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Everything posted by peter_spy

  1. It would probably be the best to ask someone from textures.com on that. I couldn't, in all good conscience, call pk4 a package, in the same sense it's used in context of popular game engines, so I ended up not using those audio tracks. Also: That can be a can of worms of all sorts. Does it mean the mission can't be hosted on TDM's servers, or textures and materials can't be used in other TDM FMs? That license is rather specific to 3d models, not video game mods / levels. Maybe that's the most common use case they deal with. Yes, there is. The GPL license is mandatory for game code. You can share your assets under any license you want, copyright included. If you want your assets to make their way to the core mod though, you'll need to share them under CC0 license or similar.
  2. IMO points like that assume that content is put in an encrypted / binarized package that can't be easily opened with common software (see Unreal or Unity asset packages, etc.). PK4 is a plain zip archive and everyone knows how to open it. Edit: I had similar problem in the past, with a piano music composer who allowed some of his works to be used in video games, free of charge, but on the condition it was part of a larger file where you couldn't access his audio files.
  3. I remember T2X having quite bit of variety in level design, so that might be a plus over BP. CoSaS Mission X was also excellent. I also liked Eternauta's missions, Kingsbridge in particular.
  4. I don't think The Last of Us part I is a good game; it is something else in terms of pure audio-visual experience though. The attention to detail is insane, especially in sound and animation.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. madtaffer


      How is The Last of Us if you play only stealth ?

    3. peter_spy


      IMO game isn't really geared towards that; it's a set of small to medium-sized arenas stringed by corridors, where you eliminate enemies quietly, one by one, until everybody's dead and you can loot the area. Maybe there's an NG+ or something like that, where you can ignore gathering resources, but not so much when it's your 1st play-through.

    4. The Black Arrow

      The Black Arrow

      Personally, I consider it an overrated "cinematic" wannabe product, it has nothing good let alone innovative in terms of gameplay, and the visuals I could care less, I've played very old games myself.

      And the story was just geared up to make you hate on Joel, despite the fact the guy lost his daughter and doesn't want to experience that again, which is why he did that "huge mistake" with not letting Ellie sacrifice herself for a cure. Like seriously, be a father and tell me if you can blame him.
      I wanna repeat myself; The story was HEAVILY geared towards a very badly made and pathetic one-side outlook to it.

      People can enjoy it for whatever reason, without a doubt, but no way it's a "masterpiece" at all, let alone the second one.

