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Everything posted by freyk

  1. Just a quick status update: I found some great D3-mods to take inspiration/code/objects from. (like blade yauta and phantasm and d3 evolution) Trying to get modern weapons to work on my fm. (see screenshot) Changed the console background. (just for fun) Changed Menu background and font. Give the weapon/inventory a border.
  2. I know. and in this test stage, i would like to add this gun for test purposes and want to proceed. (so i can see which other objects are missing or have to be replaced) Or are there other modern guns i can use? (how about the guns from Phantasm?)
  3. With my little experience, i have seen those files in the pak file of the weapon. (and added missing objects from d3 to tdm, like the arm model by copying the d3 files.) I will try to compare the existing files with the crossbow ones. (but some help from somebody would be nice)
  4. For my comming modern-time themed FM "The Dark Mission", i would like to add modern weapons. The weapon that I have in mind is the Fort 12 from RWM Pack c (a replacement for d3 pistol) (And when it is working, i'm going to change the object, so it doesnt use proprietary sound, textures, etc.) At this moment i only can spawn the weapon and cannot pick it up or use it . The console show some things that the weapon needs, but cannot find it in the d3 pak files. I hope you can help me. I installed the weapon by copying RWM_Pack_æ.pk4 (from rwmpackc) and pak001,2,3,4 and 8 (from d3) to the folder of my fm. my log spawning and giving the fort 12 (replacement for pistol) Weapon in action: .
  5. How about setting borders around things. Instead of something get lighted up, it gets a frame around it? (do somebody know howto set a frame on things that are frobable?) Like doors or just everything? Wip 20170115 Added a border to the grid. Changed background of mainmenu. added a option to show portals.
  6. And the map has many leaks. Have to repair this first, before i can make changes. take a lot of time to repair: dmap, look at leakwarnings, remove the missing entity, save (repeat this for every error that dmap discovers). (is there something to automate this?)
  7. And so, i tried to open this in TDM - TDMIS. It works, but there is much work to do. (like retexturing, relighting, add assets and other stuff). Here are some screenshots.
  8. Got a Office-map running inside The Dark Mission in TDM

    1. Goldwell


      Very cool! Can you post a screenshot of it in action?

    2. jaxa


      Objective: Steal the TPS report.

