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Everything posted by HMart

  1. in original idtech4 eachFrame is just a Macro of a infinite for loop with a one frame pause #define eachFrame for( 0; 1; waitFrame() ) In case you don't know what DoomScript Macros are they are just like C macros. Is like doing while(true) { // do something waitframe(); } I have not coded in DoomScript for ages now but I assume eachFrame loop, can be exited with break or with return, just like in C/C++. Not sure about this but I think functions with eachFrame loops, need to be called in a different thread, using the "thread" keyword, like done with "infinite" while loops, If not, I think it will run on the main thread, stall the game and block other loops. but like I said not 100% sure. Also not sure if I understand the question but are you asking how to run different loops concurrently? If yes, then use script threads. btw script thread's, is not multithreading ala multi CPU's, is multiple threads running on a single CPU. Hope this help.
  2. Nice video Goldwell and man, voice acting in some TDM missions has more quality and better acting than some comercial games.
  3. I agree with datiswous do not over use a effect or you risk killing its appeal. Also IMO current volumetric lights, even thou cool when casting shadows and such, do take a important toll on performance and visually, when not at 16 samples or above, to me look a tad worse than the older particle effect system.
  4. Ok... I it seems, I've been playing missions where this was not happening (or playing in 32bits without knowing) because surprise, on Black Mage I do see this problem! So is not windows 11 and RDNA only. Compared to the video, In my case the blue squares aren't that pronounced thou and the windows don't flash blue like crazy, what I see is a faint blue shape (but perfectly able to see is those blue squares bug) around the windows, for a split second when I move the view around.
  5. The start of Tears of Saint Lucia mission is full of windows and I'm not seeing that in any of them, bloom on, 64bits color on, but I'm on windows 10, on a previous generation AMD RX 570X. Is that test map in the video available anywhere for me to test?
  6. HMart

