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A few times now I have run into a situation where I have needed an tweaked version of a model, either to remove a chain from a light model or trim or column from a wall model etc. As we now have a few modelers with proper modeling tools in the community it made sense to create this thread instead of struggling away in Darkradiant as I and other mappers have been doing.


My first request is for some tweaked version of Springheel's interior wall models that remove the end column/s so we just have a nice flat wall/panel where they meet. And to allow for some flexibility LH/RH and non-column versions of these models would be useful -

  • models/darkmod/architecture/modules/interior_set01_default.lwo
  • models/darkmod/architecture/modules/interior_set01_corner.lwo



My second request is in addition to the removal of the column to also have part of the lower wood panel removed to accommodate a fireplace (models/darkmod/fireplace/fireplace_wooden) so neither are poking through into the firebox. And again LH/RH version would be useful. -

  • models/darkmod/architecture/modules/interior_set01_default.lwo
  • models/darkmod/architecture/modules/interior_set01_corner.lwo



My third request is just to have a hole cut in the center lower wood panel to accommodate a fireplace (models/darkmod/fireplace/fireplace_wooden) so its not poking through into the firebox.

  • models/darkmod/architecture/modules/interior_set01_default.lwo



All of the above new models need to be able to snap-able to grid, and line up with the existing models like the current models do. So it may be recommended to keep the origin in the exact same location as the donor model before saving/exporting.




Edited by Bikerdude
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I have a set of 11 models.

see post 6 for attachment.

(rename extension to zip)

Naming scheme
interior_set01_default_no_pillar: No pillars on either side.
interior_set01_default_l_pillar: Pillar on the left only
interior_set01_default_r_pillar: Pillar on the right only

Hole(s) for the fireplace:
Your second screenshot shows the fireplace siting on the intersection of two wall pieces. For that scenario you need a left and right model:
interior_set01_default_no_pillar_r_hole: no pillar, hole cut out on the right (goes on the left of the fireplace)
interior_set01_default_l_pillar_r_hole: same as above with a pillar on the left

interior_set01_default_no_pillar_l_hole: no pillar, hole cut out on the left (goes on the right of the fireplace)
interior_set01_default_r_pillar_l_hole: same as above with a pillar on the right

This one has the fireplace hole directly in the middle:

interior_set01_corner_no_pillar: corner piece, no pillars

These two have one pillar each. Left/right is interpreted as the player standing in the room facing the corner like a very naughty boy:

Edited by R Soul
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Thank you very much for this fella, these models have been sorely required for a while and will give mappers more flexibility in thier room designs.


Found a small issue -


- models/darkmod/architecture/modules/interior_set01_default_mid_hole.lwo


There should be two versions of this model -

  • models/darkmod/architecture/modules/interior_set01_default_mid_hole.lwo
  • models/darkmod/architecture/modules/interior_set01_default_mid_hole_no_pillar.lwo

The one in the archive is the no_pillar version, so just need a pillar version please.


Could I ask for another model? We need a smaller version of this -


- models/darkmod/architecture/modules/interior_set01_obtuse_corner.lwo




many thanks.

Edited by Bikerdude
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I've added the 'mid hole' models. The attached file is the full set:

Now go to post 8.


This completely replaces the previous file.

default mid hole has both pillars (to match the existing naming convention.

There's a no pillar version and left and right pillar versions.


I'll have a look at the obtuse corner pillar. I think I know what you mean: Thee copies of the small 'half' pillar forming a 270 degree shape.

Edited by R Soul
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New version (replaces previous versions):

see post 12


Three "obtuse pillars" are included. The original has been modified to correct some erroneous vertices that weren't quite lining up with some parts of the original pillars.

There are two smaller variants.

"m4" (m for minus) is 4 units smaller in X and Y directions.

"m8" is 8 units smaller (relative to the original), which looks the same as your diagram. I tweaked the texture mapping to stop it looking too squashed.

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Found a few minor bugs -

  • interior_set01_default_mid_hole - overlap in the lower panel slats


  • interior_set01_obtuse_corner_m8 - wallpaper dosent allign where the adjacent and opposite sides of the corner meet, this is more obvious when skins are used
  • interior_set01_obtuse_corner_m4 - same as above.




Be mindful not to touch/move the texture edges on the adjacent and opposite sides, because the texture needs to line up with other models. You may just have to reduce the horizontal scale so that everything lines up or we may just have to have one edge that doesn't align - like real wallpaper.




And that then gave me another idea for a request, we could with with some models where the wallpaper is peeling off the wall or a plaster model where some of the plaster is flaked off - is something you could do..?

Edited by Bikerdude
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I've removed the inner vertical posts of the 'hole mid' model. The model is designed to work with the fireplace model in your other screenshot. With that in place the overlapping posts cannot be seen (which is why I didn't notice them).

