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Problems starting the Darkmod


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I read the FAQ but no luck.


Some time ago i installed the Darkmod for my Doom 3 installation. I was careful with everything, it run ok. Some time passed and i tried to play the mod again. I chose the mod from the mod list inside Doom 3 menu. Could this be the reason it got messed up? I had forgotten that according to the read me file you have to use the tdm launcher . bat file.

When i got to the mod from inside Doom 3, the settings could not be changed, the game does not restart when i choose the option to restart, the two missions (alberic, training mission) that i had installed were gone. 'Alberic' and 'training mission' showed up in the Doom 3 mod list, but when i chose either of them from within the game, a plain Doom 3 new game starts.


When i read the readme file again and tried to start from the tdmlauncher.bat file, it does nothing. The tdm updater says everything is up to date. What exactly is going on? Thanks.

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tdmlauncher is not a .bat file. It is an executable. So if you have a .bat file, delete it and start tdmlauncher.exe.


Does that work? If not, does it throw some error?


What operating system do you have?

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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tdmlauncher is not a .bat file. It is an executable. So if you have a .bat file, delete it and start tdmlauncher.exe.


Does that work? If not, does it throw some error?


What operating system do you have?




Oups sorry, my mistake, i am talking about the exe file tdmlauncher, thats the one i double click and nothing happens. No error messages no nothing. I had played most of the training when i first installed the mod, so it was running ok then. The system is XP sp3. Could it be something about the directory? I have installed the game and the mods not in C: but in D:.


D:\darkmod is where the mod is located.

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Path to tdmlauncher is D:\darkmod\tdmlauncher.exe

Darkmod directory is D:\darkmod\

Darkmod directory after normalisation is D:\darkmod

Trying default value for engine executable: D:DOOM3.exe

Could not find engine executable at default locations, will be searching command line arguments for a path to doom3 executable.

Engine path after normalisation is D:DOOM3.exe

Current FM is: alberic

Cannot find Mod folder for FM: alberic

Current FM reset to empty again.

Using the following argument vector:

#0: +set

#1: fs_game

#2: darkmod

Starting process D:DOOM3.exe +set fs_game darkmod

Error spawning the D3 process: No such file or directory

Closing logfile.


There were an 'alberic' and a 'training mission' folders inside the Doom 3 directory. Since there were also two folder with the same name in the darkmon/fms directory i thought it was some kind of mistake so i merged the two folders into the fms directory while trying to start the mod (the mod was not launching before i merged the folders too).

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The "darkmod" directory needs to be a sub-directory of your "Doom 3" directory.







The Dark Mod is not standalone nor does it use it's own executable, yet...

Edited by nbohr1more

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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Path to tdmlauncher is D:\darkmod\tdmlauncher.exe

There's your problem right there. Darkmod requires Doom 3, so tdmlauncher looks in the directory above "D:/darkmod" for Doom 3.


Copy-paste your darkmod folder inside your Doom 3 folder.

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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Uh, oh, installing Doom3 directly into D: will probably cause all sorts of issues. (The many ways users can screw up a simple game install boggles the mind..)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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Then create a "doom3" folder and move the contents of D into it.



Ok, so if i do that under XP, and simply move everything of Doom 3 installation (including some mod folders) there will be no issues because of the way things were written in the registry during installation?

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Uh, oh, installing Doom3 directly into D: will probably cause all sorts of issues. (The many ways users can screw up a simple game install boggles the mind..)


I had little space in the C drive so i installed in the second drive where i had much space available. The game is working ok, and some other mods also work ok. Only the Dark Mod has the problem now, because it did work some time ago, and i got through most of the training mission.

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