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Status Updates posted by Diego

  1. What a small world.. I was looking for some Schubert on youtube and found what appears to be Fingernail's performance

    1. Diego
    2. Bikerdude


      ah cool, is that him on the guitar..?

    3. Diego


      I think so.. I recognized the name.

  2. Anyone wants a 75% discount Steam coupon on Prime World Defenders? :P

    1. Diego


      I'm not a tower defense fan, but it looks like a good game. My coupon expires next week.

    2. Bikerdude
    3. SeriousToni


      Bikerdude you better stop playing and start finishing The Elixir!! ;p

  3. I wonder if TDM runs on this laptop. I just assumed it doesn't and didn't even try.

    1. Diego


      There are two new William Steele. TWO!

    2. SeriousToni
  4. Oh look the status updates are back! 

    1. datiswous


      You've been away for a while?

    2. Diego


      I visit once a year :P

  5. All right. Finished the last godamned corrections of the dissertation. Tomorrow I get rid of it.

    1. MoroseTroll


      My congrats :)! Who you will be tomorrow, PhD?

    2. Diego


      Nothing yet, still have to do a presentation and studd like that. Master degree :)

  6. Hi all! paying my seasonal visit to see all the cool screenshots you guys are working on

    1. chakkman



      check these out if you haven't already:

      Can't wait for those missions. :)

    2. datiswous


      Which one is your favorite?

  7. I just got a google alerts for TDM because of an apple update that adds "dark mode", only with a typo.

    1. jaxa


      They need to add AI to it.

    2. chakkman


      Let's hope they don't register a patent on it, lolz.

  8. If you be hungry, then feed for I am the honeymaker, and the jacksberry! (New avatar :P)

    1. ungoliant


      more appropriate quote: Tiger Uppercut!

    2. Diego


      Are you mocking the trickster, mere mortal?

  9. "Oh! Now the gamma is much better" - after cleaning the monitor

    1. pusianka


      Hail Master Diego! Thee Hath cleaned the magic screen!

    2. Diego


      The rag glyph doth hath beenth very useful.. well, damn this ancient english!


  10. Can't make the 'daily digest' work in the forum..

    1. Diego


      I keep getting the updates instantly


  11. My god, what is that new spam topic. It's so completely nonsensical I almost like it

    1. nbohr1more


      Aw man. Now I wanna see. They occasionally keep amusing spam threads over at doom3world. Yeah, that's probably why they occasionally get flooded with spam and why they've got GB of spam in the defunct modwiki site. Playin with fire. Oh well.

  12. I don't have a slow internet connection. I have a fast smoke signal system.

    1. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      You are quite clearly a glass half full person

  13. Eu nunca sei se respondo lá ou aqui heehaueh

    Bah, Shalebridge é um clássico!.. apesar do T3 ter perdido muito em relação aos primeiros, é um jogo legal! depois que passa a decepção dá pra curtir o jogo hehehe

    Ei, tu não ta na comunidade "Thief BR" do Orkut também? André? :D

  14. Puxa, nunca joguei Thief2 X .. Por mais que tenha tentado, por problemas técnicos, eu nunca consegui jogar muita FM do T2/1/gold

    Mas a "the eye" (ou algo assim) do T1 também, a primeira vez que joguei foi TENSO.

    Agora tu me deixou mais curioso ainda.. próximas férias vou tentar rodar o T2X!

  15. Google alert email about the dark mod: "Can you knock out a horse?" lol

  16. oooh.. THAT gif. The unspeakable gif.

  17. He does looks like you :)

    And Garrett is a perfectly valid name.. Robin Williams named his daughter Zelda! That's a bit of a stretch :laugh:

  18. Finally got time to play some FMs :D~

  19. opa, um brasileiro! :D massa!

    Tu és o primeiro que eu tenho conhecimento, nunca vi outro nome brasileiro por aqui (claro que podem estar usando nomes tipo "g4rr3tt_masterthief" hehehe.. aí só perguntando, mesmo)

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