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I have a question about the proper operation of the choose sound window under Entity Inspector -> s_shader -> Choose Sound...


I am going through the sections of the A - Z Beginner Full Guide and I just got to the speaker section. In Entity Inspector I select s_shader and Choose Sound. The window pops up and I can select one shader (or the one currently assigned to s_shader) and press the Play button and it will play. If I try to select another sound to see what that sounds like then the play button will grey out and I cannot select anything even if I press Stop or try to go back to the original sound that's assigned to s_shader. Nothing will play at this point and the Play button remains greyed out. I have to press Cancel and reopen the window to listen to the sound that's assigned to s_shader currently. To be able to listen to a different sound I have to manually change the name to the new shader I want to hear on s_shader and then press Choose Sound. I can then Play that one sound but then it greys out again and I have to repeat this process for every sound I want to try.


This doesn't seem like the proper way that this should work. Am I doing something wrong? I should just be able to select any sound in the window and play it so I can choose that which I want to use.


I'm using the current git version of 2.0.4 pre under Linux.

If this sounds like a bug I will open a bugtracker about it but being so new I wanted to ask the community if this is a bug first. Is anybody else having this issue?



Edited by hNID

Hi, thanks for the response.


It's unfortunately doing it with every sound listed under the shoundshader window that pops up. All the ones I've tried so far end in ogg.

I just found out that I can select a different sound even if it's greyed out under the window, press OK then reopen the Choose Sound window and it will play (basically the same as above without having to manually change the shader name first on s_shader) but I still just can't select any sound in the Choose sound window just to hear what that sound is and then pick the one I want. I can select one and then it act like the widow locks up until I reopen it. It's weird and hard to describe.


Perhaps what I said above about choosing only one at a time and having to reopen is the proper way this works but it just seems a little weird to me? I thought I read somewhere in the wiki that you could use a speaker as a sound effects chooser inside Dark Radiant without having to use an external sound program? I could be wrong however.


On Windows, 2.0.3 didn't do this and 2.0.4pre7 doesn't do it either. Definitely sounds like a bug to me, unfortunately linux support for DR is pretty bare-bones but filing a bug report doesn't hurt and it might be easy enough to fix.


If you press Play to play the sound but press Stop before you choose another one, does it still get greyed out? I'd hope that'd be an easy enough way to circumvent this for now.

My FMs: The King of Diamonds (2016) | Visit my Mapbook thread sometimes! | Read my tutorial on Image-Based Lighting Workflows for TDM!



If you press Play to play the sound but press Stop before you choose another one, does it still get greyed out? I'd hope that'd be an easy enough way to circumvent this for now.


Yes, it's still greys out.


I can open the Chooses sound dialog and the file that is currently selected will play. I can start and stop that particular one but if I try to select another sound, Play greys out and won't play any other sound. I can select the other file and hit OK though and then that becomes the current sound at which point I can then reopen the Chooses sound dialog and play the new sound just not while the Chooses sound dialog remains open (without Play greying out again of course if I try selecting something else that is). To answer the second part of your response, yes I can switch sounds but it makes it annoying to pick the right sound you need for your speaker especially if you are new to DR like me and don't know what they all sound like.


I'm going to try and set up a capture program and record this behaviour. If I can attach it here then that should be worth a thousand word. It would probably help as well in troubleshooting this. After I do that I'' ll open a bug report. Let's hope it's easy to fix!!


Thanks for the reply B.T.W.

  • 7 months later...

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