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Everything posted by SiyahParsomen

  1. Great! Now we have a real contest. Congrats on the release.
  2. It's from darkmod wiki(universe). Victorian era definitely includes crystal chandeliers.
  3. I won't argue about it. Steampunk is heavly about science/technology. Don't take this negatively, my critism will save you from headache when you released it.
  4. I would use nodrawsolid texture over the marble if it's small place to cover. You can find them under common/tdm_nodraw...
  5. looks great but hard to say medieval.
  6. Quote from Grayman about preventing ambient light changes when entering a new location:
  7. Found a bugtracker releated with third bug I explained above. I think we have solved the mystery now. http://bugs.angua.at/view.php?id=2677
  8. same bug is also reported by springheel http://bugs.angua.at/view.php?id=2509
  9. actually I predicted this is gonna happen. I made my list who can manage at the end and they were serioustoni, rpgista and ungoliant. Ungoliant dropped too eary and jysk made surprise. At least I estimated total number correct.
  10. Actually, there are three bugs in the video and I explained wrong since I didn't test it very well. First Bug: Key floating... Second Bug: Animation glitch of bj. It doesn't releated with viewing map. It happens everytime with bj when using block key to prevent swing. Third Bug: Weapon rises but doesn't strike after viewing map. Sequence: Close map hitting use button or attack button. Then hitting attack button while weapon is drawn(bj,sword,bow) cause weapon to set but not strike. It needs hitting attack button again to do. Strangely no problem while using map button to close map or with any other readables from inventory.
  11. Found it. Sorrento Ruins (italy) --------------------------------------------------------
  12. never ending contest = never ending party!
  13. bugs = epic fail. They are perfect immersion killer for me. I'm not that much tolerant like others.
  14. Duke Nukem Forever: disappointed... Deus Ex 3: disappointed... Skyrim: disappointed... T4: Most likely will be disappointed... I prefer old games except a few new games which makes me old I guess.
  15. They released sdk for DM but it was too late for that. yes, T4 uses Unreal Engine.
  16. It's possible that EM released sudden T4 news because of Dishonored. They may wanted to remind that there is another stealth game on its way. Besides they may refer to some elements such as time shift like in Dishonored which may be explanation of no need to hide in shadows. I hope it won't happen.
  17. new generation of stealth gamers should be interested in steampunk, medieval settings etc. If T4 is going to something modern then no good news atl all for Thief fans. There'll be Dishonored which can influence gamers in this case at least.
  18. Looks like new particle is slightly better on performance currently. Tested in same graphic settings:
  19. nice shots! I like the new font of Crucible of Omen. What makes me think crucible evokes hot & melting on my mind but I see some frozen effect. Maybe it's intended and gives some hint.
  20. @stumpy it looks repetative geometry but I think it's your style.
  21. No it's not a good solution. We have to complicate everything.
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