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AndrosTheOxen last won the day on November 10 2018

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    Computers, retrogaming, remodeling arcade machines, MAME, writing, Voiceover work. Visit www.everybodyandme.com for my voicework, and www.yestercade.net for everything else.

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  1. i had the same problem, and discovered that the background ambiance and SFX could be reduced in settings.... I had mine all the way up. I guess they are all on separate tracks, as it were.
  2. I am VERY pleased to say that once I cranked back the SF and Ambient Volume, all the voice acting showed up. (I didn't even know what those settings DID until now.) If you find the environment walking all over the story, do the same.) Merry Christmas!
  3. Wow, man... didn't know the backstory! Feelz, and I don't toss that around often! Great to be on project, thanks for asking me. And folks, please consider my voice at your disposal... I would have been an actor except for NO MEMORY AT ALL... I am happy to be in a tiny room, pretending to be other people!
  4. I always love the surprise when I stumble into a FM that I have done voicework for, because as a Certified Old Guy, I lose track of them... But some real joy in getting to play this gem! The graphics really take advantage of the latest version, and it is absolutely MASSIVE in scale! My chosen style is knock out everybody you can and get on to the MYSTERIES! I LOVE exploring, and man, this one gives a LOT to explore. I had expected it to be Just Another Mission, but the huge scope is wonderful... kudos to everyone who had a hand in this amazing FM! (And if you like my grieving husband character, check me out at www.everybodyandme.com , and keep me in mind for your own future missions. I have done a LOT of Dark Mod/Thief character work, and would love do donate some to your next project!)
  5. 1) Yep, I do Dark Mod/Thief work for free, just to get the experience; I love doing character work and of course Garrett. 2) Please link me anywhere you like. I have only done a little bit of work for cash, but all experience is good experience, and the more I do, the better I sound. I have been doing a LOT of the Garrett voice for upcoming contest entries, and would love to do more. Usually can do next day for limited stuff, and only a couple of days for bigger roles. Thanks all.
  6. Male Voice Actor on Call with Dark Mod Experience Hi, I am Andrew Bartmess, a talented voice actor, who would like to do some work for you. HISTORY: You can find examples of my work on my website, www.everybodyandme.com. I have “done voices” all my life for church shows, my own amusement, and for D&D gaming, but am now getting traction professionally. My website has many faux-mercials, comedy bits, characters and my radio commercials for WDJO as well, showing off a variety of voices and styles. I am a 58-year-old man, but can be whomever you need: Major Bumble, Ben Franklin, Pirate Pete, Winston Churchill, you name it. I am an excellent mimic, and have done lines in the styles of some of the Dark Mod Ai characters...would LOVE to do a Hammer! The best are on the main page, with other stuff in the Archives page. THIEF WORK: I am a LONG TIME THIEF fan, back to the original, and have been doing work for several mission authors on The Dark Mod, appearing in a dozen-plus missions so far. I have done drunks and lords, guards and sailors so far. I can do everything from refined twits to gruff lockpicks. You can hear a full voice real of my Dark Mod / Gold work at The Dark Reel on YouTube. And I do a great classic Garrett...check out my homepage. I love to donate work for Thief missions, as it is great vocal training and great fun to make characters come alive! MISSIONS: You can hear me in Dragofer’s “Down By The Riverside”, Sotha’s "Coercion", Goldwell’s “Lord Edger’s Disappearance”, Cambridge Spy’s “Murdering the Markets”, LarryG’s “Finals at the Academy” and Gort’s “Rebellion of the Builder 2”. Some additional missions have been Death's Cold Embrace, The Black Parade, Snowed Inn, The Eye, & In and Out, and dozens of others. I was in 8 of the 23 entries for the 20th Anniversary contest a while back. CONTACT AND STUDIO SPECS: Best contact is andy@everybodyandme.com (carbon arcadewizard@cinci.rr.com just to be sure), as I don't always check here. I have a daytime mundane job, but have my own studio booth, and can turn most work around in a few days, overnight if it is limited. I work ProTools Lite with a Spark microphone, can send you MP3, .wav or .ogg files as you like. Under 20 Meg I can email, over that I have sent by Zippyshare and WeTransfer, or you tell me how best to get them to you. I LOVE doing voices; I am a frustrated actor with NO memory, so I would have been great in radio theater, and this is as close to that as it gets. Give me a challenge, some rough guidelines and a script, and I will give you back several treatments to see what you like. I would also like any work in any other games you have a hand in…SF or other kinds of stuff. I just want to get the experience on the way to doing this for a (part time) living, but I think you will like what you hear. Thanks. BARTMESS_Garrett.mp3
  7. I am ever amazed at what the Internet can do to free us (if it doesn't enslave us first) and the creativity of people doing what they love! Bravo!
  8. Thanks! Always happy to have the chance to do voices...good training for Oneday.
  9. Having enjoyed giving voice to six or so DM missions, I want to branch out...can anyone tell me if there are other games using fan missions where I might apply my voice? I want to move into doing voice work professionally one day, but for now am thrilled to use my talents as donated work for the Dark Mod and others. Visit my website for samples of my work on my demo page, and for a short reel of DM voices I have done, and please...if you have contacts with Skyrim or other modders, contact me. www.everybodyandme.com
  10. Are you talking a few lines in the fashion of the sample builder voices, or a full voice set?
  11. I would love to take a crack at this. Are you still looking? stop by the Demo Page of www.everybodyandme.com to listen to the Dark Mod Reel, a collection of voices I have done for other missions.
  12. I am looking at putting together a full voice set, a light Scot kind of thing. could be a nobel, or a guard. We have a Scottish engineer where I work; swear to God. I love voices, and it is all I can do NOT to mimic him when I talk to him. I know how to open up the existing voicesets, and would love to do mission specific lines based on one of those. I am told I could probably carry off something for the cynic set.
  13. I think it has been scrubbed from everywhere public that I see. Let me know if there is anything else I can do.
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