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  1. To be honest, as long as it's good, the more people and hence more work = the better. I don't think letting in Mr Pettit constitutes flooding the team with unnecessary members. Besides, that chair does look fairly good. Until we can actually afford to make competitive judgements, a level of competance is all we can possibly expect. And it would fill the modellers position too. So yeah, go on.
  2. yeah, that one i worked out after the shot was taken, but its not so easy because i dont want to destroy the "snail" at the feet by plain thicking it. maybe i will modell them again. question to the programmers: will ther be moved drawers or is this work not neccessary? do you want it animated?
  3. I wish someone that wasn't good at something would show up just once, it's starting to get to the point where it'll be easier to let someone down than ask to let more people in. It's your call once again, Finger, with Jay and Fjonan on props and DeepOmega and Kyo on models, we definately won't be hurting for modellers anymore. Edit: Keep in mind that you'll need to do some highpoly work for the normalmap. The model you have now is good for the base, but you'll need to go all out with the details to make it complete for Doom 3.
  4. Guest

    I Want To Help

    I would like to help! I know you probably already have enough concept artists, but I would still like to contribute to your wonderful project. I have been drawing and sketching for the past lifetime, I've done some EXTREMELY minor work for other people, community service type stuff. I'm also pretty good with photoshop, though my copy is busted ATM. I loved the thief games, I love the thief world, and I love the thief artwork. My photoshop skills are mostly photomanipulation, but I can do a wee bit of digital painting. My freehand skills are mostly sketching characters and I can also sketch environments. Here is an example of some of my stuff: This stuff is done in photoshop, with a webcam. I've also got a nikon coolpix, so I can take high res stuff and make some extremely theify looking stuff. I will get my freehand stuff up to show you asap, just need to run it through the scanner. (BTW, I registered but it still says I'm a guest, wtf?)
  5. Your account has now been activated. Just login. As for samples, you're not getting in until we've seen some work, so, the quicker the happier, as I always doth quoth.
  6. Really nice work. Very Thiefy, I'm extremely impressed. I can't wait to get back from my trip and start working on learning the editor myself.
  7. Guest

