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  1. 1. Yeah, that is worth considering. 2. No, maybe I'll explain better. 3. I suppose so. It's realistic that some people might see it and others not, and end up dying as a result. However; My concern was that it doesn't seem right for a guard to call everyone to come and look at the mine he's about to blow up, when they could die as a result. He should be saying "Everyone stand clear!!" or something. However, we could ignore that concern and let the default behaviour happen, as if they don't understand what the guard is saying and are just coming to see what the commotion is all about, which is what happens in the Thief games anyway. People just run to noise, no matter what is being said. It would be simpler that way.
  2. Im damn sure u will I run a mod but i know it wont come close to the standard's of this one although if ever needed im hear to lend a hand
  3. It already is posted. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=782
  4. I brought this already up in the old forums - unfortunately the majority was against it... edit: finger was right - I mixed in german word order
  5. Ok, we need to get this cleared up once and for all. I agree with what oDDity has said above. As I see it, we have basically two issues here. 1. Should the compass tilt. 2. Should the compass be combined with the lightgem on the HUD like T3, or should it be an inventory object like T1/2. We seem to have about four people against tilting and three or four in favour of it, with at least three people who would like the compass to be an inventory object. I personally don't like the tilting on the main HUD, though if we made the compass an inventory object, then I wouldn't care whether it tilted like T1/2. So how do we decide this? It's a bit of a mess at the moment, and voting for Oofnish's lightgem doesn't solve any of these problems...in fact it becomes pointless until we get this sorted out. Problem is, these two issues overlap. I support a combined lightgem compass UNLESS we're doing tilting, in which case I don't. So I'm not sure how to set up a vote. I think we've pretty much heard all the arguments for and against, so unless anyone has a totally new idea, here's what I suggest: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?act=ST&f=5&t=794&st=0
  6. If any of you programmers fancy writing a simple beginner script for this hammer guard, I'll get the base animations done. Nothing fancy for now. Just a script that will have him stand playing his idles, run and attack an enemy if he see one (not sure about if he hears one - is that harder to code?) search around a bit after the fight, and then go back to his place.
  7. Not sure if this has been mentioned before or not, but in case anyone was curious about painting titles and the artists from Thief, here you go: http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10900 Here's a brief snippet from this thread. There are more attributions if you visit the above URL:
  8. Ok, I've already run into some issues with the scripting. The books are actually harder to script than the main menu, which always does the same thing every time. Books are different. For example, clicking the rightpagecurl button will cause a sound (and possibly animation) for turning the page, and then a leftpagecurl button will appear. But how do you decide whether or not the rightpagecurl button should show up in the first place? It should only be there if the book has more than two pages, but that depends on the FM author. The same thing applies for how many times the rightpagecurl button should appear, or which text it should call. I'm not quite sure how to script for all the different possibilities. Sounds like there are going to have to be all kinds of 'if-then' statements that are beyond my abilities. The tutorials on D3W don't really go into that kind of detail, either, at least that I can see. So if there is anyone willing to look into this, I'll happily hand off the GUI as it currently exists.
  9. wont that kill the uniqueness of these machines? well..your choice..
  10. Since we already have now the problem that modelers did double work, which even looked remarkable similar) I guess there should be a better way of controlling what is doing which models. I would suggest to create a website with small thumbnails from EVERY model that is already finished. If a modeler starts on a new piece he should upload a concept BEFORE he starts working on it, so that we have an easy overview of what models are already done. This means that the system should be somehow managable, so that models can add their models fast without a long delay of contacting somebody who can add the model. If we don't have such a system, we can also use the CVS for that. We just need to create a folder where all the screenshots are stored (only small pics, so they don't take much space) and for each major section one HTML page where they screenshots are listed. This way they can easily be synced and we wont have the problem that modelers are doing the same work twice. And it also has the advantage that we have an easy overview of how much is done already.
  11. to make things clear..and to avoid further duplication of models: here is a list of things i have modeled so far: Mansion related models: -2 types of barrels( probably wont be used) -4-poster bed -2 types of beermug -wide and tall bookshelves -bread -4 different slices of cheese -bucket -candlestick holder -cleaver -pot -basic cutlery (fork,spoon,knife) -2 types of grandfather clock -small desk -dining table -cupboard -victorian endtable -fancy gaslight -hairbrush(howver i am not too satisfied with that model..so if anyone would like to make another..) -waterpump -2 types of beds for servants -wardrobe -wine rack Other stuff: 2 types of furnaces 2 types of generators gasmine lightgem
  12. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=653&st=0 http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=653&st=75 thats why i said the model list should be updated:\
  13. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=653&st=0 thats why i said the model list should be updated....:\
  14. I don't think it's him. His ip on the Ion forums is from India, those that have shown up here don't match up.
  15. I issued a friendly reminder to Aditya at the Ion Forums and he took it very gracefully. I just explained that his criticism is welcome, but beyond that he is not to instigate nor encourage flame wars...like he is so fond of doing.