Texture mapping, obtuse corner:
I did make a few changes to the m8 model to reduce texture distortion, but I think the original models' UV mapping depends on the wallpaper texture being fairly uniform/repetitive. I don't think it's possible to get a texture to seamlessly flow around all of those faces, but it can be masked by only using textures that are highly repetitive. That may be why the default skins for these models only use such textures.

The current obtuse corners are meant to slot in between two two half pillars that are on the ends of the 'default' wall model. If you use the models I made so that there are no half pillars at the corners, a new obtuse corner could be made which is entirely made of wood (so its texture mapping no longer has to fit in with the other models).

e.g. no half pillars at the corner:

models/darkmod/architecture/modules/interior_set01_pillar01.lwo with a custom skin to replace the wallpaper with wood:

In game:

Imagine the above pillar being much more narrow (so it's the same size as two half pillars with the obtuse corner in between).

because the texture needs to line up with other models. You may just have to reduce the horizontal scale so that everything lines up or we may just have to have one edge that doesn't align

It's just occurred to me that using the full pillar I could do something like that (there would be a seam on at lease one of the inside corners, which may be obscured by shadow and thus hard to see).

See next post for updated models attachment...

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Awesome work fella, this is very much appreciated.

We could with with some models where the wallpaper is peeling off the wall, or a plaster where some of the plaster is flaked off - is something you could do..?

Do you think you might be able to do the above..?

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I've added some versions of the pillar model.



tweaked version of interior_set01_pillar01, which has some odd vertex placement, but I didn't want to override it in case UV mapping changes had an adverse affect on existing instances of it.

interior_set01_pillar02_m8 - 8 inches smaller in X and Y directions.

interior_set01_pillar02_m16 - 16 inches smaller



Line up their outer edges with the edges of the original 'half pillars' (or where they would be if you used them). E.g:








interior_set01 extra models.txt


I've removed the 'obtuse corner' models because they caused more problems than they solved.


I also extracted the skins file and added these models to the the other ones that the skins already apply to:



There will always be a seam if the pillar's texture distortion is to match the adjoining walls, and I think the latter is more important. Some compromise is also needed to allow for the wide variety of skins.

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Our clocks use two materials on the clockface:








The "long" material (big hand) includes these lines:


//rotates slowly 360 degrees to mimic timekeeping
rotate ((time * 0.000278) + (parm8 * .08333))
The "short" material (little hand) includes these lines:
//rotates slowly 360 degrees to mimic timekeeping
rotate ((time * 0.0000231) + (parm7 * .08333))
Since the parm spawnargs on the clock default to 0, you'll find most clocks in our missions start at midnight.
But if you want the clock to start at some other time, you put these spawnargs on the clock:
shaderparm7 6
shaderparm8 0
These two settings will start the clock at 6:00 when the mission starts.
If you want to start at a time that's different than "the top of the hour", then do something like this:
shaderparm7 6.25
shaderparm8 15
This will start the clock at 6:15, and correctly position the little hand a quarter of the way from 6 to 7.
Hope that helps.
The clocks in In the North all start at 6:00, if you want to see one in action.
Edit: If you want your new clock to sound some "small clock" chimes at certain times, we can set that up. All the clocks in In the North sound chimes on the hour and at the 15, 30, and 45 minute marks. So does the tall street clock in Home Again. This adds (IMHO) a bit more to the ambiance of the environment.
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  • Our clocks use two materials on the clockface with parm spawnargs
  • If you want your new clock to sound some "small clock" chimes at certain times, we can set that up.
  • I had the decals inside my clock, I just had torotate than as the hands were going backward through time.. :huh:
  • Oooh, yes please.

I have attached the model & sounds for anyone that wants to use it -



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Ok, here's a Wiki page on setting up a chiming grandfather clock. I've added the chiming prefab and supporting chimes and sound shaders to SVN.


Please see if the instructions make sense; I'll make necessary changes.


If you want to provide a prefab for a chiming mantle clock, find some nice "small clock" chime sounds and I'll set them up to be used with the prefab mantle clock.

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  • Please see if the instructions make sense; I'll make necessary changes.
  • If you want to provide a prefab for a chiming mantle clock, find some nice "small clock" chime sounds and I'll set them up to be used with the prefab mantle clock.

Have a look at my prefab/model - I cant figure how to get the hands to rotate clockwise, they are just a patch with the hand texture. I tried rotating the patches but then the handers werent visable, so how exactly where the other clock models made.


Also prefabs/furniture/misc/grandfather_clock.pfb isnt present in 2.06, can you provide a link untill 2.07 is out.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a set of 11 models.

see post 6 for attachment.




Any objections to my adding these to the core assets?

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  • 3 weeks later...

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