects, 2 normal maps. Then you'll render the outer frame as one, and render the flaps as another. That'll get rid of the weird overlaps I bet. Then just put em back together (or just save the original) and copy/paste the textures together in photoshop. Since you have them uv'ed in one piece everything will line up. (But I'd compact the uv'es more first. I know alot of guys over at polycount forums (and excellent place for modelling help) that do very details models and characters do them in several pieces.
  22. Ultra-short setup guide: - Send sparhawk PM with username/password - Install TortoiseSVN (assuming you're working on Windows) - Download the Mod as soon as sparhawk has confirmed your access - Install VC++ 2005 Express Edition (in case you haven't another IDE of your choice) - Install Platform SDK - Add settings for shared libraries (look at D3world or ask me) - Install Doom 3 (no spaces in the path) - Install Patch 1.3.1 (important, use the one linked on the wiki) - Compile your DLL (debug/release) - Push the DLL into the \Doom3\ folder right next to the EXE (this will override the one in the PK4).
  23. Looking at the current def folder there are several naming schemes in use: - tdm_ prefix. Special case: tdm_ai_ prefix for TDM AI. - Map-specific (e.g. bonehoard.def, blackheart_manor_items.def). Problem with these is, if this is shipped in the def/ folder, then mappers will use the assets in other maps (count on it). IMO, no map that's on the main SVN (and not in a PK4) should have its own .def file unless the items contained within are truly map-specific (and I can't think why they would be); if they're potentially useful for other maps then they should go in generalised .def files. - Doom 3 names, e.g. heads.def. This is done to override the standard D3 files of the same name. It's not ideal but there's no real way around this without causing errors. - Weapons are prefixed with weapon_. This is a D3 convention. It might be more consistent to change these to tdm_weapon_, but I don't think it's that important. OTOH I don't think it'd hurt anything to change it, unless the weapon_ prefix actually means something to the code (but I can't think why it would). - Others. e.g. soundprop.def. If there's no compelling reason why these shouldn't have a prefix, then IMO they should be renamed. Ishtvan, are you okay with renaming soundprop.def to tdm_soundprop.def? So yes, I'd say that you should prefix new .def files with tdm_ unless there's a specific and compelling reason not to.
  24. The actual model feedback I have is consistent across all of them (and part of the gripe is due to my nature, so take it with salt): polycounts, polycounts, polycounts. There's no reason a small cylinder (e.g. panflute) can't be a rectangle. Or a larger one (an organ pipe), an octohedron. We do this with patches in the map editor all the time, using square cylinders. Rounded sides and tapered edges can be achieved with smoothing and materials. Sometimes it's okay for a scene to contain an item or two with a high count, but they do add up, and reduce a mapper's ability to add map detail. I'll reference a bell I made back in the stone age: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...ost&p=83650 It's only got 12 sides (I could've, and maybe should've gone higher), but unless you're looking specifically at the edge, it looks round. All of the detail -- the trimming, the rivets, the scrollwork -- is in the material, none of it is modeled. Now imagine that on a much smaller scale; it wouldn't matter at all if a panflute pipe was 4 sided, maybe even 3. Look at the heads of the original Doom3 characters. They're a pretty extreme example, and I think id should've bumped it up. But still, unless you're looking for it, you don't really notice. Edit: Almost forgot: also, they appear faceted (e.g., the cauldron), though I haven't seen them for myself in game besides screenshots yet. Are you enabling smoothing? ASE supports it, and I believe LWO does as well. With it, most of the roundness detail and poly cost isn't needed.
  25. Yes, the bug tracker also double duty serves as a feature request list after discussing it on the forums
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