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Everything posted by kingsal

  1. Thank you! Glad you liked them. You know that sound might be a part of the ambient track. To be honest- I didn't really know what I was doing with ambients back then. Also send me your save game and Ill have a look. Thank you, thats very high praise. I have two more volta missions in the works; one should will be done by the end of summer and the next probably late this year depending on my schedule.
  2. Thats it! Its just to hint at a faction you'll encounter later on in the campaign and give another little area to explore. Big vibrating noise? A lot of the secrets and extra items are there for additional replays- I don't expect players to find everything in one play through. That key should unlock the gate if its the one I am thinking of. Might be a bug actually
  3. It's definitely something worth exploring imo. I played around with this in Hazard Pay- it was kind of a mixed bag of players that liked and didn't like it. To be honest, I learned a lot and made some mistakes, but I think it can be a lot of fun for some and gives the mission that extra level of intensity and survivalist feel. I did something similar to resident evil. Save rooms with save items that you collect throughout the level. I ended up only doing it on expert and to be honest it was difficult to test and balance. However, I'm always up for playing missions with more options for difficulty, including save restrictions.
  4. @marblemanAgreed, I don't think we should change the core functions of the ladder, especially if its going to change the stealth gameplay (probably to some peoples dismay) I feel ya there, for what its worth I 100 percent support adding a toggle crouch on release feature. We just need to be diligent about changes to core movement as they can have a cascading effect on the mod and its 100+ missions. You've already shown the path forward its just going to take some time to make sure it all dove tails with the core mod.
  5. I never said you did, bud. By "usability options" I mean things like crouch toggle responsiveness. Not gameplay approaches. @stgatilovI did some further testing, we should probably allow players to grab ladders/ ropes while in a crouch position or we run the risk of breaking missions that allow players to climb to a ladder in small space, like a sewer or attic. EDIT: Ill do more testing, but I am pretty worried about the effect this will have on missions if we change the rules around when/ how a ladder can be grabbed.
  6. I dont see a problem with adding those cvars, however we should not default to the new behavior, especially without thorough testing. It might satisfy a few players, but has the potential to irritate a whole swatch of people who are used to it being the current way. The best case would be a toggle crouch behavior setting in the settings menu. Players can then customize from there using cvars.
  7. Mine is set to default "tdm_crouch_toggle_hold_time" "400" Its a speed penalty, just like when crouch walking, which actually makes me wonder if it also reduces climbing sounds.
  8. Incorrect. https://www.dropbox.com/s/l5m3j6ks5nc2dw5/The Dark Mod 2.10_64 2022-06-19 13-50-29.mp4?dl=0 I don't think you read my response. There is a speed penalty to being crouched on a ladder when you grab it in a crouched position. Regardless of what you can and can't do in real life, TDM is not a real life simulator. Our goal is to make the game fun while still offering as many usability options as we can manage. We'll make toggle crouch on press, but we'll need to do it with the least amount of wake on 100+ missions.
  9. Huh interesting, I didn't realize that. I don't think that changes my thoughts much, but its good to know there is an intent there.
  10. This is an interesting problem. I played around with ladders a bit today. @stgatilov I agree that we should not dramatically change the current ladder behavior if we can help it. To @Obsttorte's point, it is unrealistic to climb a ladder while crouched. However I think the speed penalty there is fair and the alternative solutions really suck : Not allowing players to grab a ladder from crouch will break expectations and likely break some stealth encounters. Arbitrarily popping the players head up when they grab a ladder will be doing an action without an input, which is typically not desirable and also might break stealth encounters. Here are my observations: The interesting thing is you can "stand up" on a ladder, but cannot go back to a crouch (however the lightgem says otherwise). Unless there is a reason for this, I don't see any harm in animating the players head back to a crouch position to match the light gem response. Once again, the speed penalty there seems fair and mimics the core movement mechanics. IMO - Toggle crouch should always keep the player crouched. So with it on, ladders and sliding both happen in a crouched position. At some speed penalty I agree with @stgatilov having an undesired crouch/ stand state change at the end of sliding sucks. Can we negate that key release all together? Crouch toggle of course will just keep you in a crouch state regardless?
  11. Also Requiem is fantastic and features a cool underground city vibe. Well worth your time!
  12. You can type "tdm_show_loot" in the console and it will very directly show you where the loot is! Its pretty spoilery though The lost city is one of my favs and I've made two missions based on that, Volta 2 and Hazard Pay.
  13. No one particular dev is in charge of "def and model spawnargs". We all create those as features or assets come online. Dragofer answered your question, the best way to get bugs fixed is to log them in the tracker, do not directly PM devs about bugs as those have a tendency to get lost and can't be tracked.
  14. Thanks for the tip. Im fairly certain it used to work on reloadModels but I will try some other commands.
  15. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? When I use reloadModels my MD5 models aren't updating. Apologies if this is is already a known issue. @stgatilovDo you know if anything has changed with reloadModels in 2.0 ?
  16. Thanks for playing, glad you liked it. These zombies are pretty amped up. I struggled to find a good balance there so thanks for the feedback, it will help me tune them in the future.
  17. That part in the Sword blew my mind. We did a very small section like that in Snowed Inn and there is something similar in TPW but nothing thats full on a little big world mission afaik. Also agree that we don't have enough trickster-ish levels and exotic locations. There might be a couple levels on the horizon to fix that
  18. Congrats on the release! This was excellent and felt like a proper train mission.
  19. Hello! I've made some minor bug fixes to this mission. Update to version 5. @nbohr1more I am unable to access the mission archive and mirrors atm. Would you mind updating this for me? @TheUnbeholdenAh bummer, where you able to pick it up after reloading? Where was the blowtorch? @TarhielThank you for the kind words! I'm glad you tried out the different ways to complete the objective @Melchior Thank you! Glad you dug it.
  20. Awesome. Yeah its an easy fix to make sure run speeds do not persist across missions.
  21. @stgatilovI agree, we should allow players to control headbob. @ChronAYes I overwrite tdm_player_thief.def in all my missions so you'll have to manual adjust those def files for now. @nbohr1more FYI- I have a bug 5926 to add pm_runmod to the player thief def so this gets appropriately overwritten from mission to misison if an author changes the player run speed (which I'd like to keep in the authors hands). Just want to confirm that we are only removing head bob and nothing else?
  22. @NeonsStyle Thanks for playing! Yeah the bloated zombies are a real danger @Shaz Thank you! That's a lot of kind praise I am glad you liked the zombies, that was my hope. @vozka Awesome! Yeah I did plan to do something more with the survivor, at least a custom vocal line, but I ran out of time. Also thanks for bugs. @Daft MugiOh good catch, that shouldn't be happening. I'll fix it in the core mod so missions won't overwrite the default run mod.
  23. @Wellingtoncrab Congrats! What an incredible mission and a deserved win. Also congrats to all the contestants, this has made 2.10 a very special release!
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