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Everything posted by NeonsStyle

  1. The Save system doesn't make the game work. It makes the fear real. Let's face it, no game can generate real fear, as theirs no real danger, so it needs to use other mechanics to make you care about your life. This method works beautifully, as the spacing between saves is not far, but the time it takes you to get that distance is long, so you dread getting caught and killed. This gives the game it's real raw emotion as their is a price to be paid if you mess up, which is what it should be. I don't believe this is true. I'm playing on hard and I've studied the creature a lot trying to find a pattern to it's behaviour, and as of yet (almost 10 hrs into game) I've yet to find any pattern. The slightest sound you make, or cause indirectly or directly will draw it to you. Sometimes it just seems damn unfair but that's the price you pay for the full experience of this amazing game. It's not a stealth survival game, but more like you have been really thrown into this situation, and the creature is intensely difficult to predict. If you play this game to find it's flaws, well it defeats the purpose of playing it. However if you really give yourself to the experience, you will get a really rich experience that I've not felt every before in a game. To be honest, this review says it better than any words I can say. http://www.gamesrada...olation-review/ It is most definitely THE most intense game I've ever experienced, and I'm loving it.
  2. Thanks STIFU will check it out
  3. Some nice middle class medieval doors would be nice. Not as nice as mansion doors, but nicer than peasants doors. We have heaps of doors, but not many nice dark interior doors, and only two really nice front doors. Oh, also a chandelier chain would also be nice. I can make it out of patches, but models look nicer and usually have fixtures such as a shackle that attatches at ceiling, and at the chandelier.
  4. Excellent tip. Didn't know this, and it solved a problem I was having Thanks.
  5. If you are looking for ideas, I can suggest some for you. Would be nice to have the wench doing some kitchen duties, ie washing dishes, stirring a pot, or cleaning. Also be nice if they actually had something in their hand (not sure how hard this is). Another nice idea I saw in Styx Master of Shadows was each time a guard passed a fruit bowl or a keg, he'd stop and eat, or take a drink. This is how you kill him, by poisoning the food/drink.
  6. Yeh you'd do a better of job of it than me atm, so yeh you should do it. Also I think you are right though, it's not really suitable as a sort of generic medieval buildikng used in maps. Nice for a ruin though.
  7. One of the best coops I was involved in was way back in quake 3 days. 5 of us got together to decide to build a map together. The way we did it, was one person started, showed screenies as he went, then handed it on to the next guy. We each basically did an area, and was one of the best experiences I've had mapping. It was a lot of fun, and we were all itching to get the map. I was last on the list so it killed me seeing all the work that was being done, knowing I had to wait till last to do my bit lol. Well worth doing.
  8. I've tried everything to get the stock runner middle sections to align with the end pieces. Resizing even down to 0.01 still won't get them to align. The issue I'm having with them, is I can get the centre pieces to align no problem, however the dark lines just before the edge refuse to align. If I get them aligned then the centre section is out. I spent over an hour just trying to get one mid section to align to an end piece and gave up in the end. Ven
  9. Gorgeous work there. One question re it though, mostly on taste. Why did you use those floorboards? With the whole place looking as luxurious as it does, it sort of doesn't fit that they'd have such old and weather beaten floorboards. Just curious as to why you chose them? Colour?
  10. Very nice. Just played The Accountant 1, and was an enjoyable mission. The switch though was a little easy to find, found it first sweep of room, and the book I found I also found pretty easily. Was expecting it to be better hidden, n was surprised to find it where it was lol. I guess it's an obvious hiding spot, who would think to look for a hidden object there lol... well me I guess lol. Fun mission. Liked the tricky guards in hall/dining room/kitchen. They were nicely timed.
  11. It's a good game, however I do have some issues with it. 1. It always gives me a headache. The only game to do so. 2. The skill system doesn't seem to work. Only once was I able to access and learn skills, the first time in the hideout, after that, I just can't access it. In a mission I can access it, but can't learn skills, and in hideout, I can't access the menu. Anyone else having this issue? However I really do like the old style thief game, it's just a shame it's a bit repetitive. I think they, and later in the game (I'm now over half way thru it) loot and equipment are rare as hens teeth.