  5. True, thanks God I loved Mooncrash back then, etc. The whole point of Mooncrash was to force you to apply different character strategies (not just Rambo style). Increasing pressure (timer) and some random events force you to improvise a lot and go with the flow. It's a great showcase of emergent gameplay systems, and a ton of fun, if you let go of your "im-sim habits". I had many great moments with Mooncrash, because of "near miss" and "last second save" type of moments, typically amid total chaos of the last stretches between me and the escape pod. That said, Mooncrash is kinda hard to get in the beginning. There are things which are totally random, other things are persistent throughout a run, then things become persistent throughout multiple runs. But the game leaves most of it to be discovered by you – which is both a blessing and a curse, because many players will bounce off it before getting to really awesome bits.
  6. Not sure whether you had the opportunity to test the same account on different OS/browser combos, but in my case it turns out that: Win10 + Chrome or FF – turn that damn thing off, you pleb! MacOS + Safari – you're good to go, kind sir! So, similar to the first rule of dating, just buy into an overpriced hardware ecosystem and you'll be golden.
  7. Very nice POC with the in-map background area instead of static skybox. I suspected it could be done to an extent, but this one requires some performance tricks. The setting is also a breath of fresh air, although it makes me wish for something a la Perfume: Story of a murderer.
  8. I've been working on a small moodboard as I go through the missions. A lot of stuff still holds up IMO, especially the outside lighting.
  9. Yup, and I had plenty of fun with T3, and with making maps for it, back in the day Replaying it right now to see which parts I liked most
  10. The Unreal Engine 2.x, at least the rendering portion of it, was ripped out. The replacement was called Flesh, and IIRC the guy that implemented it was probably an external contractor who did his job and left, but noone asked him to leave any documentation on it, so he didn't. They also used the first implementation of Havok for physics, literally like version 1.0, which was buggy as hell, and they couldn't get water and rope arrows to work. Memory constraints were an original Xbox thing, but it's hard to tell how PCs from that era would handle bigger levels or no loading zones.
  11. Everything is closed source, there was a low property limit, and a mechanism slowly adding to that property count during mission making, so FMs don't compete with OMs too much (removed by Snobel years later), and the only way to make any custom content is to have a very peculiar version of 3dsmax (5.1) and other odd tools (e.g. MilkShape for animation).
  12. An entire FM is probably a no-go, since my spare time is focused on something else these days, but I thought about doing a tiled material pack inspired by T3 textures. Will post it, if I come up with something worthwhile.
  13. Shit, we're old. Too bad T3Ed and its workflows are way too unstable (at least for me, on win10) to even think about making something for it again.
  14. Just change the key spawnClass from idMoveable to idStaticEntity.
  15. It seems like it is impossible to kill an AI by dropping it. What I got initially was like some kind of physics glitch. It might be worth checking with more complex surfaces though, like rocks or some sharp spikes. With flat surfaces, the AI will pretty much land unconscious, even if dropped from an Angelwatch.
  16. I just switched to this version from 2.something, and I must say the difference is amazing. The window snapping system, 3d view supporting specularity and basic shadows, it all looks and works great!
  17. Because it's a visual tweak based on a personal preference that would actually make it harder to create maps and content for TDM. Once TDM has PBR support, such tweaks won't be necessary, as fresnel response will be calculated correctly at material level.
  18. That would confirm my observations. I think that removing 1 & 2 might be beneficial as well... 1 – because it would give creators more of the specular texture color range to use. Currently, if I go above ~ RGB 190 intensity, the specular hotspot will look overblown (with no bloom applied)* 2 – because it increases the specular hotspot saturation at grazing angles, making it harder to control. You can compare that by using the dielectric specularity trick, where you invert the color of the diffuse texture to get white specular hotspot. This is how the result looks like: At straight angle in the center, everything looks correct: At grazing angle: I guess that you might want to apply that to cubemap reflections, not specular hotspot. *That said, this is my setup only, it's all relative to light intensity, radius, etc. Edit: would it be possible to toggle the two HDRLite features via cvar? I would be interesting to experiment with this and see how it affects making materials, for both flat surfaces and models.
  19. In a long time, I don't think I've used photos for anything more than a source for a color picker, so I can get a gradient ramp, or a just a few colors to use for my base color texture. Photogrammetry is indeed useful, but in terms of capturing a photo-scanned 3d model and making it game-ready. Since most PBR materials are standardized and look similar, games tend to be slightly stylized anyway, as everyone wants to have some visual identity. Photorealism ceased to be a holy grail of games quite some time ago too, it's more of an arch viz thing (and maybe racing games, although that's mostly cars). Edit: Out of curiosity @OrbWeaver, how specularity works in this engine? Did TDM team use what was there by default with idtech4, or did you implement your own tweaks? From what I've been experimenting with, it's different than other non-PBR engines, as it's not just a straightforward add operation, am I right?
  20. But in general, the big problem with photos is that you either have to have ideal conditions when capturing them, or you have to do tons of editing, like removing shadows, getting them to tile, etc. And you'll still end up with some sensor noise, and they will be in one resolution only. Procedural generators like Substance, or other counterparts, have the advantage of being resolution-independent, and all the components can contribute to generating proper height map, which in turn is used as displacement map for automatically subdivided mesh, which you can bake normals from. All this while being tileable at all times.
  21. Jeez, that's awfully time-consuming. No wonder photosourced materials stopped being a thing for quite some time now.
  22. Yup, there's something off with the normal map; I actually inverted at least one channel in order to get the chipped-off edges right. The normalmap looks like just generated from a grayscale diffuse, so the white edges were convex and dark bits were concave. Isolating the bright bits, copying them to a separate layer and inverting the color would do the trick, but I thought that might be a bit too much of manual work. Edit: I tried to do this^ quick and dirty way, https://we.tl/t-jNZdpmkJtF And this would be the result:
  23. Now, that's a really nice floor! Here's how I'd do it: https://we.tl/t-clZCfdyxda I resized textures to 1024 for faster upload, I hope you don't mind. Tested the whole thing with both player lantern and strong lights, without bloom. \
  24. Do you have a photo of that floor when lit, at an angle? I think the generated specular map is wrong: the raw stone bits should be more porous, while the orange bits should be smoother and more shiny.
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