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Everything posted by peter_spy

  1. If you plan to work on correcting speculars, don't base this on what you see in TDM. Non-pbr materials are lighting dependent, and TDM typically uses very strong lights and too contrasty and saturated diffuse textures. Instead, you might want to prepare a test scene of your own.
  2. I saw the review and a stream quite some time ago, already have it on my wishlist
  3. Plus no jumping, mantling only in designated spots. Thief 3 mantling is glitchy and broken to this day, but at least it exists ;)
  4. Another bit of virtual carpentry. Should help with presentations for smaller objects.
  5. Mirror render map doesn't need anything except for the keyword itself to work in such image stage. And stuff like resolution stopped working some time ago, it defaults to game resolution. Not sure what would you get by using translate in such stage, so I suppose it doesn't work either. Edit: yup, both translate and scale is redundant, and the fresnel program and everything that goes after that can be deleted too.
  6. It's useful for both taking current resolution screenshots to provide better anti aliasing, for both geometry and specular + normal aliasing (currently there's no AA for both geometry and specular aliasing). And unfortunately it's a must-have for high res-screenshots (e.g. "screenshot 7680, 4320, 24" command). Taking screenshots this way, without any samples, has a bug of your native resolution screenshot being included in the lower-left corner – something I reported quite some time ago: https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=4934. So it's not that simple. If fixing the latter is safer, then that would be the way to go. Although bear in mind that people are also using ModWiki for console commands, and these are Doom3 native. So some console feedback for using these commands with a number of samples would be needed.
  7. But in these particular cases we're not talking about new features or extending some functionalities. Those things were there from the start, basically. And they vary from fairly useful to fundamental. That's why a repeated attitude of "can't be done" / "let's throw it away" is worrying to me. Maybe the problem also stems from the fact that only Grayman is both mapper and developer, and knowing user and mapper practices / workflows is invaluable for making development-related decisions.
  8. From a technical perspective, sure. But from an end user perspective, it's the same: fewer features, less control or customization.
  9. I just wanted to mention that I see a weird tendency to restrict and take the control away from the user in respect to some things. First it was with menu GUI editing, then with multisampling for screenshots, now screen resolution. I don't like that.
  10. Maybe TDM simply has a 4:3 ratio resized and stretched to avoid pillarboxing?
  11. Even if we take the different way of measuring FOV for TDM, we can visually pinpoint values that feel more or less natural. IMO, with FOV 70 things start to look like player is having a zoom lens, which makes for very claustrophobic and uneasy feeling. But even if I start from that, the amount of stretching is substantial. FOV 70: FOV 80: FOV 90:
  12. Yup, the floor is geometry, and the engine takes that level of detail surprisingly well.
  13. That's definitely a huge leap^, both visual and in terms of delivery! I'm trying to keep old stuff around to remind myself how far I've come. It's really helpful, when you feel burned out or when you feel like you haven't made much progress. The shot below is from March 2017, those were my first material tests The second one is from mid-2020.
  14. I remember ME1 as a more standard PC RPG kind of game, and definitely more focus on inventory management. ME2 and later got so much popularity because they trimmed all the fat, focusing mostly on story, choices, and combat.
  15. I had a pretty smooth ride with ME series, but I played them all on X360 back then. I'm really curious what changes and improvements they made to ME1 (elevators! ), as this one was quite different from the successors.
  16. Shit, hate EA, but will probably cave in for this one, so many memories...
  17. I've been researching transparent glass. It's probably the hardest material I've done so far, but I think I have a solid foundation for any color I like. I can control how dim the glass is, and strength of both specular and cubemap reflection. The most common uses would be the slightly dimmed natural, blueish and green bottle. I did red because I could Now onto some more fancy object for a video follow-up.
  18. I thought about vents, but from my experience it's typically 64x64, which is the example used at the second turn, or 48x48 (rather claustrophobic). The falling height is tricky, yeah. I imagine you'd have to limit jumping options somehow, in order not to punish players for accidental jumping and falling down. Might work quite well with some hind of manholes. With wall height of 144, players still could climb back, if they're stubborn enough. I think 160 units is where it's safe to assume players won't be able to go back.
  19. One of basic rules of level design is that a map has to be fun to navigate. And yet even the most seasoned authors seem to struggle with that, to the point that some players are led to believe that player movement in TDM is clunky, which couldn't be further from the truth. So I thought it would be good to have a reference test map to check player abilities and blockout your geometry accordingly. This is by no means final, but hopefully it will give you some idea about when the player movement shines, and what should be avoided. For the sake of simplicity I tested the most common measurements and indicated when things start to be trial and error. Feel free to extend the map with your own ideas, more granular measurements, etc. mantle_ref.pk4
  20. There's a simple way to work your way around that, just make all participants record a track on their end with Audacity or other free software. This way you'll have similar quality of all the voices, not just the host.
  21. I haven't played Doom Eternal yet, but it's great to hear this tune in full dymnamic range, after all these years! Original Doom 3 track is awfully compressed, it sounds as if it was recorded through a vacuum cleaner hose. There are many sound effects you couldn't hear clearly because of that.
  22. No worries, it doesn't sound offensive at all But you're right, for some games there were "regional" editions of Steam keys here, which were slightly cheaper on the launch day. I remember first Dishonored being branded as "RHCP" here, which stands for "Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland". Not very funky indeed. But even that isn't a common practice anymore. If I find cheaper options, it's usually on CDkeys, which either has European or Worldwide keys for games, and that's where the lower price comes from (I hope it's only that...). But typically I just buy games a year after launch, or on seasonal sale, as the 20-30 EUR is more like my price range.
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