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Everything posted by ungoliant

  1. The back-story would certainly be conducive to a sequel, It wouldn't even need to take place on the Isles. Maybe a new story taking place
  2. Slug ship was the 2nd ship I unlocked, I must of got hella lucky. Then I focused all my efforts at getting 2 of the slug ship achievements to unlock type B. So far I've unlocked 3 ships, and man, Zoltan type A is overpowered as hell. At least, in the early game. I like it better than type B. freakin Halberd beam can 1 shot almost everything in the first 3 sectors.
  3. just bought this game the other day. Playstyles based on ship type vary dramatically. I'm running Slug Cruiser Type B right now in normal (read: really hard) mode. 3 slug crew, a crew-healing teleporter "bomb" (it costs missles every use), a transporter pad, and no med-bay. Its insanity.
  4. I was laughing my ass off during that video, thinking "wow this joke is pretty good, with nice production quality". And then i found out it's real.....??!!?!
  5. Man, all he lost was his coat during that crash. He's lucky that his ribcage didn't lose his torso.
  6. VOTED more like for 3rd place to DayZ. ARMA2 is currently in 2nd place for "top game" on the scoreboard. I don't bear any grudge against either of those 2 mods. I've recently taken a liking to watching DayZ videos, and it looks like a great deal of fun. thinking about purchasing the standalone, and I hate zombie games. Tis the season. If you haven't seen it yet, or just need a refresher:
  7. Soooo, it seems that secession petitions have been filed in all 50 states this year, some of which have passed the 25000 signature mark legally warranting an official response from the white house. Interesting factoid: Alaska Supreme Court ruled in 2006 that secession is illegal. Apparently, a lot of people have come to the conclusion that the Federal Govt of USA is FUBAR to the point of being unsalvagable. I don't think any of the secessionists intend to make a new country, or have their state be independent of the US, but more so to reformulate the republic based on the original Constitution that made USA so kickass, without any of the bullshit. So if secession is deemed officially (or federally) illegal, what then? James Madison, the "father of the constitution", advocated revolution over secession. Is it worth it, or just let things sit as they are?
  8. Did i mention that 3/4 of the game is not ranked or rated at all? In other words, once you get all the challenges done, you could replay the whole game in purist mode, kill everything that lives in the noisiest way possible during 3/4 of the game, and still get SA in every mission (that allows a possible SA rating)
  9. Alright, I can confirm that the rating system is total bullshit in this game. Silent Assassin "rank", and all ratings, are now a function of points. The points are a function of how many level challenges you've completed + difficulty mode + SA "bonus". ghosting easy mode with no challenges yields lower rating than shoot'em up massacre in purist mode with all challenges complete (some of which are lethal or alert the AI). The challenges are permanently unlocked the first time you get them, so it doesn't even need to be in the same playthru. Additionally, some levels, like the first level, you cannot even get the SA rank no matter what.... seriously, wtf.
  10. does the door and window actually go anywhere?? or is it blocked. For that matter, can that area even be visportalled at all?
  11. Get the barcode tattoo. Actually, even better: make a back-facing version of your DoomGuy avatar, with a barcode tattoo on it
  12. It's hard to fault you for loving Hitman, but I will say: todays game devs that are engaging in IP-rape of great franchises are counting on attitudes like this to entice both the older hardcore generation and the newer casual vikaden-induced gamers to maximize the demographic for their crud. If you MUST play it, at least pirate it first, and decide if you really want to buy the game. Don't reward them if they don't deserve it.
  13. but what would this do to the required HDD space? there's always a give and take.
  14. mechanisms of public control and mechanisms of public office accountability are separate issues. I think its good that someone is watching these guys. As I mentioned in my previous post, he was a "person of interest". We are not. I don't think that this is going to spark some crazy "we did it to him, so we're gonna do it to you" type of deal. Granted, there's privacy issues freakin' abound everywhere on every corner of the globe these days, with Big Govt at the center of it all, but this specific case should not be a huge cause for concern with respect to those problems. As for the subject matter that caused this whole thing, the sexual bla bla whatever happened, is probably the most irrelevant part of the whole thing, and i'm not even going to comment on the merits or lack-there-of.
  15. My vote is against this contest. It seems restrictive against creativity. Modularity (or procedural generation, either way) should be a tool, not a yoke. It is the means, not the ends.
  16. I'm not overly worried about the whole thing. Politics and public offices have been run this way and have been subject to "scandals" of various types, sexual or otherwise, since long before I was born. If you take a job like that, you become a "person of interest". The larger issue in relation to the "Big Brother is watching you" thing is that normal people like us don't become "persons of interest" as a govt control mechanism. He was a member of the Party, we are the proles. We're supposed to be below scrutiny. What happens between the Party and the Party member is their business. Business as usual, all is double plus good.
  17. Son of a bitch, what did you just say about my girlfriend?!? I'll fix you, you ignorant bastard! *hits flag for terrorism button*
  18. since models will be func_static by default, that should fix the tri splitting of the logs, if memory serves, since nothing will be optimized out of it. just converting to func_static should achieve the same result.
  19. They're going to have to work a lot harder than that to force me to upgrade. And if at any point I feel like I'm being forced to upgrade because they held important features hostage, i'll pirate the fuck out of it, 100%, no if ands or buts.
  20. So, heres a good one for you. Unbelievably I've never seen this mentioned in any walkthrus, gamefaq threads, youtube videos, anything, but it seems like the official solution.
  21. Finished the game, all non-lethal. I didnt put any restrictions on powers, which makes things a lot easier. Possession and Bend Time II allow some unique ways to either circumvent or neutralize difficult patrols. I mean hell, theoretically with bend time 2 you could take out 10 guards that are all looking at eachother with 10 sleep bolts simultaneously and nobody would even see a body fall. I went pretty minimalist with expenditure of equipment and mana, though. mostly tried to keep things to just blink and x-ray vision, but double choking 2 guys having a conversation with bend time is just so much fun. Next up i'm going all-lethal on hardest difficulty, no power restrictions, possibly iron-man on a per-level basis. not expecting it to be hard, but I'm dying to let loose with the crazy power and equipment killing sprees. rats + springrazors = pwn.
  22. man, you really take "elitist" to a whole new level. I suspect when you get old, every sentence you speak will start with "back in my day" or "when I was your age"
  23. I'm now in the Flooded District and something cool happened.
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