  16. The only difference between Trolls on the ION forums and this one is that I won't be so tolerant here. This is a board for constructive, cooperative, community interaction. Please, don't post such drivel here....it's not becoming of the community I respect. I will leave our friends post in the quote above as an example of what not to post. Feel free to criticize, but for heavens sake do so intelligently. ZAP. GONE
  17. Ok cool thanks got it, and its pretty good heh - damn I cant wait to play this! Seems how the link on the main news page doesn't work though , maybe it should be changed to the hi res version? that way the public viewers wont have to hunt around the forums like I did to find it hehe. Anyhows , what's the round about percentage on the mod right now? what's done / what's needed?
  18. Gotchya. I guess I didn't see it that way. I looked at it more as a double-whammy DarkMod kinda day. Early in the day they get a wicked trailer; later in the day they get some mood art I slaved over in Photoshop. I thought as part of our media blitz day we were planning to release more than just the trailer. A media blitz often means an onslaught of several different media elements, not just one thing. So, although the vid definitely rocked this world, I thought it strange we only released one thing that day, up until my mood art post. Personally, I thought I'd be tainting the trailer thread by throwing my artwork in it. But I can see your standpoint as well. I also thought having two X-mas presents from Dark Mod would be considered better than one by the community. And having "The Dark Mod Team" listed twice on the front page of the ISA forums isn't such a bad thing. It's all about getting our name out there and market penetration. We need to create a buzz and continue the buzz.
  19. D'oh, the link has been here all along, its in this thread http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=754 not the front page lol. Right click > Save As on the 'High Res Teaser' link and you should be ok Sorry 'bout that, i'd forgotten where i grabbed it.
  20. lol its an example or ur work sure they wont mind (but dun take it from me )
  21. THe idea was that the main large pipe is for the smoke and all the little ones transfer heat, i made them sprawling to give a sense of fitting it where they could, but fewer pipes seems to work better. I unfortunately wont have the other sketches up till tomorrow, but they include a conduit box, and i'm going to do another version of the large generator tomorrow, with better detail. You guys are amazing.
  22. Guest

    Just A Few Comments ;)

    Well i just checked out all ur work and i must admit its pretty awesome Im working on my own mod atm for doom3 but im not way near the quality of u guys or i'd offer my services (to see what i've done look around for KingSin (now merged with gang-life) for cod uo OR Wild West Trilogy : Duel At Dawn (so far just some basic rifles) but the mod will be for CoD UO, HL2 & Doom3 (i run the doom3 section). Although if theirs anything u need a hand with just ask, i can do some pretty basic modelling (getting better everyday) im not gonna include any pics just here though. I can also map for coduo so im hoping to get to grips with this doom3 editor because its pretty similar. I can also program websites n stuff. Im not very old (17) and i have a daughter (5months today). Although I spend all my days at home working on mods looking to get some stuff to put in my portfolio (I want to be a level designer). If their is anything here that interests u or just want to chat with a fan my e-mail is joelcoldson@hotmail.com (also MSN). I'd love to help if I can Thanx -DraVen P.S How many poly's are ur weapons & character models?
  23. To warn, I think we should remain very cautious. Yes, the city test is showing over 300k tris at once, and rendering it with dynamic lights (not tons of them, but quite a few), and somehow maintaining a framerate near 30 even on a P4 1.4... but there has to be SOME reason why in D3 even *single rooms* (portalized, even!) run slower. My initial guess that it's the huge use of complex materials (numerous texture passes for every surface), tons of lights everywhere, and *gulp*, AI/scripts...... once those are in, we might be in for a bit of a rude awakening.
  24. LOL, the team *IS* going crazy! Everyone is using the holiday to go DarkMod bonkers! Re-posted castle scene link (0.5MB) UPDATE: I've posted the image in the ISA and TTLG forums as part of our holiday celebration, since it looks like I'm the only one logged in still. I had to use ImageShack for hosting. If someone is able to host this on a more typical server we'd use for DarkMod, please PM the updated URLs (thumbnail and full-size) to me. I think I used a 100KB version of my drawing for posting in ISA and TTLG. Please note the 100KB version is not the highest quality JPG image of it, but it's pretty good. The 550KB one is the best quality, obviously. Not sure which one you'd rather have out there; probably the 100KB version for easier downloading. Thanks!
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