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[Bugs related to 2.11 auto-frobbing of items]


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Bug 1: In "The Accountant 2: New in Town":
"Grab your gear" objective will not complete when using auto-frob. Individual clicking on each item completes the objective.

To replicate: [spoiler]
Exit starting room and head inside the room to your far right, next to a window. Pull the "lever" to open the secret door leading to your gear. See that auto-frobbing will not complete the objective, while individual clicking does.

Bug 2: In "Cole Hurst 1: Eaton"
Individual clicking leaves player with 3 functional maps, while auto-frobbing might result with only 1 or 2 of them usable. Auto-frobbing will cause player to pick up, but not acquire map items to inventory. 

To replicate: 
Upon spawning, drop to lower floor and pick up items on your table by individual clicking. See that you should end up with 3 separate maps, all of which become usable by "cycle maps" key.
Now restart and pick up everything by auto-frobbing. Sometimes you are only left with 1 or 2 maps instead of the 3.

If you keep your eye on pickup messages while auto-frobbing, you can briefly notice "acquired -", instead of "acquired (map item name)"
You can also see that once first map is picked up, you might have to release the "frob" key and click again to pick up other maps, while other item types do not need the key to be released.
Also, inventory item in the corner of the screen might say "special" with no visible icon.

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