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Everything posted by Goldwell

  1. Yeah I also think a big mistake EM did was announce Thief as soon as they started. Most game companies seem to announce a game when they are around 1 year away from hitting store shelves. Also Thief 2014 has yet to go gold but they only have two months left. How long does it take to mass produce games now? I would figure they would need at least a month so the manufacturing companies can begin work on mass producing everything. Also the fact that we have no idea about the contents of the collectors edition is another sign that a delay could be on the horizon. I hope they do delay though as there are a few things that need fixing with that game.
  2. I have been tossing around the idea of doing a Thief 2 FM after I finish my current TDM mission and I was wondering if anyone who has had experience with DromED and DarkRadiant can comment on the difference between the two with their personal experiences. I understand obviously that there is a big leap with the graphics and physics and similar things but is it a tough engine to work with? Because I have some experience with DR would that help out using DromED at all?
  3. Looking great Sotha! Also those handrails look fantastic! Did you make those yourself?
  4. Thanks! I tried to do it myself and followed the wiki but it doesn't work for me for whatever reason so this will do greatly
  5. Sure thing. 1) Create a model (any model) 2) Create another model (preferably a different one to help show it off better) 3) press CTRL + Z to undo that second model 4) Click create model again and see now how there are two models in the previewer. One that always stays the same and another that changes constantly.
  6. Hello and welcome! Seems like the Finns are taking over this board Very cool video and I look forward to seeing the final product!
  7. Patrick Stewart is the Baron?
  8. This isn't unique to only the lamp model it seems that Dark Radiant will get stuck on random models some times and it will always be there. It's only in the preview though, if I insert say the object below into the game I will see only the loot bottle. I don't know how to fix this though
  9. Yes but he needs a program called xpadder also check out this thread http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/15367-xbox360-controller-xpadder-profile/
  10. The mission I'm working on called The Account contains conversations you can overhear as well as narration similar to what you got in Thief 2. How I do it is simple either using the conversation system or using a speaker with the spawnarg "s_waitfortrigger" set to 1 and then I just trigger it when the player is nearby or at certain events that happen. Its pretty simple to do actually
  11. After reading through the comments section it seems like people are annoyed because TDM is standalone now and so they think it is not fit for the mod category. I don't even know where to begin on that one other than saying simply... wow some people are stupid! But regardless of that, congratulations to all of the team that helped create this incredible game!
  12. Have you reset TDM? For whatever reason if you load in sounds whilst it's still running it wont work but after closing the application and then running it again it should work. Edit: Oh and I forgot to mention that when you are editing your soundshader file (which needs to be the same name as your mapname btw) I usually use the following format because those other settings can be changed in Dark Radiant on the fly Here is an example of one For my example if I wanted it to play in the game I would setup a speaker which has the s_shader set to "waterdrip" waterdrip { description "" sound/sfx/waterdrip.ogg }
  13. Do you know how resource heavy it is? Could it be used in a skybox for example?
  14. Is there a way to play a video inside TDM? Like say place the video on a wall and use that? Or is there a way to animate textures? Sort of like a gif if that makes sense
  15. My Christmas eve so far: Chest infection and my dog peed on my bed while I was laying in it. Thank you Santa! Just what I wanted :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Goldwell


      Yeah it is sort of funny, sucks feeling like crap around this time of the year (ironically I rarely get sick) but hey nothing will stop me from eating all the goodness of Christmas food :)

    3. PranQster


      Have the wenches serve you hot brandy until your problems are gone.

    4. lowenz


      LOL @wenches, good old fashion TDM-politeness! :D


  16. Thanks for fixing everything, just in time for Christmas
  17. That's a rather beautiful sunset skybox. Is that animated as well?
  18. It would be very interesting to play the dark mod on my tablet. First person games don't usually translate well to a mobile device (with my experiences so far) but who knows maybe TDM will do well
  19. I have an outdoor area of my map that lags and I was wondering what would be a good way to tackle this. Is it doing visportals? I remember reading that you could place visportals basically near the walls which should improve performance.
  20. Good luck! Huh... I didn't even think of that until now. How odd
  21. No you are not alone, I love all three Thief games.. I don't understand why people dislike the third one, it's a fucking great game. Not as good as Thief 2 but yeah that doesn't mean Thief 3 is crap.
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