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Everything posted by chakkman

  1. I think it's pretty self-evidently that it's not legal.
  2. Now I'm kind of glad I didn't finish it yet. Thanks for your work to make this even better.
  3. Which will, fortunately for you, never happen. Again, machines are created to do stuff that machines can do better, not stuff human beings can do better.
  4. Even with the most repetitive and stupid work, humans always look for ways to do it faster, more comfortable, and more efficient. And, it will be based on intelligence, experience, and skills whether or not these ways work, or are a bigger or smaller improvement. Human beings also don't work exactly the same every day. If you're having a bad day, you will not be as quick and efficient as on other days, and, on some days, you will have better and more ideas than on other days. Also something which is siginificantly different to a machine. I don't know why people want machines to work like humans. I don't see the point. Machines work differently, and, they should aid a human being in tasks which human beings can't do as efficient. The only point in having an A.I. which acts as human as possible is in simulations. Or computer games. But, even in those, an A.I. will never act like a human being, because it's a machine. Don't get me wrong, these A.I. models or whatever they call it are great, but, they don't work like humans. They do what they're supposed to do, like any programmed stuff. Otherwise they simply wouldn't work.
  5. No, it's not at all like it. I don't know why people always have to make more out of "A.I." than it really is. I have a feeling some have a strong need of an imagination of futuristic science fiction movie scenarios. The human brain is capable of so many things machines couldn't even "think about" doing. Machines are there for tasks which the human brain is not capable of. Like doing hundreds of different calculations at the same time, or mechanically executing the same tasks thousands of times. And, every time I read that ChatGPT could do this and this and that, I have to wonder if humans really understand themselves. No, ChatGPT won't be like Beethoven, Einstein, or Newton. That is just nonsense. Even if these A.I.'s work differently to conventional computer algorithms, they still do the tasks they're programmed to do. That's totally different to how humans work. And, I don't know why you'd even make a computer work like a human. That's the wrong track. Don't get me wrong, A.I. has its uses. Acting exactly like a human being isn't one of them though.
  6. What you mean is the lock screen with the login. The actual login method is called Windows Hello by Microsoft. I think where you need to go in the Windows 11 settings is Accounts -> Login options (or something similar, I don't the English localization in Windows), and then there's an option there where you can define if Windows should ask for your password again after standby or energy save mode.
  7. Guy is just asking how to deactivate the login. No need to sell him Linux, and your political views.
  8. I'm just finishing this (I think). Fantastic mission, loving every minute of it. I have some issues finding stuff though:
  9. That's the big issue with any kind of rather poplar game these days. Totally dead industry in terms of creativity.
  10. A Thief without Garrett is no Thief for me. And, how is Dishonored screwed up? I think it's very coherent.
  11. Frankly, considering that nobody in his sane mind would touch the franchise with a ten foot pole ever again, and considering the state of nowadays target audience of the more popular games, I think this is a very hpothetical scenario. At least for me, it doesn't make much sense to invest time in imagining what it could look like. It's unrealistic, and therefor I simply won't waste time on it. I think it makes much more sense to imagine scenarios for Dark Mod missions. If anything, in future times, I hope for a Dishonored 3. Sure, it's not Thief, but, it's what I'd imagine a goo more Thief-y game should be like. I played through the whole series for a second time recently, and, man, it's so good that I really wonder how the majority of people can't enjoy such absolute gems. Which, again, speaks volumes about what nowadays' gamers are like. Just like anything with mass appeal, video games completely went down the shitter.
  12. The mapper can define that behavior per map: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Doors#Suspicious_Doors So, if the A.I. doesn't react on open doors, it's because the mapper simply didn't implement it. Sometimes it makes gameplay pretty messy and complicated if the A.I. reacts on every imaginable thing...
  13. Which resolution are you running? That's not a good framerate for that hardware. I get above 100 on full HD with almost everything on max, except anti-aliasing (16x is a complete performance killer, I left it at 8x), with a i5-11600K and a RTX 3060 Ti.
  14. I'd rather have System Shock 3, to be honest. Thief 1-3 didn't really age badly in terms of gameplay. And, Thief 3 still looks decent these days as well. At least I don't have any issues playing those through these days. Graphics are overrated anyway. If anything, the graphics of Thief 1 and 2 have a certain charme, which probably wouldn't be there anymore if they remade them.
  15. Interesting, although I'm not sure what to make of that. One of my favorite games (The Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena) was published by Atari, and, they don't even seem to care to keep the activation servers running much. Or remove/change the copy protection, which doesn't work at all on Windows 11. I really hope that Nightdive delivers at the end of May... I'm not one of the shit storm crowd (it's absolutely horrible on the Steam forums...), but, 7 years of development is a long time, and delaying the release obviously has become a bit of a habit, to say the least.
  16. Grats to the release. I know what I'll be doing this evening.
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