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Maybe someone will make a use of these...


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yeah,textures is ok,but they are useless because there is a tons of free textures in internet


with your 3dsmax skill you should make an awesome 3d geometry for your own fan mission




I still have no clue about UV Unwrapping and DR. I plan to learn only the first thing anyway. I hope to help some of the mappers in the future, maybe persuade one of you to make my FM idea. I have one but I'll wait for a better occasion to reveal it.

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I would never ever depend on "free textures in internet", especially when modelling. You will always get superior results drawing your own or (for sheer convenience) using existing assets.


I like windows. With a lot of colored window skins, lighting design becomes much easier. :)


These could be given their own model, and made into a diffusemap or additive (self-lit) stage. What really shines above our current windows is that you can see some of the texture of the glass panes (especially in the last blue example).

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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All new textures are welcome, especially ones that tend to get painted on large surfaces, like walls, floors, and ceilings. Having a new stone wall texture (to me) is much more valuable than having a new iron texture.


Door and window textures are great too, for variety.



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Stone you say... I'll see what I can do! I was on a trip to Georgia and took some pics of walls there, so I'm on it! ;)


oh yea and since I showed up with some work here - message to Tels. - sorry I didn't send any translations. 2 reasons for that:


1. My keyboard broke down and I am a lazy bastard when it comes to going to the shop and buying a new one.

2. As I was translating, I had problems to actually make it sound good in my language that pushed me to a conclusion(excuse) that Polish people should learn English and if we dub everything we will end up like French people who are very bad at using English(no offence).

3*. I got sucked into 3Ds max...


Ps: My keyboard is broken only in the middle row of letters.

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I think that some tutorial for creating things in Max and exporting them into DR is really needed. I have some skill with 3Ds Max, but no idea about things needed to use my models ingame.


If somebody has enough time to make that tut.. Realy just a tutorial, nothing fancy. Make cube, slope the edges (for showing difference between normal and collision and shadow mesh-just a cube), move some verts on sides (for showing use of normalmaps). How to create normal map, diffuse and normal texture.. How to creat collision and shadow mesh and how to export everything to Dark Radiant.


Or if it already exist somewhere on the wiki and I just overlooked that, please paste url to that article.

Edited by PPoe

He was sneeking silently in the night, moonlight was his enemy.

(Im not a native speaker, sorry for all miscleanous caused by my english..)

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If somebody has enough time to make that tut.. Realy just a tutorial, nothing fancy. Make cube, slope the edges (for showing difference between normal and collision and shadow mesh-just a cube), move some verts on sides (for showing use of normalmaps). How to create normal map, diffuse and normal texture.. How to creat collision and shadow mesh and how to export everything to Dark Radiant.

I haven't used Max, but xNormal seems to be the preferred method for generating normal-, ambient occlusion and colormaps. I use it and I think it's a great app:



How to creat collision and shadow mesh and how to export everything to Dark Radiant.

There's not really much to it. The collisionmesh just have to make be as lowpoly as possible and if it is a moveable it need to consist of 16 or less triangles (might not be the correct number). For the shadow model you'll just need to model a shape that looks somewhat like your model and can be completely encompassed by the regular lowpoly mesh. Making concave parts for either one is a waste of time and resources (it won't work on collisionm meshes and it won't make any difference on the shadow mesh).

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OK I did some wall textures and one for the floor. Here is a link:




I'll imageshack them in a moment!


I had to scale them down for imageshack reasons:











There is one more but well, I'm not gonna take up the bandwidth ( My bro doesn't like that... not - one - bit!).

Edited by pusianka
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Walls: I think the second one is the best as well. The third one is somewhat good (it'd probably make obvious tiling). I don't really like the first and last ones at all. The first one looks almost a little stretched (I think it's supposed to look like that though) and IMO it's got too much black on it. I suppose black is somewhat okay in a mostly dark game like TDM but if you look at screenshots from Fieldmedic daylight map you'll see that the textures looks pretty bad (IIRC, I haven't played the mission only seen screenshots a couple months ago). I'm not sure about the last texture either, it seems a bit dark in some places and I'm not sure they actually had surfaces like that in medieval/victorian times (I am by no means an expert so I might be wrong).


Windows: I think the windows looks too handpainted and too dark as well. Parts of it are almost completely black and I suppose that is okay at night, but it a guard or player were to walk up to it with thier light it would look pretty strange/bad as black textures won't get any lighter at all.


I realize that I might sound harsh but you asked for critique.

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"... But you asked for critique." - and I'm glad to finally recieve one! Ok so the first one is bad because it has too many black spots - I get ya but it was hard to take care of it. I don't see why it's stretched... Maybe you should download it in normal size. I'm glad you like the second one, if I have a moment I'll get on computer and make normal map for it but I've never done any other normal map then with gimp so far. I don't know any special technics but I'll do some research for sure. The last one was well, not of a high aim. It was in my mind for the room walls in some broken building... But I can agree it's not good.


I thought that windows were just for all those buildings that you use to make a nice city landscape. So they would be out of thief's reach. They had actally much lighter frames but that was a photo with shadows which was annoying me so I had to change them to black. I might do some windows for close use some other time. Do the glass look also very handpainted?


Thank you for all your comments, hope you see me progressing and in the end useful for your future FMs.

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I'm glad you like the second one, if I have a moment I'll get on computer and make normal map for it but I've never done any other normal map then with gimp so far. I don't know any special technics but I'll do some research for sure.

This tutorial helped me improve some of my normalmaps a lot. The article doesn't mention it but when I've used the technique it describes I always make sure to tile my texture nine times (put 3x3 copies alongside eachother like on a grid) to make sure that the blurring has enough information to work with (so the texture will remain tile-able). When you're done you'd just crop out the middle part and you're done. I'm not very good at explaining so holler if you don't understand what I mean.


I thought that windows were just for all those buildings that you use to make a nice city landscape. So they would be out of thief's reach. They had actally much lighter frames but that was a photo with shadows which was annoying me so I had to change them to black. I might do some windows for close use some other time. Do the glass look also very handpainted?

As long as there isn't supposed to be any external light on it I suppose it'll work nicely. The glass looks a little handpainted with the light coming from the middle to me. I would probably spread out that light a bit more and/or make it match the rest of the windows color (like in the third pic which looks pretty great). I would also keep some of the bumpiness of the texture, but try to remove the specularity that you've painted in and just make the deeper parts darker like you would with a heightmap (to simulate ambient occlusion) and then put most of the bumpiness in the normalmap instead. As it is now it would probably look great in a lowtech game like Thief 1 or 2 (haven't played either so not sure) that just uses diffuse maps without any normal or specular maps, but that's just not how we roll any more.

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I like the 2nd one.


The 1st one has too many baked-in shadows. Those would need to come out, giving the shadowing job to the normalmap.


The 3rd one has those 2 blue stones that stand out, so painting a large wall with the texture would make the tiling too obvious.

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