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tudor inn facades


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These tudor inn facades are good but I can't help thinking would be better value with four different sides as a standalone model. This single model could then be used in different ways: 3 copies could be placed at different angles in the distance to look like 3 different buildings especially with different lighting, some extra adornment like a chimney etc. The same model could also be inserted 4 different ways into a thick side brush to give different facades. The walls seem to be double sided so I don't know if anything is gained by having the back missing.

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That's ok, will do. I uploaded this model yesterday because I knew you would ask for it :) .

There were more issues with this model like seems and double vertices. Just as with textures we should go through all the models and get rid of the poor stuff, sigh.

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If you're talking about tudor_inn01.lwo, that's my model that I made for my map. It wasn't entirely finished but I'd rather you not remove it.

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@Flanders: That was quick. Yes, that's fine gives extra options and still works as 2 facades but what I meant by different sides was. Suppose you paste some windows along the top floor on one long side and one short side. Leave the other sides as they are. Same on the ground floor but on the opposite sides to the upper. Now the mapper can use two of these and turn them two ways and get quite a different look. He can push this 4 ways into a side wall to get 4 different facades. I'm always looking for value because I'm lazy and I'd rather make one model do the work of 10 for a little extra work.


Modellers mostly will make one house. Then another. Then another. Eventually they several separate houses for a lot of work.


If I were a modeller, for the same effort I would be making lots of modules. I would make about 4 different versions of that stone 1st floor with different textures and 4 different sizes, rectangular, square plan. Same with the upper. Same with the roof. Plus a dozen extras like chimney stacks, roof windows, maybe some matching stick on windows and doors and stone side pieces and plaster side pieces and a tower top and a bell tower top and anything else I could think of. The mapper can take this one tudor house pack and make tall stone tower like structures 3 stories high; or a bungalow, or a large 2-floor L-shaped mansion with 2 rectangular ones stacked together; or overhang the top by different amounts to get different looks. All stone or all plaster or combinations. Stack a chimney against one wall. Lots of combinations. With a dozen such module sets the mapper could put together a small unique village in half an hour. In fact, leave out any specular map and the mapper can resize and reshape and make solid 0. If necessary fill with caulk. They would probably call it Flander's Constructatown and you would be famous and very rich. Probably.


No pressure. Just an idea. ;)

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First, I'm just fixing a model that needed to be fixed.


Second, I'm lazy too. So I rather not make more models. The texture of the model is low resolution and doesn't contain the things you mention. I don't want to scour the internet for more textures. This model doesn't even have a normal map and is only suited for a distant building. Prefabs are better for this purpose anyway, a mapper can change it by himself to have the variations you're mentioning.


Third, if I had that time to make that I would make a stunning trainer map with my own name in massive font on the splash screen and become famous and very rich.

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The building_facade folder was originally intended for distant buildings that the player can't really get close to, like the ones behind the fence in St. Lucia. That's why they don't have a decent back and sides (or detailed textures). What you're describing, Fidcal, would be more like a complete building that would go in the "buildings" folder (and I agree that prefabs are probably better for that kind of thing).

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