    I Just Gotta Help

    hey, really REALLY nice work on the mod so far, I can't wait to see how this is gonna be. I've mapped for halflife a lot and I've mapped just a bit for doom3. (although doom3 = ez to use as well) If there is going to be a map like cradle, I would love to have the opportunity to make the map. I am good with lighting and ambient sounds, and I think I would be able to create a great atmosphere that would startle the player. However I havent mapped for doom3 in about a month because the mapping program has so many errors and glitches in it. So this leads me to my second question. Are you guys waiting for the Doom3 SDK before going wild? I know many other mods are and I am personally excited about their "improved" editor they will be releasing with it. Thanks
  8. great work the only part I don't like is the head. IMO hammerites normally don't wear helmets. 2nd I miss the typical collar. both, hammerites and mechanists had a collar. I'm not very skilled in doing concept sketches, so I photoshoped my suggestion :
  9. oooh...another great work from the master himself.
  10. Damn great work, I am deeply impressed.
  11. Excellent. He has a much better 'master thief' look than Garrett does. His overall appearance greatly depicts the image 'I'm here to loot the place, don't get in my way'. Awesome work, Eric!
  12. :lol:!!!! Renzatic ~ You sound like a seasoned veteran at this. Is there something we should all know?? PS: Fingernail - It might be worth a shot, eh? More seriously, of course. We could put links up in this forum and the DarkMod home page. And not just to go toward digital tablets or whatever, but the project in general. I'm sure we could all use a something, whether it be a video card, RAM, speakers, art books, digital camera, or whatever. No matter how big or small the donations, if any were to come, it'd be helpful for the project, I'm sure. Don't expect anything to come, though -- these things usually don't work. Do you think it would alienate our fans?
  13. We could start sending out chain letters. "Dear Sir or Madam Today is your lucky day! When you woke up this morning I bet you didn't expect to recieve a GOOD LUCK LETTER in the mail today, did you? Oh, I'm sure you didn't. Most don't. But if you have belief in your heart and follow the 4 easy steps below then you can have all the FAME and FORTUNE you can handle. Here's what you need to do: 1. Make 10 copies of this letter 2. Insert a crisp 50 dollar bill into an envelope and forward it to The Dark Mod 2114 Mack Smith Street Seattle, Wahington 37404 3. Send the 10 copies of this letter to your closest friends and family 4. Wait for FAME and FORTUNE Those that followed these simple steps were repaid beyond their wildest dreams! A man in Texas sent this out to his 10 closest friends and recieved a BAR of GOLD from the SKY which was worth 10,000 DOLLARS! How easy could it be? Yes, friend, it truly is that easy. But the price of failure is equally as great. A stupid kid like you from West Virginia decided that chain letters were for chumps...CHUMPS...and threw it away without forwarding the letter OR the money! 2 days later he fell into a combine harvester and got his legs chewed off. Now his friends call him stumps....STUMPS! If he had just sent his letters he would be running through amber fields of grain holding on to his SKY GOLD! So what will it be, friend? Will you send your letter? Better decide soon, time is running out Sincerely -Fingernail" I think it could work.
  14. kyo is definantly worth having onboard, kudos to all the great work displayed in the samples.
  15. kyo, that work on your site is beautiful. The Dark Mod is certainly picking up the members. Good luck guys.
  16. Well, Kyo, speaking for myself I think it'd be rather nice for you to get to work on the non-human character models - burricks, spiders, zombies, and suchlike. I'd ask springheel or one of our other concept artists to knock you up some sketches for it. Good to have you with us!
  17. hi again ! thank you for the warm welcome. i'm glad to be a part of this and hope my contributions to the team will make a difference. well, i'm just here anxiously waiting to get my hands on some work or some more info to start off! thanks again.
  18. Yes, I can, but the more you copy armor, the obviouser it'll be. What's better is to use the same body shape to start, so I can build armor off of that - makes it much easier. For the record, I'm taking a little break today to do my comp sci project. Will work more tonight.
  19. Lies. I didn't make it up. I just know Thief 1 very well. There's a few conversations in T1 that relate to Hammers being very powerful long time ago in the city. No shoulder plates? and these are what? Try carrying a heavy hammer on your shoulder or swinging it from your shoulder. Chain mail isn't as good for such work. You need some metal shoulder plates to support it! More T1 concept art: (look at the thick plating around the neck, once again so you don't break your neck with the hammer) http://www.thief-thecircle.com/media/paint...darkposter2.jpg Thief 3 Hammerite concept art- (once again, heavy shoulder plating) There were no cloaks in game cause they were TOO LAZY to implement them, but there were cloaks in the T1 concept art.
  20. Really? I can see them fine here and at work. Anyone else having dificulty? (I've posted the builder concept on the website too so you can see it there)
  21. (Ignore the blue thing) This just about the final "medium poly" version - it needs two belt buckles, and then it's done. The next step will be bumping it up to high poly - this is where I make the clothing look less painted on, give the mask thing some volume so it looks less like a hospital mask, make the hood look like wool instead of plastic, and so forth, as well as adding wrinkles, creases, and a lot more detail all over the place. In other words, this is the hard part. So, vote time. Do you guys want me to keep working on this, or should I pause on it, work on the "Honestly it's not a Hammerite" guy? Either is fine for me, so it's your preference that will guide my decision.
  22. Wow, a man of many talents. Coming up with concepts for furniture by doing some research into the relevent time periods is something that needs to be done. I like the museum stand for that reason. The concept art for T3 involved a lot of dynamic sceans and good use of colour, that gave designers a lot to work from. In comparison, that shot of the room with the light on the wall is really bland, in terms of colours, archetecture, and overall feel. When the concept art was drawn with the camera at a really dramatic angle, you might think "well, the camera angle itself isnt' saying much - your viewpoint moves around all the time in the game", but what you really should be getting out of the image, is looking at it at a whole, and it gives you a feeling, and then you say "well, how can I somehow translate that feeling into the game, and give the player that feeling when they play the game?" I think that is the true power of concept art. We need something that says something new. Well not real new - we know what the Thief world is like - dark and moody, with brooding shadows and atmospheric lights, and ominous sillhouettes. But see how the concept art took that "theme" and gave it its own character? It's not easy but that's what I think we should aim for. A unique style of our own. I can see these sketches are just drafts, but they're a good start.
  23. Am actually home for the weekend right now, so I'm not gonna get any more work done till I get back to my dorm. But on the plus side, I think I've picked out the hardware for a new-ish computer - a 2.8 GHz Xeon machine with an open slot for a second SPU when I scrape the cash together, and 1.5 gigs of RAM. Awwww yeah. Once I run this by a few of my friends who are better with hardware, I'll order it and put it together. BTW, Springheel - awesome sketch of the face, it'll be great for what I need.
  24. The artwork is pretty damn good, great for concept drawings. As for mapping it seems you've got a good grasp of how to design levels and looks like you're comfortable with the editor. The map itself seems pretty good overall, but it could do with some throwaway details and some subtle lighting to liven things up a bit, and it couldn't hurt to do some more work on the walls here and there to break up some monotony... I'd say you gots da skizills. I'll ask Fingernail if he thinks we could use another mapper at this point and see what he says.
  25. Thanks guys! I think it has potential also!! I need to play through Thief 1 and 2 again soon to try and re-capture the feel of some of the aural delights they had. I'm sure you already did this, but while listening to my tracks, close your eyes and try to envision differen't scenes/moods/situations that could be happening. There are a few bits of sounds in there I've noticed, for example, that might work well for machinery -- especially when looped. The piano & strings music sound used in the 'Darkness_Falls-1.mp3' file (about :45 seconds into it) is very similar to the one used in the mansion level of TDS (the level where you could see lightning flashes from inside.) That's the only reason I did that. And, no! Honestly, I've never played Silent Hill. Does it use similar ambience? I watched a friend play a little bit of SH2 on the PlayStation2 many years ago, but I seriously don't remember what the music/ambience was like. I love working with audio, so I'd love to try and help out with the audio portion of things. PS: I've edited my original post to now have the revised URLs. Thanks Renzatic!!!!
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