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Eisbar Und Seehund (of Seal and Bear)


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Nice. I was so free to setup everything for it to be used as a LOD model in TDM. Two notes, though:

  1. The lod distance values are set erratic. They probably need tweaking. But this is something mission authors should do anyway.
  2. The models don't seem to have a dedicated shadow mesh. That could make them unneccessarely performance houngry. Someone with model expertise would have to take a look at this.



FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/2/2022 at 8:38 AM, Obsttorte said:

Nice. I was so free to setup everything for it to be used as a LOD model in TDM. Two notes, though:

  1. The lod distance values are set erratic. They probably need tweaking. But this is something mission authors should do anyway.
  2. The models don't seem to have a dedicated shadow mesh. That could make them unneccessarely performance houngry. Someone with model expertise would have to take a look at this.



In this case for a shadow and physics mesh imo is very easy, just make two extra copies of the lowest LOD, slap the shadow material in one and the collision material on the other and make sure both occupy the same space and are on the same item mesh/layer has the main model.

In blender (or any other 3D Tool) you don't need to import any TDM material or texture, you just make a basic material for the shadow and collision mesh and make sure to give each the name of the shadow and collision material respectively (not the .mtr file name the full material name, inside the file), is that easy!


ps- here is a fast example of what I said, sorry for not making it plug&play to TDM.

I add too mess with the model because I use Modo and it doesn't open ase files, I add to convert to obj using another tool and also rotate it in Modo to be able to work with it, so now is not a, one to one, to the original model and so shouldn't be used with the LOD's that were provided, this because I assume they will not match, but I didn't tested, plus the material name for the main mesh is not the correct, only for the shadow and collision mesh's are correct (follows doom 3 convention).

This should be seen just as a model for anyone to know how a shadow and a collision model should be setup. (for those that don't know)

I also used the second LOD counting from the last because the lowest LOD seems to not follow the main model silhouette perfectly, it could very well work at the distance but not for a shadow and collision mesh.

Edited by HMart
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