    Dying Light 2

    With all its flaws, Call of Cthulu Dark corners of the earth, was a game that catched my attention more than many new games. I also found out that the game, has a cool hidden debug menu, that you can enable by using a exe editor, is also a cheat menu because you can enable god mode and infinite ammo on it.
  7. Please don't disable stuff based only on GPU brand, if you can really avoid it, you are just punishing all AMD users, even those not having this particular problem, like me (unless I failed to see it somehow...).
  8. 16 samples and disabling image sharpening did the trick, the dithering is still present but is way less noticeable, It did gave me a obvious performance penalty but with resolution scale set at 0.78, i got most of it back and IMO the game didn't suffer much from that, still looks very nice to me. Thanks for the help guys, now I go continue playing this nice mission.
  9. Hey guys is this how the volumetric fog/smoke should look? Or is something wrong? I see a very strong dithering like effect. forgot: Is on AMD RX 570X gpu. Btw very nice mission as always kinsal, very professional looking.
  10. I'm not sure but think this may give you guys some ideas on how to improve bat flight behavior. https://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/tutorials/3-simple-rules-of-flocking-behaviors-alignment-cohesion-and-separation--gamedev-3444
  11. projection and falloff are used to control fog density? I assume they make the fog less or more dense, depending on the pixel brightness in the falloff texture? For example to create less homogeneous fog, or simulate smoke? Btw this UE3 tutorial show some cool fog systems that I think, some can be replicated with current TDM fog system or at lest give you some ideas about how to improve it.
  12. I'm far from a specialist on this but that also looks fine to me. I really don't know why your character is floating it could be a parenting problem, a naming problem or even a bug in the engine, the best imo is to import a character from TDM into Blender or other tool that can see MD5 skeletons and look how the bones are setup, you can also open the MD5 in a text editor and see if the origin bone values look reasonable, this is how a Doom 3 monster origin looks like inside MD5 mesh. About IK idtech 4 does take it into consideration, for characters at lest, but I don't know if the IK info is exported from the 3D tool or created automatically by the engine, perhaps the video I posted has that info.
  13. Is the character mesh itself well positioned in blender? Meaning its feet touch the grid "ground", is the origin bone exported at (0, 0, 0), in line with the character feet? If you don't already know it, see if this video helps you, is not for blender nor TDM but is for Doom 3 so it should help some. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGdv6a505qk
  14. No Problem. Of topic but about freesync, afaik It sync's monitor refresh to game fps and not the other way around like Vsync does, in my case to min, max limits of 40hz to 165hz, games running bellow ~40fps, may cause screen tear and may need Vsync enabled. I have plenty of games with Vsync off and ever since I got this monitor, I don't remember ever seeing a sync tear, even on games reaching bellow 40fps, but I have Radeon enhanced sync (similar to Nvidia Fast Sync) always on, so that maybe be why. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOoPLuUeAY0
  15. Sorry if I came a little obtuse It was not my intention but at lest made you guys discuss the subject. ;D Like I said it was a opinion and truth be told based on much ignorance in how TDM render and idtech 4 render in general works, I know vanilla engine is locked at 60hz and that is why I explicitly said "default" of 60, but was just a suggestion. I was also basing my opinion on what I see other games do, afaik TDM is the only game, where you have to explicitly unlock fps's, before being able to set a max fps, at lest in the menu visible to the player. But TDM situation seems to be a particularity of this engine old idtech4 DNA. "Fps limit only works with vsync off" Is that a general fact or only a TDM (idtech 4) fact? I have games where I have both on and they seem to not conflict, but perhaps those games just disable one or the other behind the scenes? " it excludes everything except 60Hz monitors" Like I said it was just a suggestion, not trying to exclude high-frequency monitors, specially because I have one! A 165hz FreeSync monitor. And wouldn't people be able to set their own frequency? Also honest question, can't you detect in the engine code at what frequency player monitor is at and set accordingly? "Then came people with high-frequency monitors" Like you see I'm one of those. This imo is obviously a case of me not being privy on the internals of the TDM engine render, making wrong assumptions based on past experience with other games/engines... :S
  16. IMO uncap fps in the menu feels totally redundant and something the player shouldn't even need to set manually. I ask, why not have, set max fps only, with default at 60 and if you then set a Max FPS above 60, the engine automatically uncaps the fps? IMO sounds more logical and user friendly that way, just my two cents.
  17. Here is a suggestion of something for the future perhaps, now that subtitles are possible. Fully Optional colored text (for fast gender differentiation) and tagged subtitles for the AI, to know who said what, imo with this TDM will become fully supportive of hearing impaired people and on my book that is always a good thing to strive for. Just a example:
  18. Using Xray system imo seems overkill for something like that, i think there are simple tricks for that. If you have Doom 3, you can always go look how idSoftware team made the famous bathroom scare scene, where everything reflected in the mirror changes to a hellish look, including the player. I bet most of it is script, not hardcoded c++ but I'm not sure, unlike latter idtech 4 games, many stuff in Doom 3 is script based so perhaps that is as well.
  19. To be fair modern TDM engine, is not that old, was updated through the years and supports many modern features, I will far to say that in some aspects, it can be made to look almost on par with UE4, with relatively few effort, just by implementing true HDR lighting and PBR, if only having to remake all the texture and materials assets and support old missions, was not such hard roadblocks, imo this would have happened already.
  20. HMart


    Merry Christmas Heuli and the rest of the peeps has well.
  21. IMO the fourth one is the best, SSAO and distance darkening really make the scene depth popup, fantastic work.
  22. That is really fup I hope you guys talk with a lawyer and see what can be done, because I imagine this can open a really bad can of worms and perhaps prevent others from making models for TDM, afraid their models get sold on such sites. Btw NeonsStyle the banks on my country have a phone app, where you can create single use "fake" credit card for buying online, don't your bank have that as well? I never used my real credit or debit card number on online transactions.
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