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New Horizon

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Everything posted by New Horizon

  1. Yes, but that has no connection with the systems Deshtat is looking to update. The first person player anims are handled separately by a pair of arms.
  2. Does it even exist in idtech4? I couldn't find it when I looked last night.
  3. Yes, it's amazing how much extra mileage you can get by swapping skins. They tried to do it in TDS and were somewhat successful, but they had compressed the original textures so badly most of the differentiating details were lost.
  4. Sadly, the only thing holding back Linux...is Linux. I have been trying to install the PPC build on my ibook G4, to no avail. Apparently the 14.04 PPC builds no longer support the video cards in most PPC's. Doesn't make sense to me. I tried Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu and not one of them work anymore. I downloaded an older build, 12.04 and it works relatively fine. I just don't understand the thought processes behind Linux. I realize of course that the PPC builds are not official, but all the same...it's not like the hardware is going to change on a PPC from 2006...why would they not support the video cards on these old machines when the PPC build is supposed to be for these old machines specifically? lol
  5. A pk4 is a zip. All that zip to pk4 "converter" is doing is renaming the file extension. Seriously, there is nothing mysterious about pk4's.
  6. I don't think anyone would need to write a script for something like that. Just create the poison item with the Stim / Response system in Dark Radiant. I think there are already eating / drinking animations...or some that would pass for it.
  7. If you play the tutorial mission on Easy, he chats all the time. If you play it on hard or expert then he is quiet.
  8. Or people could get some therapy to help them overcome their fear of such things. I used to be afraid of ALL bugs, but I got it dealt with. I used to be terrified of heights, couldn't climb a few feet on a ladder. Dealt with it and can now get up on my roof confidently to fix problems or clean the snow off. The measures being discussed here are far more work than they're worth. Why maintain a fear? Eliminate it.
  9. I don't see why there is any concern over whether or not some players decide to blackjack all of the AI and explore the level at their leisure. How does that affect you or I? If they're successfully clearing a mission of all AI by blackjacking them then they must already be playing stealthily. I see no reason to enforce more stealth related activities if they've already invested their time stalking the AI, and carefully removing them without alerting anyone. It's a perfectly valid way to play. If individual mappers want to do that, dandy but as has been explained many times over...the reward of the blackjack is that it is a stealthy, silent, non-lethal way to remove AI form the playing field. That's the reward. I feel waking the AI sends the wrong message and punishes the player for not 'permanently' removing those AI by killing them. Waking the AI is an idea but I don't think it meshes well within TDM.
  10. I think some of the doom 3 funtionality has been stripped out over time. Like others have said though, something of this scope would be a separate fork.
  11. Adding such a character is one thing but having the subtlety and ability to portray such a character without it coming across as some type of parody is another thing completely. No offense intended Cambridge Spy but your performance needs a lot of work. This isn't something you're going to learn in a few weeks.
  12. Just in case anyone missed it, motorsep posted the roq2 source a few posts up. https://github.com/ioquake/jedi-outcast/tree/master/utils/roq2
  13. Source code for Jedi Academy is here, although I don't see anything about ROQ within it. All the same, perhaps it will be helpful. I assume support for roq2 must be in there somewhere. https://archive.org/details/jediacademy_source
  14. If I recall, the source code for Jedi Academy was released a year or so ago. Do you know if ROQ2 was included in it? If so, that would probably make it possible to port it to TDM and open up the quality.
  15. They did a bunch of other enhancements in terms of the mapping tools. They had a bunch of different portals mappers could use. Audio portals were separate from vis-portals for example. http://wiki.splashdamage.com/index.php/Portal_Basics
  16. Just go around to different modding communities and promote your project. If someone is interested they will step up.
  17. Didn't mean to imply that I was expecting any performance boosts, I was simply curious if the shots were suggesting a minor increase.
  18. I had no doubts about it compiling.
  19. Is that a performance increase from the changes or from the change of location in the screen shot? Sorry to be a nag, but would it be possible to get a side by side of the same location, just for easier comparison? It's hard to get a feel from the different locations.
  20. Was it a work around of some sort or changes to the format itself somehow?
  21. Why is this even being debated when AMD have 'confirmed' the issue themselves? As a professional tester, there are cases that require testing across multiple devices, and others that are better off isolated to a control system where you swap out the suspected hardware / software to see what is going on. In this case, the latter is perfectly fine.
  22. Holy hell! That's pretty awesome to even see it load that far. lol
  23. If you change them manually, close DR and then restart, are they saved on subsequent startups?
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