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Linux X11 multi screen improvement


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Hi guys,

First of all (it's my 1st message), I would say thank you so much for TDM (all your work is amazing)! I love you :) (big fan of Thief series from first one, just discovered & playing now TDM since weeks). I want to help. I'm Arch Linux user & IT cybersecurity engineer.

I would like to submit something I did try to troubleshoot. As said I use multi screens (3 screens). When running TDM (<=2.09), only main monitor display run TDM, others turns black 😕

I did try several things, using CLI, windows manager, TDM CVARS, etc... nothing worked. Then I did use nvidia-settings GUI and when running TDM i did see that X config is rewritten.

2 screens got resolution turned off (that's why they turns black).

Maybe it should be a great thing to improve that behavior? improving screen parsing & using? Set an option to select a screen? I don't know what is the best solution.

May I help? And how? Trying to create a new build on my own?

Thanks again.


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Running TDM windowed does not work?

@duzenko was working on this:


but if you have a better idea on how to implement this we would gladly look into it.

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I had taken a look at the Linux code a little while back too.  I had tried to do something to detect the desktop resolution but IIRC the game wanted to know what resolution to use before the connection to the X server was made.  At that point I figured this needed a bigger rework and just stuck with my borderless window workaround.  If/when others revisit this I'd be happy to help test.

Here's the previous thread for reference:


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On 3/3/2021 at 11:19 PM, nbohr1more said:

Running TDM windowed does not work?

@duzenko was working on this:


but if you have a better idea on how to implement this we would gladly look into it.



On 3/4/2021 at 4:46 AM, stgatilov said:

I'm pretty sure @duzenko only wanted to look at Windows code.


I stopped with a workaround good enough for me but yeah, if the windowed mode won't cut it for you then you're facing the bigger problem - unfortunately the Linux community does not contribute to TDM, like, at all. Feel free to step up.

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