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Everything posted by nbohr1more

  1. Yeah, I've been trying to remember the URL syntax at bloodgate but I suspect this one hasn't been mirrored yet anyway
  2. Aww cripes! Your front-page is down for me and I cant download before work! Must've been a lot of pent-up desire for this one?
  3. That title... Sooooo good... I would go to the movie theater to see a movie with that name without reading a single review! (Great pic BTW) Looking forward to the mission!
  4. When I was in my teens I used to dream of Photo-realistic Virtual Reality games that involved being a detective. I conjectured about one set in the Sixties where as an under-cover cop you end up taking psychedelics and your visions actually help you solve the crime. (my dumb teenage mind thought that "Purple Haze" would be a great title ignoring how corney it is to evoke such a cliche...) I would imagine that my walks to my friend's house down the road were in-game VR sequences and that the detail I was seeing was in the street just rendering into my eye's via VR goggles. Yeah, I'm going to try and make the Halloween FM in August when my wife is away on vacation but it'll be simple as I'm a newb. Cant speak to how long it will take...
  5. It's too bad that you guys didn't catch Newton before they became popular. You could've convinced them to do the integration work to promote their Physics Engine...
  6. Looking good Sotha! I'm not one who likes posting nits (and I don't want to be guilty of delaying a release from a mapper who has astute game-play skills...) but I think some large stain decals on the tunnel walls might be nice.
  7. I can't really speak for the team but I know that Tels is working on an Object LOD system and foliage (trees) are of main interest. But I expect that since this LOD can be used anywhere that "show-piece" versions of things already in the mod will be in demand (still within reason...). I personally think it might be cool to do a "quick-transform LOD" where several versions quickly switch in a sequence that looks kinda like animation (so use up all 7 LOD levels very quickly)... This would be done for indoor areas for things like Dinner Plates and Bowls to make them really round up-close. (Don't know how practical that would be... might look too weird)...
  8. I had a Geforce 3-Ti200 that died in less than a year and it scared me away from the brand. My brother was an ATI fanatic so I took the plunge and got a Radeon 9500 Pro... WOW that was a card for it's era. I currently have a HD 4650 but unfortunately any modern card on AGP is a mutant bastard with a PCI-E to AGP interface. Drivers are certainly questionable... (really weird installation behaviors)...
  9. I think that Newton may be of interest because Penumbra's source code is GPL so it might be quicker to glean what they've done to integrate the two than to figure out all the integration from scratch... (unless it's simply that Penumbra looks like Doom 3 kinda-sorta... ) But I see that Irrlicht Engine has Bullet integration... so Bullet FTW (as you've stated...) Ahh, pipe-dreams... Yeah this part of the discussion should be carved into a new thread with a better name before jdude hunts us all down... Did I mention that I think Doom 3 physics is fine.
  10. Well that's a very tantalizing suggestion. Perhaps a recruitment thread specifically for this work in our "I want to Help" forum? (or a fund-raiser so one of you Team Members can take a brief vacation? ...never did understand how you guys afford this site...) loot?
  11. Thanks Melan and Serpentine... Those look great!
  12. I wish I were that confident in my predictions. For all I know Komag has only been given a quarter of the intended FMS... But given that it has a reputation of being VERY large I'd say he probably has more or less the whole picture... Greebo may be waiting for TDM programming features\improvements from their internal roadmap though....
  13. Well... At least you don't have to disable Catalyst AI to play TDM properly
  14. Well it hasn't been all roses for Nvidia, examples: 1) ATI users hacking games to re-enable the missing features thus proving the sham that their hardware is incapable 2) ATI cards running the games at higher frame-rates in spite of the so-called Nvidia advantages 3) Nvidia crippling their own product "PhysX SDK" in order to exaggerate the benefits GPU PhysX's (even though combined CPU and GPU PhysX is better on Nvidia).
  15. Nvidia has a game developer relationship initiative called "The Way it's Meant to Be Played" where they "help game developers optimize" game code. Their work often results in basic features like AA not working on their competitors products. In exchange for their "help" the game developers put Nvidia branding and advertisement into their games. Non-Nvidia users (mostly ATI/AMD) are infuriated by these practices...
  16. (Jealousy ! ) Oh yeah, well I have been playing Bikerdude's "oldtown" ! (soo jealous... , ...not that my wife has been letting me play much these days... )
  17. Would the "Physics Improvements" JC Denton mentions in his SDK mod not count as the type of work or aptitude to get that accomplished? JC Denton SDK
  18. Sorry to seem like a suck-up/kiss ass/etc but why do your posts always seem to make so much sense Tels? I have Swedish blood in my veins is it some kinda Nordic kinship? I vote with for sensible texture replacement ASAP. If FMS authors balk at the changes they can always include the old ones (renamed) in their PK4's right?
  19. Not that I'll try to exert much brain-power on this but... you are still on bambini's friend list so... ??? 1) More farce from bambini? 2) "Keep your friends close..."? 3) Sock Puppetry? Eh, have fun with whatever you're up to (whatever floats yer boat).
  20. Yeah, I guess my "Sticky for Inflammatory" idea is kinda like putting the instructions to make a home-made weapon on the national news. Rather than a deterrent it instead gives people "ideas"...
  21. Wow! I guess I don't know much (which is a condition I suspect is ever-present in my case ) (where's my popcorn!)
  22. Number "10" keeps getting funnier with every post... Maybe I do have a good sense of humor ???
  23. must... resist... temptation... to mention... Baha Men... song... (Too much Pavlovian conditioning from reading Digg forums)
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