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smijos for ambient music

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I'm a music composition grad from MN.

If you like the stuff, let me know. If not, no worries! I've called Thief the best game ever created since I played it for the first time in 2000, and I'm happy to help in any way.

I tried to include a variety of styles plus an example of moving from 2 linked locations (TreasureAnteRoom to TreasureRoom)

I am willing to help produce music for the packaged FM's as well as an archive for general use for FM makers.


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I like the streets best, it reminds me so much of the TG mission "Assassins", although I might misremember. However, good work!

Indeed, and that happens to be one of my favorite ambients from Thief (I wish we could steal it in fact). It's got a similar sly sneaky feeling to it. I think another version without the 'extras' and instead just the pulses might be even more effective. If you join up, I might make such a request. ^_^


Anyway, good stuff, I really like the sanctum too.

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Very nice. Could be a little more movement in them, for my tastes. Like a very simple beat or something, though not necessarily a standard percussion sound. Also, the naming seems weird - Dungeons to my mind was a Pagan hideout/forest type scenerio, but that's all self interpretation.


I say you guys should definitily take this guy on :)

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I also think we should take him. NH can you set him up as contributor?


The sounds are pretty good IMO. As ambience I think HammerSanctum and TreasureAnteRoom works best. Streets is IMO a bit to melodical to much music for an ambience, but maybe that's just me. Dungeons sounds quite modern. The beginning is great, but later there are these laser type sounds, where I thought, they wouldn't really fit for a dungeon. I agree that it might be more suitable for a forest or foggy swamp environment. :)


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hello there

the TreasureAnteRoom sound is meant to go along with this


but it might be a little too busy. I created it with the Kurshok Throne Room in mind, or some other grand revelation.


I also want to note that 1) I am very flexible and open to criticism, and willing to make modifications (I really appreciate the feedback) 2) I whipped these short samples together in an afternoon and could do a whooole lot better with more time - I need to go through and re-study the theif 1/2/3 soundtrack 3) I'm hoping to build a music archive for FM makers by accepting their requests for specific environs they're creating


over the weekend I'll be working on an "intro video" type of song with a kickin beat and electric guitars similar to the thief intros ^_^

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I also want to note that 1) I am very flexible and open to criticism, and willing to make modifications (I really appreciate the feedback) 2) I whipped these short samples together in an afternoon and could do a whooole lot better with more time - I need to go through and re-study the theif 1/2/3 soundtrack 3) I'm hoping to build a music archive for FM makers by accepting their requests for specific environs they're creating

1. Excellent.

2. I hate you. I can't compose worth a crap. :) (Then again, I suppose that may have to do with the fact that I have always consciously avoided music theory courses.)

3. We already have an (insufficient) archive. You would be adding on to said archive/composing map-specific tracks, for the most part.


I second (third) bringing smijos into the fold--but only if he changes his name to something I can spell (j/k).


over the weekend I'll be working on an "intro video" type of song with a kickin beat and electric guitars similar to the thief intros ^_^

We've already got one of those. Can't hurt to have another, I suppose. :)


@smijos: Just out of curiosity, do you have any other talents/things you'd like to try your hand at, e.g., mapping?

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I liked em too, good stuff.


I think good ambients are something you can never have enough of. It deffinately enhances the mood, especially in Thief when you are slowly sneaking around and have alot of time to notice. In Unreal you'd never care either way.


Thief had some good throbbing/pulsing sounds, a few like that would be good. Noises that come and god some, the ones you posted are all continueous (?). Some with some percussion would be good too.


Also, stuff that is just good bases for AI types more so than missions. I think that should be a goal for sound creation (I'm just a modelr though so don't listen to me).

But the inventors would need some stuff that's very mechanical, clanging metal, throbbing bass, hissing steam kindof stuff.

The mages would need stuff more like treasure room, darker though. The sanctum would be a good example. Lot's of magic humming, flowy stuff. I think the treasure room is better though for it's intended purpose, special spots, maybe too bright sounding for most locations. Good for throne rooms, ect...

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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What we acurrently lacking IMO are ambient sounds for different environments. I.E. for dungeons, sewers, forest, city etc. We have some very good ambient sounds but they seem rather generic I think. Not sure if we have some for churches, I think so.


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What we acurrently lacking IMO are ambient sounds for different environments. I.E. for dungeons, sewers, forest, city etc. We have some very good ambient sounds but they seem rather generic I think. Not sure if we have some for churches, I think so.

Yes, we do. I checked the Ogg Vorbis files we have on hand in the ambient folder, and they include churches, forest, and some factory pieces.


I shouldn't be asking this, as I am not a mapper, but I would love to have a music box modeled and with (several) melodies for it to play.

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  • 1 year later...

Were these ever uploaded, does anyone know? SS's recent submissions got me thinking about my favorite ambs from Thief, and thought I remembered such a discussion. Well it was this one, and apparently he had an Assassin's-like piece. I can't find it in the repository, but there are quite a few and I might have missed it. It's apparently none of the city ones we have though.


Worse, these files aren't on FTP anymore.

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Okay I take it that is an unfortunate no. :( I don't have these saved on my HD anywhere either, so I guess we have lost at least a couple of liked ambients (and damnit, one was the Assassin's sound-alike).


I'm not sure what may have happened with the FTP changes that took place, whether it was transferred from an older state, or maybe some stuff was just deleted for size considerations, or what, but it seems the FTP has lost quite a bit of stuff it used to have on it.


I guess at the least we should take this as a lesson to the wise: if we like a contribution, we should try to get it uploaded soon, or at the least save it to HD locally for another time, or we are likely to lose it. :(

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Everything should go into SVN nowadays, so it gets mirrored by everyone. The FTP server is unreliable, as it can vanish anytime completely.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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I guess at the least we should take this as a lesson to the wise: if we like a contribution, we should try to get it uploaded soon, or at the least save it to HD locally for another time, or we are likely to lose it. :(


Actually I've said this all along...


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