  9. Nice to know. But i dont want to create or get a kit, when i know that people can create the (almost) the same noise using existing vst-plugins for LMMS.
  10. To keep TDMMIS developement open as possible, I give you all readonly access to the "work in progress" folder of base-files of TDMIS: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4ms8lQXkym7YThOQnpiTEZSeTg And we would like to hear your opinions about it. Consider this not as the final product and use it at your own risk. If you want to help/donate data please post it here send me a pm. To install tdmis, Install The dark mod.download the most current bin zipfile (title-bin_version.zip) from a download location.extract the file and copy the darkmission folder to your the "fms" folder in the darkmod folder.run TDM,look at the available missions listselect the "dark mission" and install the mission.To remove the dark mission, remove it from your fms folder. For the 20170101 version and earlier, i use many placeholders. for this version you can try the menu, credits and the play the tdm trainings mission. Things that are changed ingame are the hud, inventory-list, small-objectives-list and the noisearrow. Tip: And to spawn noisearrows: open the console and enter the following line: spawn atdm:ammo_noisemaker
  11. For the Dark Mission, i will keep this paper for inspiration. And for my experiment, the things you do and use in TDM will not be changed. it only will be a bit modernized to a modern-day theme (like watch dogs 1). So the player is a human and doesnt get, from me, any mechanized legs or climbing gloves. Like TDM we use 1 map each time, but if someone want to create a serie thats the choice of the mapper. But for all the points, if you know somebody that can create this objects or there are existing objects, try to import it in TDM. If this works, i will happy put that in my experiment (TDMIS).
  12. If someone could take a look at convert with a powershell script, to convert images. and change this to create some the mtr files.
  13. You Rang? I have some experience with image magick - Convert (created a batchscript and frontend for it earlier). And for the list, How about paint.net (and its many plugins)? and the online http://cpetry.github.io/NormalMap-Online/
  14. Uh, there is a new Doom movie?? Dhoom 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dwnow0AtlRY An old one from Thievery UT: ThieveryUT - The "Elite" Thief
  15. To me, and for now, The Dark Mission is just an experiment. TDM and D3 engine have almost the things, what we need for a cyperpunk/modernday stealth game. But at this moment i don't have any manpower/time to create new objects. So I "work together with indie developers" by combining already existing stuff (like textures) (from/for D3 mods and many other opensource-minded projects), edit/change them (where necessary) and give them the credits. Ok, Its not original, but if you combine things you create a whole new thing. Hopefully i can publish a link to our project-folder, so people can download a "nightly build" and enjoy what Demagogue, Tefdal and I already made. Baal is working on existing map(s). He re-texture/re-light/re-sound them and put some TDM-guards and -objects in it. Then we combine that map, with the things I collected (HUD, GUI, Credits-menu, briefing, logo, sounds and music). And finally publish the project (where all permissions/rights are complied). From that point, we will see what people do with it.
  16. That works good, but for this you need something quick to attack them.
  17. Because you can use a phone now, it has to have some features. Now It buzzes when you display/get/solved objectives. Showing and selecting things in inventory, did not work well an internal music player, didnt work well either. How about a ringtone to lure the guards to you?
  18. You need to use the alsa method and sollutions. Because your tdm-initlog says: dlopen(libasound.so.2) asoundlib version: 1.1.0 Alsa is available ------ Alsa Sound Initialization ----- opened Alsa PCM device default for playback device buffer size: 5461 frames ( 21844 bytes ) allocated a mix buffer of 16384 bytes
  19. Whats your tdm-log output, using a clean darkmod.cfg? open a terminal, navigate to your tdm-folder. rename darkmod.cfg to darkmod.cfg.ori. run the following command and copy the content of the generated logmysound.txt in a spoiler. ./thedarkmod.x86 +set developer 1 +set logfile 1 +condump logmysound.txt +quit
  20. Shall I add an ingame musicplayer to play your own music in Dark Mission? create a folder with ogg-musicfiles in a fmmission folder. testsound music/mymusic.ogg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. freyk


      yes, only if the player wants to.

      I tested it and it works good in some envorinments.

    3. Springheel


      Seems like you're kind of thumbing your nose at the mission author, who presumably chose that music/fx for a reason.


    4. Lux


      Couldn't you just create a playlist in VLC or winamp or whatever and play it in the background anyway? Seems a bit redundant as well.

  21. http://www.linuxnix.com/find-sound-card-details-in-linuxunix/
  22. Which soundcard do you have?
  23. Thanks for the log. == Note: I have no experiences with "unofficial" binaries. Please use the official 2.04 binaries by downloading them by using tdm-updater and check if the problem reoccurs. (md5sum of the official 2.04 thedarkmod.x86binary is "ca8a73a901362b61d4c591aecbd8110e") And if you use code of 2.05, please post this problem in the beta-topic. They need also logs, so you have to create some. == Only qconsole.log was useful. In this qconsolelog we can read that, the mission crashes the application. (maybe grayman can help, to analyse this log) But we must know this certain, that the mission crashes the application. So They/we need a also clean log. Please install the trainingsmission and run tdm with arguments: ./thedarkmod.x86 +gfxinfo +map training_mission +condump logtrainingsmission.txt +quitThis will automaticly start tdm, load the mission and close tdm. you find the logtrainingsmission.txt in the tdm-folder. Instead of posting the files, please copy its content to a spoiler. Maybe a clean log of cleighmore will be also useful for them ./thedarkmod.x86 +gfxinfo +map ws3_cleighmoor +condump logtrainingsmission.txt +quit
  24. Are there any logs generated? Or please create and post some logs. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/18465-crash-in-training-arena/
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