  12. Goodo, Got it now... will make sure it's done... n if I have questions re some resource, will ask.
  13. You might also want to look at Spywareblaster, this is an app written by this guy whose completely anty addware. What it does is you run it once, update it, and it closes off all the security holes in Internet Explorers Internet Options. Regardless which Browser you use, this adds an extra level of protection. Tis free to download, donate if u want to help him, other than that it's a run once update and close program. It doesn't retain any part of it in memory, it just changes your Internet options so they are more secure from add based crap. I've used it for years n it's a great app.
  14. Ahhh excellent. Thanks heaps guys... just the info I needed. Don't worry will make sure any work I use I will ask first, and give credit to all contributors. However with that, there is one issue. The original readme will list credits, however they often don't have detailed lists. So if I say used some of the textures in one of Obsttortes maps, would simply listing him, and his credits suffice as in his readme? At the moment, the only one I'm thinking of is some of Bikerdudes textures. Going to pm him now. Thx Ven
  15. Hey All, I'm wondering if it's ok to use textures/models etc of others FM's if due credit is given? Obviously, if it is ok, I'd need to ask the person themselves before using it. If it is ok, how do you use FM resources? I've messed with it, and tried making my own FM folder and dumping some resources there, but they don't show up in editor, and I can't seem to work out how you actually access them in editor, and for later when they are packaged up in a completed .pk4 file. Thx Ven
  16. This looks a really interesting game. I too saw parallels with AC. Shame they ruined AC was a great series up to AC2, after that it turned into a mini puzzle fest. However Styx looks like it should be a fun play through. My only concern is the price. $23.95. Makes me ask why so cheap? Sure it's a preorder thing, but I wouldve thought this would go out for around $60 or so on Steam. Even with adding in the 20% discount, it still comes in under $30. So it makes me wonder if this is one of those really short games that you can knock off in an a couple of hours. Hope not. Ven
  17. Well I really enjoyed this mission, however I can't end it. I can't find that Arch someone showed a pic of. I've got all objectives on hard, even found the secret room (nice n sneaky), I tried every place I can think of, and just can't end the mission. So I'll just assume it ended, shame, wanted to see a score, would've been low except since I couldn't end it, I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, and had to kill all hostile AI cept the mansion guy. Still a fun mission, had lots of frame lock on this mission. Only mission I've played where performance was only improved by exiting and reloading. Then it was ok for awhile. However it always ended up back at frame lock on a really good PC with mem maxed out, and vid ram maxed out on Nvidia GTX760. First map I've had issues with performance. Even so still really enjoyable map. I see now the problems with outside maps. Thanks for the level Maybe next time, a bit clearer instructions on where the end is. Behond the Montrose Mansion doesn't really help, since beyond can mean one end or the other. Since you named most places, would be better to use a named place as an exit.
  18. Check this out, looks really cool. Here's the trailer, and E3 Gameplay vid. Looks really good for PC and consoles released Oct 7th on Steam. Trailer: Gameplay: Ven
  19. Yeh it's just that I'd like the player to follow the AI for completion of an objective... so it pretty much needs to walk there. Trigger_changepath sounds like it might work.
  20. Also another I noticed, was if you have a thin piece of trim, say a skirting board, and you snap it, it disappears and resizing doesn't bring it back. This is most definitely repeatedable. Seems to happen at around grid size of under 1-3.
  21. Ahh good... that sounds like a good idea. I like the rock idea, it might be easier as they'd already be func_statics. Thanks.
  22. Well my plan was to have the player find a readable, then drop it in an AI's room, where it complete's an objective, and that also triggers an AI to go to a specific room upstairs. Also, it would be up to the player which AI's room (out of 3) to drop the readable, whichever he choices is the one that goes to this room, to complete the main objective. Once he goes, the other two AI are not triggered so they stay where they are. So I'll go look up triggers, but that trigger does sound like it would do the job. Thanks Grayman The important part of it is that the player dropping the readable is what changes the AI's path. So he needs to be triggered.
  23. Why not just put something next to the door, ie some junk to signify that it doesn't open. The player will quickly realise that any door with that object next to it is decorative. Solves the problem of people who have a reason to use a non normal handle, ie the knocker. It really doesn't matter what is used to make it noticeable, aside from flowing stuff (ala T3 - hate that stuff), but any small model could be used. A broom, a bucket, anything. Just whatever it is, it becomes a standard. I always find doors without handles break my immersion, and I never like it. I think there are more subtle ways of doing it. Even a type of non glowing decal would be better, ie a clear dirt stain, or something similar.
  24. Thanks, yeh I discovered that the other day after seeing it in that, vid, I just fiddled until I found it.
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