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Unwanted Gamma and Brightness Increase


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I noticed the following problem when I started playing The Siege Shop, but it may have occurred earlier, and I just wasn't paying attention. Whenever I leave TDM then launch it again, my gamma and/or brightness (hard to tell exactly) increases. My gamma setting remains at 0.8 and my brightness setting remains at 0.5, yet everything is much brighter. If I adjust the settings without resetting them, there is no change in the actual brightness of the screen. So in order to have the gamma and brightness settings that I want I must reset them, then adjust them every time I launch TDM. Does anyone know how I can fix this so I don't have to adjust my gamma/brightness settings every time I play? I have screen shots that I would like to post, but I don't know how to post pictures in the forums. Would someone please teach me how to post pics in the forums whether you need them to understand my dilemma or not. Thank you :)

Edited by SirGen
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I had this once when (former) doom3 didn't quit correctly / crashed. Then the gamma settings remained to my desktop (everything was brighter). Is that the case when you launch darkmod the first time and quit or is your gamma back to normal?

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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I've had something similar happen not from TDM, but a commercial MMO, and running the video card "control center" application would reset things usually. If not, it had a "reactivate controls" button which would. HTH.

"The measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out."

- Baron Thomas Babington Macauley

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I had this once when (former) doom3 didn't quit correctly / crashed. Then the gamma settings remained to my desktop (everything was brighter). Is that the case when you launch darkmod the first time and quit or is your gamma back to normal?

My desktop brightness/gamma settings are not affected, only TDM's are. Every time I quit TDM, then launch it again, everything is brighter.

I've had something similar happen not from TDM, but a commercial MMO, and running the video card "control center" application would reset things usually. If not, it had a "reactivate controls" button which would. HTH.

I'll have to look into this. Edited by SirGen
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I've had something similar happen not from TDM, but a commercial MMO, and running the video card "control center" application would reset things usually. If not, it had a "reactivate controls" button which would. HTH.

In Linux, I also could reset the gamma by launching nvidia-settings...simply just launching it without applying any new settings. Edited by PranQster

System: Mageia Linux Cauldron, aka Mageia 8

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Maybe the problem will just go away for me too, or maybe it only happens with certain levels. Either way it isn't a big deal.


Also, when I checked my screenshots, I was surprised to see that they were the same brightness, even though the screen was bright when I took some and dark when I took others :huh:


Seriously, I really would like for someone to teach me how to post pictures in the forums. Thanks :laugh:

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Also, when I checked my screenshots, I was surprised to see that they were the same brightness, even though the screen was bright when I took some and dark when I took others :huh:


That sounds like a hardware "issue". Does your monitor have various presets ("movie", "game", "theater") etc? I know mine does, that's the first place I'd look if I was having variable gamma/brightness issues but screenshots all looked the same.

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I tested my presets. I have custom, text, photo, cinema and game. Custom didn't even allow me to customize it, as the only indicated options were arrows that allowed me to cycle between the mentioned presets and exit. The cinema and game presets did make things darker, but these presets didn't make it look the way I prefer it to, by resetting in-game gamma and brightness levels, then adjusting them back to 0.8 and 0.5. Thanks for the input though, Xarg :)

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