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Everything posted by Dram

  1. Heeey, looks quite decent. I'll try it out
  2. IMO they are trying to catch the audience from exactly that, or they may actually be releasing a game which is truly innocent and free......which is unlikely, but possible
  3. Although I really dislike EA due to past practices, this looks like a really good move. I'll definitely try it, that's for sure.
  4. Dram


    Even better to hear I do not have UT3 myself yet, but I intend to get in soon and then I'll give it a try. I'm assuming that most things have currently been ported over (models etc) but not code-wise yet, correct?
  5. I'm really liking these shots Only a few issues I see - some of the lanterns have yellow glass but cast white light, looks a bit strange. Otherwise it looks really nice I like shot 4 out of the first batch the most.
  6. Close, but not quite. We are using the Doom 3 engine and are using its SDK. Doom 3 is going open-source at the end of this year so this is why we chose this engine. The code is normal cpp and h files yes, and most (I think anyway) use MS Visual Studio. There is a solution file on SVN which we compile the SDK with and pack it into a pk4 (which is openable with winzip etc). Hopefully that helps clear it all up As for assigning tasks etc, I believe Spar would be the one assigning programmer tasks.
  7. Actually, I remember that if you froze time (via g_stoptime 1) the heathaze effect and all anims etc froze also, thus, you could take an uber-hi-res shot and not screw up the compositing. Though I never tried this.
  8. Yeah that's pretty cool. I assume you used your monitor's resolution for it? I think there is actually an internal function in D3 to take a screenie at a specified res, which would mean you could essentially take hi res shots of even 16000 pixels etc.
  9. Well I can say for one that BM is perfectly monsterclipped. I -always- monsterclip and then test.
  10. Hehe, nice little trailer I would love to see the full 8min film
  11. Thanks Sneaks I closed it now. Sorry I did'nt do a thorough check
  12. Ahh, so it is... sorry EDIT: Crap, can't change the status of the bugtracker entry. Can someone remove it please? http://bugs.angua.at/view.php?id=587
  13. Another request (I'll put it on bugtracker also): In D3Ed you have the textures list but also a materials list, which is the materials of models and so on. If you apply one of those materials onto a brush or patch you can essentially use the texture from an existing model. I used this in several places in BM. Now when I saved it in DR it overwrote those materials in the map with a black texture. IMO DR should be able to access the materials of normal models also, or at least not overwrite them. Again, thanks Greebo for everything
  14. I think everyone assumed it was fixed. It was, but just for forward THEN side, not the other way around it seems.
  15. I like I like Hasn't crashed or anything, and I'm abusing it with BM hehe. I bound ctrl+shift+h to hide deselected and it works sweet Thanks a lot Greebo
  16. Either way, thanks very much for bringing it to our attention bug reports are always appreciated
  17. There's a few things I'll have to do differently in DR, but I'll get used to it pretty quick. Overall it is less buggy then DoomEd and has a proper undo function, not to mention the numerous other features
  18. Thanks Greebo, I'll read up on the wiki and I'll add that thing to the bugtracker
  19. I just uploaded a gui which appears when loading Blackheart Manor. It's quite simple but at least gives an indication of how much the map has loaded and whether or not it is loading at all. The gui itself only consists of a background image with a loading bar at the bottom with the words "loading" above it. Here's a screenie of it:
  20. Dram


    That is good to hear. Would be a waste if all their work bore no fruits.
  21. Hi, Please explain how this error came about - did you simply start up Darkmod and it crashed? or did you start darkmod and tried to load a map? Also, if you could post the logfile it would help a lot. The logfile should be in you darkmod folder, called darkmod.log
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